Issued after the battle of Antietam, this document took effect January 1, 1863 |
Emancipation Proclamation
It's what the abbreviation POW/MIA stands for |
Prisoner of War/Missing in Action
When Mercutio is mortally wounded in this play, he puns, "Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man" |
Romeo and Juliet
This classic continues, "Come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face" |
"Singin' in the Rain"
Columns of salt in the area of the Dead Sea are said to be this unlucky spouse of Abraham's nephew |
(Martha: Who is Lot?)
Lot's wife
All's swell that bends Nell |
All's well that ends well
Thousands of pioneers followed this "stately" trail through Nebraska to the northwest in the mid-1800s |
(Ed: What is the Omaha Trail?)
the Oregon Trail
The Air Force's basic unit, it's subordinate to a group & consists of 2 or more flights |
Meryl Streep & Raul Julia starred onstage in this comedy in 1978, 11 years after the Taylor & Burton film |
Taming of the Shrew
In a Lerner & Loewe song, this title lyric is followed by "And still have begged for more" |
"I Could Have Danced All Night"
This observance celebrates the "Apostle of Ireland" |
St. Patrick's Day
If the show hits, clear it |
If the shoe fits, wear it
Charles Thompson signed the Declaration of Independence on this date, 1 of only 2 to do so |
(Alex: John Hancock was the other.)
July 4, 1776
With its advanced detection systems, the Boeing E-3A Sentry seen here is usually known by this acronym |
This king's fool tells him, "I am better than thou art now; I am a fool, thou art nothing" |
King Lear
In 1973 the Carpenters asked listeners to do this, "Make it simple to last your whole life long" |
This widely-used manual of parliamentary procedure dates back to 1876 |
Robert's Rules of Order
Out of suit, off of mound |
Out of sight, out of mind
A philanthropist & heir with this last name began restoring Williamsburg, Virginia in 1926 |
(Diana: Who was Penn?)
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
(Hi, I'm David James Elliott of JAG.) Abbreviated UCMJ, this "uniform" standard covers the law in the armed forces |
(Alex: And we have less than a minute to complete the round.)
the Uniform Code of Military Justice
It's Falstaff's first name |
(Sir) John
This Rodgers & Hammerstein song asks, "On a bright cloud of music shall we fly?" |
"Shall We Dance"
The Indian policies of Governor Sir William Berkeley fueled this 1676 uprising of Virginia colonists |
(Ed: What is Shays' Rebellion?) ... [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Bacon's Rebellion
A shepherd can't change his cots |
A leopard can't change its spots
In 1821 Spain transferred control of Florida to the U.S. in this "City of Five Flags" |
Major Esterhazy was probably the real spy for the Germans in this French "affair" that began in 1894 |
Dreyfus Affair
The maiden name of Shakespeare's mother, or the forest where he set much of "As You Like It" |
(Martha: I'm drawing a blank... Who is Hathaway?)
Ironically, Fred & Ginger sang this song in the 1935 movie "Roberta" |
(Martha: What is "Shall We Dance"?)
"I Won't Dance"
Jerk of all grades & messer of nine |
Jack of all trades & master of none