Show #3442 - Tuesday, July 20, 1999


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Paul Graff, a hydrogeologist from Rockland, California

Martha Raphelson, a homemaker from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Shane Richman, a farmer from Scholls, Oregon (whose 1-day cash winnings total $6,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
10,000 years of rollin' along are chronicled in Memphis' museum dedicated to this river
    $100 1
In this 1968 Beatles title tune, "Every one of us has all we need, sky of blue and sea of green"
    $100 21
    $100 6
He's considered the mascot of Mad Magazine
    $100 16
One may be wedding, prom or dressing
    $100 23
This person is your trouble and strife -- though it might not be wise to call her that
    $200 12
You can see old-time longboards at Huntington Beach, California's museum of this sport
    $200 2
This 1967 film featured such songs as "The Vegetarian", "When I Look in Your Eyes" & "Talk to the Animals"
    $200 22
    $200 7
He said, "You don't have to be drunk or intoxicated to be attracted to Carmen Electra. She is a beautiful woman"
    $200 17
Piece that turns a man's 2-piece suit into a 3-piece suit
    $200 24
Sausage and mash is this, & no one ever seems to have enough of it
    $300 13
Colorado Springs' American Cowboy Museum also has the hall of fame for this event
    $300 3
His last No. 1 solo hit, "Strangers in the Night", was adapted from the movie "A Man Could Get Killed"
    $300 28
    $300 8
A lab in Berkeley recently tested this versatile product's ability to seal air ducts & it failed
    $300 18
Ballet wear, perhaps for Desmond
    $300 25
A weasel and stoat is one of these, even if it isn't made from weasel or stoat
    $400 14
This Hollywood store that includes a lingerie museum was named for a man whose last name was Mellinger
    $400 4
Whitney Houston sang this 1974 Dolly Parton hit in "The Bodyguard"; it topped the charts for 14 weeks
    $400 29
    $400 9
In December 1998 a Dutch court banned any publication questioning the veracity of this girl's diary
    $400 19
After it comes back pink from the wash, you might use something similar to fire your laundress
    $400 26
This liquor is a fine and dandy, & that's fine and dandy with me
    $500 15
A Manhattan cultural museum is named for these Latin-American areas of U.S. cities
    $500 5
This No. 1 Bette Midler song from "Beaches" is also known as "Hero"
    $500 30
    $500 10
According to the U.N. World Food Map, this country's people have the most per person; hope it doesn't get rotten!
    DD: $800 20
Piece of clothing in the title of the first feature film in Cinemascope
    $500 27
It's what your Lucy locket is -- Lucy lost hers, by the way

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Shane Martha Paul
$600 $1,700 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Shane Martha Paul
$2,100 $2,500 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Good subject!)
(Alex: Better subject!)
    $200 1
Xiuhtecuhtli was the fire god of these people also called the Tenochca
    $200 8
Be cool, man! He's the hip '60s comedian being searched here by a cop
    $200 6
In World War II only Mexico & this largest Latin American country provided troops to the Allied cause
    $200 14
In the 1920s this princess' father, John, won 3 Olympic gold medals for the U.S. in rowing
    $200 26
The commission that investigated JFK's assassination was chaired by & named for this chief justice
    $200 19
A reduced price for goods
    $400 2
Some say she was detained by King Proteus & that the woman taken to Troy was a phantom made to look like her
    $400 9
Scantily clad dancers on this popular British TV comedian's show were called "Hill's Angels"
    $400 7
In 1903 the U.S. signed a treaty with Cuba for the rights to establish a naval base at this site
    $400 15
They're the mama & the papa of singer-actress Chynna Phillips
    $400 27
This man was chief justice in 1803 when the Supreme Court decided the landmark case Marbury v. Madison
    $400 20
Army discharge below one for bad conduct
    $600 3
Nekhbet the vulture goddess protected the upper part of this country; Buto the cobra goddess got the lower
    $600 10
Today's secret word, it's the real first name of legendary comedian Groucho Marx
    $600 11
In 1869 Ebenezer Bassett, the USA's first black diplomat, became minister to this French-speaking nation
    $600 16
He directed his daughter Alison in the film "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"
    DD: $700 28
Clarence Thomas replaced this Supreme Court justice who retired in 1991
    $600 21
According to Shakespeare, it's "the better part of valor"
    $800 4
This king of Ithaca, Odysseus' father, has the same name as Ophelia's brother in "Hamlet"
    $800 12
This onetime Vaudevillian & star of "Modern Times" was knighted in 1975
    $800 24
In 1862 Great Britain formally took control of this country, then called British Honduras
    $800 17
He appeared in the 1951 London stage production of "South Pacific", which starred his mom, Mary Martin
    $800 29
The first female U.S. Supreme Court justice, Sandra Day O'Connor, was appointed by this president
    $800 22
Infectious canine disease characterized by lethargy & fever
    $1000 5
This Norse trickster liked to turn himself into a salmon & frolic in Franang's Falls
    $1000 13
Things went from riches to rags for this corpulent comic in the 1920s
    DD: $2,000 25
In November 1533 this Spanish conquistador triumphantly entered Cuzco
    $1000 18
(Hi, I'm Joshua Morrow) My "Young & Restless" co-star, Jeanne Cooper, is the real life mom of this former "L.A. Law" star
    $1000 30
The last Supreme Court justice to be named (by Clinton in '94), he's currently first alphabetically
    $1000 23
Abbreviated DSM, it's a military decoration for exceptional performance of duty

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Shane Martha Paul
$5,700 $9,800 $5,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The family Monodontidae is composed of 2 members: the beluga whale & this other marine mammal

Final scores:

Shane Martha Paul
$0 $8,100 $2,900
3rd place: Vivitar Sport Travel Kit New champion: $8,100 2nd place: Trip to Guatemala City Marriott

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Shane Martha Paul
$5,700 $9,700 $5,400
17 R,
1 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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