Show #5440 - Friday, April 11, 2008

Deborah Fitzgerald game 5.


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Mike Corbin, a psychiatrist from Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Leslie Feder, a real estate advisor and investor from New York, New York

Deborah Fitzgerald, a retired government employee from McLean, Virginia (whose 4-day cash winnings total $55,901)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Give us the city that's home to the main campus, please.)
    $200 16
He negotiated the Teamsters' first national contract before he mysteriously disappeared in 1975
    $200 26
Football by the Erie Canal:
President Clinton,
software guy Gates
    $200 8
Carnegie Mellon University
    $200 21
These backless beach sandals have a hyphenated name
    $200 6
The name of this range may be a corruption of a 1700s French trading post spelled "A-U-X A-R-C"
    $200 1
A star is the logo of this popular athletic shoe company
    $400 17
This "Birth of the Cool" trumpeter got a scholarship from Juilliard, where he studied classical music
    $400 27
The NBA in a state that meets at Four Corners:
Dixieland, bebop
or swing
    $400 9
University of Florida
    $400 22
It's easy to use one of these small grills whose name is from the Japanese for "bowl of fire"
    $400 7
This mountain range is the 2nd-longest in North America
    $400 2
According to Mark Twain, these "make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society"
    $600 18
This English poet met Galileo, & he refers to Galileo's telescope in "Paradise Lost"
    $600 28
Women's basketball, Texas style:
    $600 10
University of Colorado
    $600 23
With a diameter of almost 90,000 miles, this planet is equal in size to about 1,300 Earths
    $600 13
The Tasman & Hooker Glaciers radiate from Mt. Cook, the highest mountain of the Southern Alps in this country
    $600 3
Wealthy patrons of a store are called this kind of "trade", from what they used to drive up in
    $800 19
This Pilgrim signed the Mayflower Compact & married Priscilla Mullins
    $800 29
Major League Soccer in the sun:
The Milky Way or
    $800 11
Pepperdine University
    $800 24
On Feb. 16, 1804, in a daring act, this U.S. naval officer destroyed a frigate that Tripoli pirates had captured
    $800 14
The first survey of this Russian mountain range wasn't undertaken until the 18th century
    $800 4
The 12 points of the Boy Scout law say to be courteous, kind & this, looking at the bright side of things
    $1000 20
In 1842 he expanded his 1835 short story "Taras Bulba" into a full-length novel
    $1000 30
Baseball in Missouri:
Henry VIII,
Richard III
    $1000 12
The Citadel
    $1000 25
The brown hairstreak is one of these insects of the superfamily Papilionoidea
    DD: $1,800 15
This mountain range is divided into 3 regions, the Atlantic, the Central & the Mediterranean
    $1000 5
The finishing "stone" at the top of a pyramid

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Deborah Leslie Mike
-$1,400 $2,000 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Deborah Leslie Mike
$0 $3,600 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to give us the country where these bands were formed.)
    $400 4
On this scale, the temperature of the human body is normally 37 degrees
    $400 7
Black Sabbath
    $400 1
Before his life sentence for Nazi collaboration, Philippe Petain of this country got a parade in N.Y. for heroism in WWI
    $400 18
In 1978 she became the first African-American woman to appear on a U.S. postage stamp
    $400 6
A visit to India inspired his novel "Siddhartha", published in German in 1922
    $400 14
Don't get trapped in this, which usually forms on the bottom of streams & on flats along seacoasts
    $800 5
It's said that a light whisper is 10 of these units; the loud "Jeopardy!" office is about 60
    $800 8
    $800 2
A reporter was jailed for writing that this general should suspend martial law after his Battle of New Orleans victory
    $800 19
She worked as George W. Bush's personal lawyer in Texas & as White House legal counsel during his presidency
    $800 12
He first found fame with his 1971 novel "The Day of the Jackal"
    $800 16
This baking product from General Mills was introduced in 1931
    $1200 21
This container made of staves is a standard dry measure for most produce but is smaller for cranberries
    $1200 9
    $1200 3
The political wrath of God came down upon this veep over fundraising at a Buddhist temple in California
    $1200 20
In 1912 Harriet Quimby became the first female pilot to fly over this approximately 21-mile-wide body of water
    $1200 13
This Western author grew up listening to tales of his great-grandfather, who was scalped by the Sioux
    $1200 24
A media player, or a march rate of 120 paces per minute
    DD: $2,000 22
1.5 ounces is equal to a jigger or one of these units--but Bartender, a little extra is always OK
    $1600 10
    DD: $7,000 29
This world leader graduated from law school before planning the attack on the Moncada Barracks
    $1600 25
Since he was unmarried, his niece Harriet Lane acted as his First Lady
    $1600 15
Published in 1724, his last major work of fiction was "Roxana", about a courtesan, not a castaway
    $1600 27
Rhyming play used on 2nd or 3rd down to help improve field position, though you do lose possession
    $2000 23
A song from "Guys and Dolls" begins, "I love you a bushel and a peck", which would be a total of this many pecks
    $2000 11
The Scorpions
    $2000 30
When this U.S. president suspended habeas corpus, some critical reporters went to jail
    $2000 26
Harriet Taylor Mill helped this man, her husband, write "On Liberty"
    $2000 17
In 1964's "From Doon with Death", she introduced Chief Inspector Reginald Wexford
    $2000 28
It's another name for the metallic element mercury

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Deborah Leslie Mike
$0 $18,800 $1,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Beginning in 1932 all this country's kings have been the country's founder or his sons

Final scores:

Deborah Leslie Mike
$0 $12,800 $2,000
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $12,800 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Deborah Leslie Mike
$0 $20,200 $8,000
9 R,
5 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $28,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2008-02-05
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