Show #5437 - Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Deborah Fitzgerald game 2.


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Kathleen Gallagher, a stay-at-home mom and volunteer from St. Louis, Missouri

Jon Folkestad, a manufacturer from Portland, Oregon

Deborah Fitzgerald, a retired government employee from McLean, Virginia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $16,799)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
"C" is for this dramatic device of the Greeks, employed to speak the prologue in "Henry V"
    $200 13
Dean & Jerry
    $200 8
Ghosts at the Mounds Theatre in this "twin city" of Minneapolis are said to sit with the audience & watch shows
    $200 6
The woman who started 1956 as Golda Myerson ended it as this at the insistence of her boss, David Ben-Gurion
    $200 22
Slavery was introduced into what would become the U.S. in this Virginia settlement in 1619
    $200 1
Avian term for an abrupt quitting of an addictive habit
    $400 17
"A" is for this "Romeo & Juliet" tradesman, a druggist from whom Romeo buys poison
    $400 14
George & Gracie
    $400 11
The ghost of impresario David Belasco is said to haunt the theatre named for him on West 44th St. in this city
    $400 7
Philadelphia philanthropist Rebecca Gratz was the inspiration for Rebecca in this Sir Walter Scott novel
    $400 23
Born in Virginia in 1856 & elected in 1912, he was the last Virginian to become president
    $400 2
Elevated platform on which a convicted criminal is executed
    $600 18
Used in "Othello": "Z" is for this interjection, a corruption of "God's wounds"
    $600 15
Dan & Dick
    $600 28
In this Toni Morrison novel, the ghost of a slave's baby visits post-Civil War Ohio
    $600 9
This Vietnam Veterans Memorial designer was the subject of an Oscar-winning documentary
    DD: $1,500 25
The state of Virginia was so named in her honor
    $600 3
Fantail & telescope-eyed are fancy varieties of these popular aquarium fish of the genus Carassius
    $800 19
"O" is for this lover of Rosalind in "As You Like It"
    $800 20
Edgar & Charlie
    $800 29
London's Cock Lane ghost was so famous that it was investigated by this man, the subject of a Boswell bio
    $800 10
This relative of a famed film director began choreographing for the Ballet Theatre before it was "American"
    $800 26
Called the Eastern Shore, Virginia's part of the Delmarva Peninsula is split from the mainland by this bay
    $800 4
To burn slowly without flame, like a suppressed anger or passion
    $1000 24
"F" is for this character in "Hamlet"; his father, the king of Norway, was killed by Hamlet's dad
    $1000 21
Jerry & Anne
    $1000 30
A poltergeist known as "Old Jeffrey" haunted the English home in which these Methodist brothers grew up
    $1000 12
NPR legal eagle Nina Totenberg reported on this woman's story, helping reopen the Clarence Thomas hearings
    $1000 27
From the genus Cornus, it's Virginia's state flower
    $1000 5
Until 1991 this landlocked nation east of the Carpathian Mountains was a republic of the Soviet Union

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Deborah Jon Kathleen
$2,000 $1,000 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Deborah Jon Kathleen
$4,100 $2,000 $6,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1950s
    $400 18
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the Gerald R. Ford museum in Grand Rapids, MI.) This is the actual pen used by President Ford on Sept. 8, 1974 to affix his signature to this document, saying that "It is the right thing to do"
    $400 22
Her husband, from the band Bush, could tell you she's sung about rich, Orange County & Harajuku girls
    $400 11
The bestselling car in 9 of the past 10 years is this model, now available in a hybrid version
    $400 1
On 1950s TV, the answer that followed "Say, kids, what time is it?"
    $400 12
Food item that's the culinary specialty of the Israeli restaurant chain McDavid
    $400 3
A detachable shirt front, as worn by cousin Eddie in "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"
    $800 19
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew gives the clue.) I'm holding Gerald Ford's football helmet; he was a 2-way player at linebacker & center, & this team's MVP of 1934
    $800 23
Her management wanted her to go to "Rehab", so she fired them & sang about it on "Back to Black"
    $800 17
This 3-letter movie theater system standard was developed at George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch
    $800 2
In 1956 this 4-word phrase became the national motto of the U.S.
    $800 13
How about a salad, like this one created at legendary Hollywood restaurant The Brown Derby
    $800 4
The act of uttering words to be transcribed by another
    $1200 20
(Cheryl stands next to a large ornate plate.) This beautiful Kutani plate was presented to President Ford in 1975 by this emperor, the first from his country ever to visit the United States
    $1200 6
Created in 1958, this agency superseded the NACA, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
    DD: $3,500 14
Sasha Cohen would know this name for an edible ray; I'm having it poached
    $1200 5
"Let us go in, the fog is rising" were said to be the last words of this poet
    $1600 21
(Cheryl gives the clue from the Ford Museum.) This Colt .45 pistol was used in an attempted assassination of President Ford on Sept. 5, 1975 in Sacramento by this disciple of Charles Manson
    $1600 9
Guy Mollet became France's premier on Jan. 31, 1956; on Feb. 6 he flew to this country to evaluate the situation
    $1600 15
Japanese noodles, whether udon or these buckwheat-flour ones, are often served in broth
    $1600 7
6-letter term for a judicial assertion or an edict
    $2000 24
(Jimmy stands next to a menorah.) This ancient menorah was a gift from this Israeli prime minister & Labor Party leader; his first term in office coincided with Gerald Ford's: 1974-1977
    $2000 25
In 2001 IBM sold these types of USB drives called "memory keys" in 8MB size; today you can get them in gigs
    DD: $2,500 10
The '50s saw the arrival of the word "neato" & of this defense org. that included the U.S., Thailand & the Philippines
    $2000 16
Hope you're hungry! This choice steak cut is huge & contains meat from the top loin & the tenderloin
    $2000 8
A division into 2 usually contradictory parts or opinions

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Deborah Jon Kathleen
$9,400 $9,900 $11,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of all the cities to host the modern Olympic Games, this one lies closest to the equator

Final scores:

Deborah Jon Kathleen
$9,901 $1,300 $3,799
2-day champion: $26,700 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Deborah Jon Kathleen
$8,000 $7,600 $11,800
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
17 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $27,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2008-02-05
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