On this ship that sailed in Sept. 1620, the Puritans called themselves "saints" & the others on board "strangers" |
the Mayflower
New York City borough |
On May 30, 1899 Pearl Hart & Joe Boot became the last to rob one of these vehicles; they got away with $431 |
a stagecoach
"Jugendstil" is the German equivalent for this French term for the decorative style of the 1890s |
(Ben: [Selecting the category] I'll take the French one for $400.) [Laughter]
art nouveau
Chinese-American noodle dish that's the major thoroughfare in Disneyland |
Chow Main Street
The name of this caravel of Columbus means "painted one" |
Several fruit from the genus Musa |
His second law, force equals mass times acceleration, is demonstrated when you push a child on a swing |
Frank Hamer, an ex-Texas Ranger, devised the plan that resulted in the death of this outlaw couple on May 23, 1934 |
Bonnie & Clyde
The name of this odd movement, French for "hobby-horse", was appropriately chosen at random from a dictionary |
(Ben: Uh, same one, $800.)
Prince song about the colorful drizzle that affected Robespierre's horrific French stewardship |
"Purple Reign of Terror"
El Cazador was found 200 years after it sank with 400,000 of these monetary units worth of silver |
(Becky: What are doubloons?) (Ben: What are galleons?) (Lisa: What are pieces of eight?)
Rememberances of a classic Hoagy Carmichael tune |
(Ben: What is Sweet & Lowdown?)
Stardust Memories
It was no holiday for 6 of Bugs Moran's mob when they were cut down in this 1929 gangland slaughter |
the St. Valentine's Day Massacre
French term for the technique of placing paper over a relief surface & rubbing with crayon or pencil |
(Alex: People visit churches and do it. It's called [*].)
Movie in which Dirk Diggler has a big surprise for the rest of the guys after being drafted into King Arthur's crew |
Boogie Nights of the Round Table
Among sites celebrating the 30th anniversary of this in 1999 was the U.S.S. Hornet, the recovery ship |
the Apollo 11 mission
Breaking down Belafonte into component parts |
(Alex: Worked that one out beautifully, you did.)
Deconstructing Harry
Blisters can be caused by this resistance to motion between surfaces, from the Latin for "to rub" |
After his manslaughter acquittal in 1922, this silent-screen comedian directed films under the name Wm. Goodrich |
Fatty Arbuckle
This French-named illusory technique tricks the eye into thinking a painted object is real & not two-dimensional |
(Becky: What is trompe-de-l'œil?) (Alex: [*]--trompe-de-l'œil... she put in a little "de" instead of [*]. Go again.)
This guy's vessel that's filled with animals 2 by 2 is quite the fixture on the Champs Elysees |
Noah's Arc de Triomphe
This type of ship was devised to counter vessels called torpedo boats, & the name originally followed "torpedo boat" |
a destroyer
Hephaestus' strong wife |
Mighty Aphrodite
(Kelly sends a Slinky down some blocks.) At rest, a Slinky has potential energy, which is converted to this type of energy as it makes its descent |
(Alex: Yes, I gotta get me one of those. Aren't they fun?)
In the 1950s this "Red-light Bandit" wrote a book "Cell 2455, Death Row", his address while waiting for his execution |
(Alex: His name was [*].)
Caryl Chessman
Dubuffet coined this 10-letter term, from the French for "to bring together", for works made of bits of things |
It's how the man who played Leo's dad in "Catch Me If You Can" got to the Big Easy with Fats Domino |
Christopher Walkin' to New Orleans