Show #1480 - Friday, January 25, 1991

Lynne Wexler game 3.


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Harry Bork, a library director from Antioch, Illinois

Mark Picus, a college instructor from Houston, Texas

Lynne Wexler, a librarian from Evanston, Illinois (whose 2-day cash winnings total $22,851)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 13
Lake Tear of the Clouds is the source of this river, the longest in New York State
    $100 7
A sacred sister
    $100 12
The dry white variety of this wine is used in a martini; the sweet variety, in a Manhattan
    $100 17
When light is passed thru a prism, it produces this spread of colors
    $100 6
Byte magazine covers new trends & technology related to the use of these
    $100 1
Johnny told this river, "I'm crossing you in style someday"
    $200 14
It curves thru Paris for about 8 miles, dividing the city into right & left banks
    $200 8
As a verb, you do it with your hands to get a drink; as a noun, it's something you drink from
    $200 23
This sweet sparkling wine hails from the Italian town of Asti
    $200 24
It's the branch of chemistry that deals with carbon compounds
    $200 18
The Apothecary is a quarterly magazine for members of this profession
    $200 2
Phrase following "So you met someone who set you back on your heels"
    $300 15
South of Terre Haute, this river forms the boundary between Indiana & Illinois
    $300 9
In the title of an Aesop fable, this insect shared billing with a grasshopper
    $300 28
A liquor that's 100 proof contains this percentage of alcohol
    $300 25
All lines of longitude are measured east or west of this line
    $300 19
"Boys' Life" & "Exploring" magazine are both published by this organization
    $300 3
Song that urges "E-lim-inate the negative; latch on to the affirmative; don't mess with Mr. In-Between"
    $400 16
To most Chinese, it's known as the Chang-Jiang, or "long river"
    $400 10
It can mean to crowd about & annoy, or the crowd itself
    $400 29
To make it, combine gin, vodka, cola, and a twist of lemon, but not a drop of tea
    $400 26
The Big Dipper is part of this constellation
    $400 20
Yes, it's the name of the magazine Hugh Hefner founded in 1972 for contemporary men & women
    DD: $500 4
Johnny wrote the updated lyrics for this classic in the 1940s:
    $500 22
In Greek myth, this river flows by Hades; in reality, it's in Alabama
    $500 11
When preceding "out", it means "to just barely make a living"
    $500 30
Often served at a brunch, it's made with equal amounts of champagne & orange juice
    $500 27
The most important source of uranium & radium is this mineral ore
    $500 21
Covering combat & military subjects, it's the journal of professional adventurers
    $500 5
"A woman's a two-face, a worriesome thing who'll leave you to sing" this song

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Lynne Mark Harry
$1,800 $500 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lynne Mark Harry
$2,000 $1,900 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
Both Lord Protectors of Great Britain, Oliver & Richard had this last name
    $200 2
Joel Engle's book about him is subtitled "The Dreams & Nightmares of Life in the "Twilight Zone" "
    $200 18
Some products are sanforized to prevent this
    $200 6
Speaking of her husband, she joked, "Anyone who eats pork rinds can't be all good"
    $200 1
It's the correct name for a 90-degree angle
    $200 8
To have your teeth straightened, you'd seek out this type of dentist
    $400 14
The Montreux Convention of 1936 recognized this country's right to fortify the Dardanelles
    $400 3
Peter Straub collaborated with this man on the wildly successful best-seller, "The Talisman"
    $400 19
About one-third of the world's wool is produced by this country
    $400 22
A portrait of her, painted by her husband, hangs in grandson David's dining room
    $400 27
To find the product of two or more numbers, use this process
    $400 9
Someone who's trained to put patients to sleep before surgery is called this
    $600 15
This liner was sunk by the submarine U-20 on May 7, 1915
    $600 4
Isabel, niece of this former president of Chile, wrote her first novel in exile in Venezuela
    $600 20
One of the oldest textile fabrics; it comes from the stock of the flax plant
    $600 23
First name shared by the wives of Millard Fillmore & John Adams
    $600 28
In geometry, the term for two or more figures that are identical in size and shape
    $600 10
Disorders of the brain & nervous system are the concern of this medical specialist
    DD: $2,000 16
Former slave Jean-Jacque Dessalines ruled this country as emperor Jacque I from 1804-1806
    $800 5
Tapes in the title of Lawrence Sanders' first novel, published in 1970
    $800 21
The word textile comes from the Latin "texere", meaning to do this
    DD: $1,000 24
When she came out in 1947, Charlie Knickerbocker proclaimed her "Queen Deb of the Year"
    $800 29
The symbol for this looks like a number 8 lying on its side
    $800 11
Type of doctor who's an expert in treating acne or removing a mole
    $1000 17
England's Henry V won this battle in France on St. Christan's Day in 1415
    $1000 7
He was a member of the House of Commons before he wrote "Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less"
    $1000 25
This 1764 invention by James Hargreaves permitted a spinner to make eight or more yarns at once
    $1000 26
Sarah Bernhardt claims she once saved this extravagant first lady from falling to her death on a ship
    $1000 30
A dodecahedron is a solid figure with this many faces
    $1000 12
An otorhinolaryngologist specializes in treating these three body parts

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lynne Mark Harry
$10,600 $4,500 $9,700

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

One of two English kings since William the Conqueror who were never crowned

Final scores:

Lynne Mark Harry
$20,600 $2,000 $100
3-day champion: $43,451 2nd place: a trip to San Francisco 3rd place: Magnavox 20" stereo color TV

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Lynne Mark Harry
$10,400 $4,500 $8,400
24 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
12 R,
1 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $23,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1990-10-15
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