Lake Tear of the Clouds is the source of this river, the longest in New York State |
The dry white variety of this wine is used in a martini; the sweet variety, in a Manhattan |
When light is passed thru a prism, it produces this spread of colors |
Byte magazine covers new trends & technology related to the use of these |
Johnny told this river, "I'm crossing you in style someday" |
"Moon River"
It curves thru Paris for about 8 miles, dividing the city into right & left banks |
As a verb, you do it with your hands to get a drink; as a noun, it's something you drink from |
This sweet sparkling wine hails from the Italian town of Asti |
It's the branch of chemistry that deals with carbon compounds |
Organic Chemistry
The Apothecary is a quarterly magazine for members of this profession |
Phrase following "So you met someone who set you back on your heels" |
"Goody Goody"
South of Terre Haute, this river forms the boundary between Indiana & Illinois |
In the title of an Aesop fable, this insect shared billing with a grasshopper |
A liquor that's 100 proof contains this percentage of alcohol |
All lines of longitude are measured east or west of this line |
Prime Meridian
"Boys' Life" & "Exploring" magazine are both published by this organization |
Boy Scouts
Song that urges "E-lim-inate the negative; latch on to the affirmative; don't mess with Mr. In-Between" |
"Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive"
To most Chinese, it's known as the Chang-Jiang, or "long river" |
It can mean to crowd about & annoy, or the crowd itself |
To make it, combine gin, vodka, cola, and a twist of lemon, but not a drop of tea |
Long Island Ice Tea
The Big Dipper is part of this constellation |
Ursa Major
Yes, it's the name of the magazine Hugh Hefner founded in 1972 for contemporary men & women |
Johnny wrote the updated lyrics for this classic in the 1940s: |
[Mills Brothers classic]
In Greek myth, this river flows by Hades; in reality, it's in Alabama |
When preceding "out", it means "to just barely make a living" |
Often served at a brunch, it's made with equal amounts of champagne & orange juice |
(Alex: That's the kind of question that somebody would call up a library and ask about, isn't it?)
The most important source of uranium & radium is this mineral ore |
Covering combat & military subjects, it's the journal of professional adventurers |
"Soldier of Fortune"
"A woman's a two-face, a worriesome thing who'll leave you to sing" this song |
"The Blues in the Night"