When your prom date leaves the dance without you, recall the proverb, this "heals all wounds" |
In 2007 Marie Osmond blamed allergies & L.A. air quality for her waltz into unconsciousness on this show |
Dancing with the Stars
Carob yields a sweet pulp that is roasted, ground, & used as a substitute for this flavoring |
(Rachel: What is caramel?)
Long before it was a capital, this city on the Thames River was a communications center |
Sounds unlucky, but there were this many books in Lemony Snicket's "Series of Unfortunate Events" |
The name of this, also called a fireplug, is partly from a word for "water" |
a hydrant
This saint of Assisi said, "Where there is hatred, let me sow love... where there is despair, hope" |
Simon said "Simply dreadful... appalling" on this show that debuted on Fox in June '02 |
American Idol
Bursting with beta carotene, the melon we call this is actually a type of muskmelon |
the cantaloupe
Though Kyoto remained the imperial capital, Tokugawa Ieyasu made this obscure village his capital |
Sonnets are rhymed poems with this many lines |
The name of this bread spread goes all the way back to bous, a Greek word for "cow" |
Thinking of his sins, poet Heinrich Heine said, "Of course" God will do this to "me; that's his business" |
Justin Timberlake had a rough day on this MTV show: phony "tax agents" said he owed $900,000 & raided his house |
Cannellini is a white kidney bean, cannelloni is a type of this |
A small village sacked by Mongol as well as Afghan invaders, it later became the largest Persian city |
Rack all your pins in bowling & 10 are set up; rack your balls in a game of 8-ball & this many are set up |
These sparkly fake gems are partly named for a river that flows through Germany |
In 1903 Pope Pius X wrote, "Where justice is lacking there can be no hope of" this, pax in Latin |
We're still waiting for a "Des Moines" version of this CBS crime show to accompany the Vegas, Miami & N.Y. ones |
This word was once used for the meat of any hunted animal; now it refers to deer meat |
This capital was created because Rio de Janeiro was overcrowded & isolated from the rest of the country |
Including wisdom teeth, the number of teeth typically found in the fully developed adult upper jaw |
The name of this type of reference work is from the Greek for "cyclical" (i.e., well-rounded) & "education" |
an encyclopedia
This "Candide" author helped popularize the saying, "The perfect is the enemy of the good" |
Bryan Fuller created this show about a piemaker whose touch can bring the dead to life |
Pushing Daisies
Mostly made from the whites, egg substitutes don't contain fat or this artery-clogging lipid |
One of the oldest continuously inhabited cities, it became a capital in 1946 when Syria gained independence |
In "The Sound of Music", Liesl was "going on" this number |
(Alex: Yes, "I am 16 going on [*]".)
This 5-letter synonym of "question" comes from the Latin for "to ask" or "to seek" |
a query