A statement of belief; Christian ones include the Apostles' & the Nicene |
a creed
According to Bob Dylan, it's what's "Blowin' In The Wind" |
the answer, my friend
This former Beatle & his wife gave advice to new vegetarian Lisa Simpson |
Paul McCartney
As any "P.I." could tell you, it holds twice as much as the usual wine bottle |
(Pat: [Selecting the clue] ...ummm... for $200.) (Alex: Which one?) (Pat: ..."UM" for $200.) (Alex: Oh! ..."UM"! All right.) [Laughter] ... (Alex: Right! And a moment ago, I was confused, because I thought you were just pausing and throwing in an "um" trying to figure out what you were going to do!) [Laughter]
a magnum
This society ordains no ministers; clerks, elders & overseers run the monthly & yearly meetings |
(Paul: What is the Mormon religion?)
The Society of Friends (or Quakers)
He claimed the smear & slander tactics of the 1828 election drove his wife Rachel to her grave |
(Pat: Who is Hoover?) ... (Alex: Pat, you were thinking of 1900, not the 1800s, I think.)
Andrew Jackson
Sans wind, this capital was so choked with le smog Oct. 1, 1997 that it banned half its motorists from driving |
This actor who plays "Frasier"'s brother voiced the brother of Sideshow Bob, played by Kelsey Grammer |
David Hyde Pierce
It's a final demand or statement of conditions; don't make me give you one |
an ultimatum
In Judaism, the Siddur is the one of these for daily use; the Mahzor is one used for festivals |
prayer books
Heh-heh, heh-heh, this cartoonist who created "Beavis and Butt-head" was influenced by Monty Python |
(Alex: That's right, and I'm sorry I left out one of the "heh"s.)
Mike Judge
Babe Ruth & Gene Tunney were among the champions for this New York governor who ran in 1928 |
(Paul: Who is FDR?)
Al Smith
Guinness lists Commonwealth Bay on this southern continent as the world's windiest place |
(Pat: What is Australia?)
After the success of the Flaming Moe drink, this Steven Tyler band performs at Moe's |
It's the clear, thin part of the blood that remains after clotting, & that's the "truth" |
He hung up his sword, took on a beggar's garb & founded the Jesuits |
Ignatius Loyola
An example of this pioneering abstract artist's work is seen here: |
(Alex: [*]--Composition in Yellow, you are correct.)
(Piet) Mondrian
This president asked America to observe Flag Day June 14, 1916, coinciding with the Democratic Convention |
(Woodrow) Wilson
In March 1974 Volkswagen introduced this model named for a hot, dry Mediterranean wind |
a Scirocco
One of Johnny Carson's last guests, she helped Krusty the Clown revive his career |
Bette Midler
Hydrogen is the only chemical element that's lighter than this one |
Roshi is a title of a master in this form of Buddhism |
Zen Buddhism
Born in 1869, he excelled as a pointillist, a fauvist & finally, as a collagist |
(Pat: Who is Seurat?) ... [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Henri Matisse
The Whigs ran Harrison in 1840 on a campaign of hard cider & these, not Merlot & mansions |
log cabins
Shelley wrote most of this poem on a windy day in the woods near Florence |
"Ode to the West Wind"
Bart appeared on the late night talk show of this man, a former "Simpsons" writer |
Conan O'Brien
He sculpted the head of Abraham Lincoln for the Capitol Rotunda & on Mt. Rushmore |
(Pat: Who is Borgum?)
Gutzon Borglum