Show #5383 - Wednesday, January 23, 2008


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Joe McGuinness, a compliance manager from Bear, Delaware

Amanda Freisem, a labor services representative from Brentwood, New York

Buffy Thoms, a schoolteacher from Watson, Louisiana (whose 1-day cash winnings total $22,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
San Diego stays classy with its Old Globe Theatre, built in 1935 to present abridged versions of his plays
    $200 7
Alana & Jacob are 2 of the kids who have been on this show that's hosted by Jeff Foxworthy
    $200 1
12:15 A.M. or
3:11 P.M.
    $200 6
Bill Murray referred to this 305-foot, 1-inch New Yorker as "a Harbor chick"
    $200 16
In 1958 Frito trademarked the rights to this ridged potato chip
    $200 12
The group empowered to make findings of fact in a court procedure
    $400 23
Check out the "Dolphin Discovery" & "Sea Lions Tonite" shows at this San Diego attraction
    $400 8
Paul Reiser & Helen Hunt played a happily married couple on this '90s sitcom
    $400 2
    $400 27
This 1904 Rodin guy is more than 6 feet tall & a chiseled 2,000 lbs.
    $400 17
The "King of Mambo", his songs include "Ran Kan Kan" & "Oye Como Va"
    $400 13
This term for the Japanese parliament sounds like a restrictive nutrition program
    $600 24
The San Diego stadium now named for this telecom company is known as "The Q"
    $600 9
In the '90s Bill Cosby starred in a revival of this quiz show that was hosted by Groucho Marx in the '50s
    $600 3
It "gathers no moss"
    DD: $1,000 28
A WNBA-worthy 6-foot-8, this Greek statue was created around 130 B.C. but would have a hard time shooting the ball
    $600 18
In 1956 Frito became the first Texas co. to advertise on NBC, on this Dave Garroway show
    $600 14
It can mean a landing pier for a ship, or to deduct from one's pay as a penalty
    $800 25
This venue opened in 1989 crawls with sandmen & Doctor Whos as the home of the annual Comic-Con
    $800 10
A homeowner is lured away while a loved one redecorates the house as a surprise on this TLC show
    $800 4
Pennies or dollar bills
    $800 29
Finished in 1504, this 17-foot Michelangelo man had his arm broken in 1527, but not for any gambling debts
    $800 19
This judge also presided over Charles Keating's 1992 S&L fraud trial
    $800 15
Even the Turkish ordu, this, travels on its mide, "stomach"
    $1000 26
In Presidio Park, a museum named for this Franciscan missionary has exhibits on early San Diego history
    $1000 11
This Fox reality show is like "American Idol" for those who salsa, krump & jive
    $1000 5
For example:
"Be just, and fear not"
    $1000 30
Completed in 1843, his column is 185 feet high; his 17-foot high statue stands atop it
    $1000 20
On May 4, 1980 Tito died in Ljubljana in what was then this country
    $1000 21
The name of a bird probably was shortened to this 4-letter term for an eccentric person

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Buffy Amanda Joe
-$800 $3,000 $4,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Buffy Amanda Joe
-$1,800 $6,000 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Featuring projects by college students...)
    $400 21
Important strategically, the small island of Diego Garcia is found in this ocean
    $400 1
Clarice Starling,
"Buffalo Bill"
    $400 26
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the EPA P3 Expo in Washington, D.C.) Albion College's project demonstrates how it's possible to generate energy, here in Expo for this kind of technology, meaning "capable of being continued with minimal long term environmental effects"
    $400 11
Found in water: cocodrilo
    $400 12
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts is a leading tourist attraction in this capital
    $400 6
Puppy _____ bug
    $800 22
Diego Garcia was critically important as a refueling base during this Jan. 1991 military operation
    $800 2
Major Strasser,
Victor Lazslo
    $800 27
(Jimmy reporting from the EPA P3 Expo in Washington, D.C.) To help tsunami-ravaged Indonesia replace its food supply, students of Duke have made a mechanical aerator, that increases shrimp hatchery yields by adding this element
    $800 13
8-legged: araña
    $800 14
Pushkin was part black; one of his great-grandfathers was an Ethiopian general of this "great" Czar
    $800 7
Charity begins at _____ on the range
    $1200 23
Diego Garcia is named for a man from this nation who explored the region in the 1500s
    $1200 3
Alain Charnier,
"Popeye" Doyle
    $1200 28
(Jimmy reporting from the EPA P3 Expo in Washington, D.C.) A team from the University of New Hampshire is using camel power & a rope & washer system to replace gas power with green technology in the drip type of this in the fields of Niger, one of the world's poorest countries
    $1200 15
Toro ('nuff said)
    DD: $3,000 18
Pushkin's masterpiece, the verse novel "Eugene Onegin" was turned into an opera by this fellow Russian
    $1200 8
Great White _____ Diamond
    $1600 24
Made from coral reefs and sand, Diego Garcia is one of these ring-shaped islands surrounding a lagoon
    $1600 4
Emperor Joseph II,
Antonio Salieri
    $1600 29
(Sarah reporting from the EPA P3 Expo in Washington, D.C.) You might not think of turning manure into a resource, but a team from Western Washington University did; it's powering a hybrid engine using this bio-gas: CH4
    $1600 16
A reptile: tortuga
    $1600 19
After a number of scandals as a young man, Pushkin was banished to this Ukrainian peninsula
    $1600 9
Ride the _____ goodbye
    $2000 25
Diego Garcia is about equidistant from Mauritius & this island country off the southern coast of India
    DD: $3,000 5
Molly Brown,
Jack Dawson
    $2000 30
(Jimmy reporting from the EPA P3 Expo in Washington, D.C.) Using solar power to kill water-borne bacteria at temperatures below the boiling point, Rochester Institute of Technology's team saves energy while accomplishing this, named for a 19th century French scientist
    $2000 17
A bird: paloma
    $2000 20
The life of this 16th century czar was good enough to inspire a classic play written by Pushkin in 1825
    $2000 10
The long _____ hare

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Buffy Amanda Joe
$8,800 $21,000 $12,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Andrew Carnegie's future fortune & career were inspired by an 1873 visit with this inventor & engineer

Final scores:

Buffy Amanda Joe
$0 $17,000 $3,200
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $17,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Buffy Amanda Joe
$8,000 $20,000 $12,200
10 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
20 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $40,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-10-25
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