"Men at Work" is a 1932 book containing Lewis Hines' 1930 photos chronicling the construction of this skyscraper |
the Empire State Building
The Godfather of Soul, James Brown "Can't dance" because of these "in his pants" |
If 007 is coming over, better read the book "Shaken Not Stirred: A Celebration of" this cocktail |
the martini
From a Washington Irving character, it's a nickname for a New Yorker, Dutch-descended or otherwise |
a knickerbocker
In this 1852 work, Eliza makes a harrowing escape across a frozen river from a slave trader named Haley |
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Later to run a pizza parlor in Virginia, Nguyen Ngoc Loan uses a gun in an infamous photo taken in this city in 1968 |
Vanessa Williams sang, "Just when I thought our chance had passed, you go and" do this |
save the best for last
In cockney rhyming slang, this liquor is a "gay & frisky" |
On completing law school, you're likely to receive a J.D., a doctor of this degree |
By clinging to the belly of a ram, this mythological figure escaped from the cave of the cyclops |
This country's first president, Syngman Rhee, fled the country in 1960 & died in 1965 in exile in Hawaii |
South Korea
In 1907 2 French brothers with this last name marketed their autochrome glass plates to produce color photos |
In a Michael Martin Murphey song, this title horse "busted down its stall / in a blizzard he was lost" |
Searching for fine tequila? Look for a label that says it's 100% this color agave |
Henri Charriere recounted his numerous escape attempts from French prisons in South America in this work |
(Emily: What is The Count of Monte Cristo?) Alex: No. What is [*]. [*]. Steve McQueen starred as him in the movie.)
In 1973, 14 years after his overthrow, this Cuban dictator died in exile in Spain |
From the Latin for "to open", it's the camera part that controls the intensity of light striking the film |
(Emily: What is... the shutter?)
Neil Diamond sang that a woman from this state "shines with her own kind of light" |
(Christa: What is Carolina?)
This word for a sweetened mixture of rum, beer & beaten egg can also mean a turned-up hairstyle |
a flip
It's one who compiles a dictionary |
In "The Deerslayer", this character escapes from the Hurons when Chingachgook helps to free him |
Natty Bumppo
During exile in the U.S. in 1915, ex-prez Victoriano Huerta of this country was thrown in prison |
Her first photo-essay appeared in Esquire in 1960; much of her work thereafter depicted human oddities |
(Diane) Arbus
In a Led Zeppelin tune, Robert Plant was "packin'" his "bags for" these title mountains, familiar to Tolkien fans |
(Emily: What is Mordor?)
the Misty Mountains
A Harvey Wallbanger just won't have the right bang without this yellow liqueur |
From the Greek word for "scale", it's the term for a butterfly or moth expert |
a lepidopterist
Pangloss keeps his incorrigible optimism intact when he escapes an incompetent hangman's noose in this satire |
Napoleon's oldest brother, he spent many years in exile in New Jersey following Waterloo |
(Alex: And his oldest brother's name was [*]. Sorry, Christa, not quickly enough.)