He was born in Dublin, the son of noted Irish painter John Butler Yeats |
William Butler Yeats
At the 1998 Winter Olympics, "Happy" Harada helped this home team win gold in ski jumping |
This Greek city didn't allow deformed children to live & boys began military training at age 7 |
One of these struck Boston in 1755, Missouri in 1811 & Charleston in 1886, so it's not west coast-specific |
Gauguin collected art by painters of this movement, like Pissarro & Monet & exhibited with them from 1880 to 1882 |
From a winning finish in a race, drop this letter to get a closed hand |
R (first/fist)
These brothers known for their 1857 collection of "fairy tales" shared the middle name Karl |
Grimm brothers
Byron & Wayne Black are tennis stars from this country that wasn't kind to blacks when it was Rhodesia |
Around 480 B.C. this north African city-state was not so Puny-c;, it controlled most of the western Mediterranean |
Of the 3 main classes of rock, this one accounts for about 75% of all the exposed rocks on land |
(G: What is metamorphic?) (R: What is igneous?)
Bernini designed the colonnade around the piazza at this basilica to represent the church's embrace |
St. Peter's Basilica
From a 2-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle, drop this letter to get a 4-wheeled power vehicle |
T (cart/car)
This "Fahrenheit 451" author's ancestors include a woman who was tried for witchcraft in Salem, Mass. |
(C: Who was Heinlein?)
Ray Bradbury
Spanish golfing phenom Sergio Garcia has this "weathered" nickname meaning "The Boy Child" |
"El Nino"
This first capital of ancient Egypt was at the apex of the Nile delta |
(C: What was Alexandria?)
From the Greek kryos, "ice", it's the shape a mineral grows into when unrestricted |
A landscape by this "elder" Flemish painter is seen here |
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Drop this letter from 30 days to get a lepidopteran |
N (month/moth)
When Elinor Wylie married William Rose Benet, she became the sister-in-law of this poet & novelist |
Stephen Vincent Benet
7'2" Dikembe Mutombo led the NBA in this defensive move 3 straight years, 1994-1996 |
Blocked shots
Lycia, like Nicaea, was in what's now this Eurasian country |
Term for a plate pulling apart; a great valley in Africa has been formed by & named for it |
This Belgian surrealist painted a pipe & the words "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" ("This is not a pipe") |
Rene Magritte
From darkness or depression, drop this letter to get a weaving apparatus |
G (gloom/loom)
This author of "The Virginian" was the grandson of famed 19th century British actress Fanny Kemble |
Owen Wister
Boxer Roberto Duran became a national hero in this, his native country |
Not to inflate its importance, but this top city in Phoenicia was trading with Spain by 800 B.C. |
(R: Babylon?)
1 of the 3 minerals on the Mohs scale that can be scratched with a copper penny |
Calcite, gypsum or talc
Around 1884 Edgar Degas painted the portrait seen here of this fellow impressionist |
Mary Cassatt
Drop this letter from quick & active to get a Jewish circumcision |
(Alex: And we don't want to talk about either one of those unless the bris is done briskly!)
K (brisk/bris)