Show #5369 - Thursday, January 3, 2008

Dan Pawson game 6.


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Jason Thweatt, a college instructor from Christiansburg, Virginia

Kevin Bertsch, a data analyst from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dan Pawson, a legislative aide from Boston, Massachusetts (whose 5-day cash winnings total $109,100)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
An oil called urushiol causes skin irritation when you brush up against this 3-leafed plant, Rhus radicans
    $200 10
"Fit for a King" is full of his favorite recipes, including the chicken served at his wedding to Priscilla
    $200 19
Cheer is owned by Procter & Gamble; Cheerios is owned by this company
    $200 1
This nickname for the Hirshhorn Museum lets you know it's round & has a hole in the middle, like a fried treat
    $200 7
...a dandelion, your florets are this color
    $200 2
"Jack be" this, "Jack be quick" in a popular nursery rhyme
    $400 13
The western sword species of this spore-bearing plant is found in the redwood forests of the Pacific coast
    $400 27
This daughter of Maybelle Carter honored her mom by wrting "Mother Maybelle's Cookbook"
    $400 20
Like Banana Republic, Old Navy is owned by this company
    $400 8
Pope Pius IX donated a stone for this imposing obelisk, but some masked fiends dumped it into the Potomac in 1854
    $400 9 osprey, you feed mainly on live these
    $400 3
This company introduced its Game Boy handheld device in 1989
    $600 24
(Sarah of the Clue Crew holds a magnifying glass to the underside of a large mushroom in the Jeopardy! lab.) Like fish, mushrooms have these, but in the mushroom they're where the spores are produced
    $600 28
You'll find Goober's banana pudding in this Mayberry auntie's book of "Delightful Desserts"
    $600 21
This company is king of Fisher-Price
    $600 11
Ronald Reagan was the first pres. sworn in on the west front of this bldg., facing the moving vista of the Natl. Mall
    $600 16
...a boy from Syracuse, you're either from New York or this Italian island
    $600 4
A mercenary in feudal Japan trained in martial arts
    $800 25
The northern fur species of this migrates from its breeding grounds in Alaska's Pribilof Islands to California
    $800 29
"The Little House Cookbook" features Frontier foods from this woman's classic stories
    DD: $1,000 22
Ore-Ida is one of its many varieties
    $800 14
World famous as "the president's guesthouse", it's actually 4 interconnected townhouses with 110 rooms
    $800 17
...using a call sign like K8RX, you're engaged in this hobby
    $800 5
The core of the Earth is primarily iron & this
    $1000 26
(Jeff Probst delivers the clue from Zhelin Lake in China.) Called the most primal invertebrate in the world, the freshwater peach blossom type of this coelenterate is making a comeback in China's Zhelin Lake
    $1000 30
There's a recipe for Butcher Holler possum in "You're Cookin' It Country" by this country music queen
    $1000 23
Prego pasta sauce is some of the "good food" made by this company
    $1000 15
Ironically, the statue of this president astride Cincinnatus looks toward the former home of Robert E. Lee
    $1000 18
...the Bundesrat, you're the upper house of parliament in Germany; this is the lower house
    $1000 6
He's the doomed 20th century notable seen here

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Dan Kevin Jason
$2,200 $400 $5,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dan Kevin Jason
$5,800 -$400 $6,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will be a word that's made up of two other words. For example, if I said to you "The free world leader who fixes teeth", you would say "What is the presidentist?" Y'got it?)
    $400 16
As this 1931 novel begins, Wang Lung travels to the house of Hwang to fetch his bride
    $400 26
Also known as Smeagol, this character tries to steal the ring from Sam & Frodo
    $400 17
In the late 1800s, the Kitty & Jennie Gang (consisting only of Kitty & Jennie) menaced men in this Illinois city
    $400 7
Back in school, Mr. Pitt might have used this type of slender wire nail to bind his papers
    $400 1
In 1764 the Royal & Ancient Club at St. Andrews reduced the number of these from 22 to 18, now the standard
    $400 2
19 letters:
A book full of facts
a doctor for kids
    $800 18
Washington Irving based this character on his friend Jesse Merwin, a schoolteacher
    $800 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands next to a mockup of a speeder bike.) The speeder bike is controlled by these steering vanes, so when this character cuts them with his lightsaber in Endor's woods, it loses control
    $800 19
Born in 1838, this Marylander was famous for playing Romeo--offstage as well as on
    $800 8
To dwindle or fizzle out, as Mr. O'Toole could tell you
    $800 11
Title given the person who presides over the governing bodies of the City of London (the job's mainly ceremonial)
    $800 3
9 letters:
Afghan Muslim fundamentalist group
stringed instrument
    DD: $1,200 23
Upton Sinclair's 1927 novel "Oil!" was based on this presidential scandal of a few years earlier
    $1200 28
In 1978's "Superman", Marlon Brando played this character, Superman's dad
    $1200 20
Scandalized by the affairs of his daughter Julia & his granddaughter Julia, this Roman emperor banished them to islands
    $1200 9
This favorite deli sandwich combines corned beef, Swiss cheese & sauerkraut
    $1200 12
"Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!" is one of the thousands of hymns by Charles, this Methodist founder's brother
    $1200 4
7 letters:
Okra stew
Dutch South African
    $1600 24
In this title "incident", vigilantes hang 3 men falsely accused of cattle rustling
    $1600 29
(Hi, my name is Drew Barrymore, and) My character Dylan Sanders kicked serious butt in this 2000 movie & its "Full Throttle" sequel
    $1600 21
In a 1938 ballet, a symbolic character known as Alias is killed again & again by this title Outlaw
    $1600 10
A short crowbar that's big with burglars, or to force open a window using one
    $1600 13
When at home, the Welsh National Opera performs in this city
    $1600 5
9 letters:
Arabica or robusta
    $2000 25
The title of this Steinbeck novel refers to a district above Monterey inhabited by Paisanos
    $2000 30
In a 2007 film, Dan Evans (Christian Bale) is trying to get outlaw Ben Wade (Russell Crowe) on this title train
    $2000 22
Mary Frith, a notorious British thief, was nicknamed Moll this, an old word for "pickpocket"
    $2000 15
A coil of hair, or a bundle of yarn or cotton
    $2000 14
This surgeon at St. George's hospital drew on his experience & published his book on anatomy in 1858
    DD: $2,000 6
13 letters:
A sudden fancy
moving to live in a new country

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dan Kevin Jason
$17,800 $2,000 $17,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was the 118th man to fly across the Atlantic Ocean

Final scores:

Dan Kevin Jason
$17,001 $1,900 $4,001
6-day champion: $126,101 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dan Kevin Jason
$17,800 $2,000 $20,000
21 R,
0 W
6 R,
4 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $39,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-10-16
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