Show #3774 - Thursday, January 18, 2001


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Tom Hoover, a student dentist from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Gina Morse, a high school librarian from Elmira, New York

Vaughan Williams, a lieutenant in the United States Navy from Arlington, Virginia (whose 2-day cash winnings total $20,900)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
This man was the last president of his country
(Soviet Union)
    $100 3
It can be a platform extending outdoors from an upper floor, or a place for cheaper theater seats
    $100 7
    $100 12
In 1864 this man joined his father-in-law Eberhard Anheuser in the brewing business
    $100 20
This group's "Surfin' U.S.A." says, "We're waxing down our surfboards, we can't wait for June"
    $100 25
    $200 2
He's the long-time prisoner seen here
(in South Africa)
    $200 16
It's a raised section of a room where you store hay, or an upper-story room for artists
    $200 8
Heber Springs,
Hot Springs,
    $200 13
In 1789 this president announced that he would henceforth only drink porter beer made in America
    $200 21
"Summer's here and the time is right for fighting in the street", says this group's "Street Fighting Man"
    $200 26
Last name of cartoon adventurer Jonny, who was voiced by Tim Matheson
    $300 4
This prime minister was also the daughter of a prime minister & the mother of a prime minister
    $300 17
Somebody may "bet on" this window that forms a recess in a room
    $300 9
Eau Claire
    $300 14
In 1612 Adrian Block & Hans Christiansen established the New World's first known brewery on this island
    $300 22
This girl group's "Cruel Summer" heated up the summer of 1984
    $300 27
Last name of the British designer credited with the introduction of hot pants around 1970
    $400 5
He's the Canadian NAFTA signer seen here
    $400 18
The minibar is found in a hotel room; the minbar is the pulpit in one of these Islamic structures
    DD: $500 10
Fort Oglethorpe
    $400 15
Formed one year earlier, this "Service" began taxing beer at a dollar a barrel in 1862 to finance the Civil War
    $400 23
On Aug. 13, 1966 this group's "Summer in the City" began a 3-week stay at No. 1
    $400 28
This corrugated steel hut is now a trademarked name
    $500 6
Dapper Downing Street denizen depicted here
    $500 19
It can be a school of music, or as part of a building, a glass-enclosed room for plants
    $500 11
South Holland,
East St. Louis
    $500 30
Beverage World reports that in 1996 the U.S. exceeded this country in number of breweries for the first time
    $500 24
A song from this opera says, "Summertime and the livin' is easy, fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high"
    $500 29
In Poe's "Raven", this adjective precedes "and curious volume of forgotten lore"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Vaughan Gina Tom
$1,100 $800 -$300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Vaughan Gina Tom
$2,700 $1,400 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
Commodus did fancy himself one of these, as seen in the Russell Crowe film, but didn't really die in the arena
    $200 2
    $200 1
Reddish color in the name of the tanager seen here
    $200 18
When the Musee D'Orsay opened in 1986, some of its oldest works came from this museum established in 1793
    $200 23
Benjamin Hoff brought us "The Te of Piglet" & "The Tao of" this character
    $200 11
He made Shakespeare fans of many young women when he played Romeo on film in 1996
    $400 4
This Greek philosopher recognized 4 types of cause: material, efficient, formal & final
    $400 7
Mark Twain's Becky
    $400 14
2-word name for the bird seen here, or, for a brand of bourbon
    $400 19
This Spanish museum is home to Pedro Pablo Rubens' version of St. George & the Dragon
    $400 24
Tao's tenet of wuwei is to "do" this, something Seinfeld could handle
    $400 12
In 1935 onstage in London, he alternated with John Gielgud as Romeo & Mercutio
    DD: $500 5
This woman's mother, Herodias, hated John the Baptist for condemning her marriage
    $600 8
First name of a Fielding foundling
    $600 15
"Great" blue bird seen here
    $600 20
It claims on its website to have "The Largest Collection of Ancient Egyptian Material Outside Cairo"
    $600 25
Peter Frampton could have sung "Show Me Tao", as it means this
    $600 13
In a 1966 Royal Ballet version, he was Romeo to longtime partner Margot Fonteyn's Juliet
    $800 6
In Rome's festival of Lupercus, god of this quality, women were hit with goatskins to transmit it to them
    $800 9
Shakespeare's frisky fairy queen
    $800 16
This adjective in the name of the owl seen here also applies to its Arctic home
    $800 21
Original Aboriginal art has been shown in the National Gallery of Australia in this city
    $800 26
Tao began in China as a reaction to the ideas of this philosophy
    $800 27
Harry Hilliard was Romeo in a 1916 silent film & this vamp was his Juliet
    $1000 22
For 400 years China was ruled by this 3-letter dynasty that shares its name with a river
    $1000 10
Melville's "peep at Polynesian life"
    $1000 17
The Carolina type, seen here, is one of the spiffier species of this small bird
    $1000 29
His urban estate at 900 East Ave. in Rochester, N.Y. is a museum of photography & film
    $1000 28
In addition to influencing Taoism, Chuang-Tzu helped shape this branch of Buddhism
    DD: $800 30
For his classic 1968 film, this Italian director cast Leonard Whiting as Romeo

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Vaughan Gina Tom
$800 $9,400 $2,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1888 he wrote he was working on an invention "which does for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear"

Final scores:

Vaughan Gina Tom
$1,600 $8,800 $2,000
3rd place: Gift Certificate New champion: $8,800 2nd place: Trip to White Mountains of New Hampshire

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Vaughan Gina Tom
$1,300 $10,200 $2,500
14 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $14,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2000-11-07
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