Show #3770 - Friday, January 12, 2001

Michael Arnone game 4.


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John Burke, a seventh grade teacher from Los Angeles, California

Jess Holloway, an artist from Seattle, Washington

Michael Arnone, a graduate student originally from Pennington, New Jersey (whose 3-day cash winnings total $40,899)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You identify the comic strip.)
    $100 2
As if his Oscar for "American Beauty" wasn't enough, he made People Magazine's Best Dressed List in 2000, too
    $100 1
On January 18, 1871 the German Empire's Wilhelm I received this title which means "emperor"
    $100 4
Mr. Butts,
    $100 8
Sir Alexander Fleming took a shot in the dark & discovered this in 1928
    $100 13
Bugs Bunny often said, "I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at" this city
    $100 17
At a high school or college graduation, you might hear this popular Elgar composition
    $200 9
This lead singer of Hole likes to turn her old T-shirts into sexy halter tops
    $200 3
According to these historic prose epics by Icelanders, the Vikings established many settlements in North America
    $200 5
Mammy Yokum,
Daisy Mae,
Sadie Hawkins
    $200 25
The special interest of Nobel Prize laureate Sir Cyril Hinshelwood was how oxygen & hydrogen combine to form this
    $200 22
A letter from Einstein to FDR is on display at the Bradbury Science Museum in this city, birthplace of the atomic bomb
    $200 15
An 18th century marquise popularized this hairstyle
    $300 10
Once style editor for the New York Times Magazine, Carrie Donovan appeared in ads for this chain, spun off from The Gap
    $300 16
In 1867 this dual monarchy was created under the rule of Francis Joseph I; it lasted until the end of World War I
    $300 6
    $300 27
Sir David Brewster invented the Dioptic system of illumination for these on the seaside
    DD: $800 23
This city hosts an annual UFO festival during the first week of July
    $300 18
This ocean fish can also be known as a butterfish
    $400 11
Lift a cup of "Coco" to this designer, whose little black dress of decades past is still fashion forward today
    $400 21
In 1806 Napoleon's brother Louis became king of this Low Country which had been known as the Batavian Republic
    $400 7
Among others, Dolly,
P.J., seen here
    $400 29
In a fly-by-night operation in Africa, Sir David Bruce found that sleeping sickness was spread by this
    $400 24
Built in 1610, the Palace of the Governors in this city is the oldest public building in the U.S.
    $400 19
He was premier of France from 1962 to 1968
    $500 12
At the Emmys in 2000, this "Ally McBeal" co-star bared almost all in a sexy Donatella Versace gown
    $500 26
A major goddess of this first great Cretan civilization was often depicted holding snakes
    $500 14
The King,
Sir Rodney,
The Spirit
    $500 30
Sir Godfrey Hounsfield helped develop this medical imaging technology introduced in the 1970s
    $500 28
D.H. Lawrence lived in this artistic city from 1922 to 1925 & his ashes were returned there for burial
    $500 20
In 45 B.C. at Munda in Spain, Julius Caesar defeated this man's sons

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Jess John
$600 $1,900 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Jess John
$2,600 $3,000 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Not fashion forward.)
(Alex: We will name a candidate for you, give you a year; you have to identify the party that selected the individual.)
    $200 4
Before spandex, many women wore full bloomers called rationals while riding these 2-wheelers in the 1890s
    $200 6
Woodrow Wilson,
    $200 12
The jungles of Vietnam in this 1979 Coppola film were actually in the Philippines
    $200 7
In "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", he was "The juvenile pariah of the village", the "son of the town drunkard"
    $200 17
In a nursery rhyme these numbers immediately precede "lay them straight"
    $400 3
In 1958 you could have celebrated New Year's "Yves" in one of the trapeze dresses he designed for Dior
    $400 13
In 1998 "The X-Files" relocated to California from this Canadian city
    $400 8
"Do you believe in fairies?...if you believe", do this
    $400 24
In 2000, they were the last 3 days of February
    $600 1
This jacket with a Spanish name was all the rage when the portrait seen here was painted in 1864
    $600 19
John Adams,
    $600 14
Martin Scorsese used the well-preserved architecture of Troy, New York to film this Edith Wharton novel
    $600 9
In this novel Charles Dickens wrote that Mr. Micawber was "a thoroughly good-natured man"
    $600 21
This stammering Roman emperor launched an invasion against Celtic forces in Britain in 43 A.D.
    DD: $1,000 25
The 2 home runs hit by Mark McGwire September 27, 1998 were these numbers for that season
    $800 2
In the '60s it was really mod to paint lashes under your eyes in imitation of this superthin supermodel
    $800 18
Harry Browne,
    $800 15
This Baja California "Beach" town got a 775-foot addition to its scenery when "Titanic" was shot nearby
    $800 10
When these "last in the dooryard bloom'd", Walt Whitman "mourn'd, and yet shall mourn with ever-returning spring"
    $800 22
In peacetime the Coast Guard is part of this cabinet department, not the Defense Department
    $800 27
These 4 Hanoverian Georges ruled England from 1714 to 1830
    $1000 5
Fur wasn't considered a no-no when this artist painted his fashionably plump young wife, seen here, in the 1600s
    $1000 20
William Henry Harrison,
    $1000 16
Antebellum home Warwickton was the location for this Gere-Foster movie about a postbellum reunion
    DD: $500 11
It ends, "Before the night has come, have I lived to see the last warrior of the wise race..."
    $1000 23
Originally a hospital for injured soldiers, it's the Paris "Hotel" where you'll find Napoleon's bones
    $1000 26
The atomic numbers of Einsteinium, Fermium & Mendelevium

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Jess John
$5,400 $4,100 $4,700

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

An allusion to "Arabian Nights", the title of this show suggests a magic door to knowledge

Final scores:

Michael Jess John
$10,800 $100 $1,200
4-day champion: $51,699 3rd place: Epson Prize Package 2nd place: Trip to Oahu, Hawaii, courtesy of Yahoo! Travel

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Michael Jess John
$5,900 $4,600 $4,700
19 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $15,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2000-11-01
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