Most of the river's 4,000-mile course is in this country |
This song says, "Potato, poh-tah-to, tomato, to-mah-to" |
"Let's Call The Whole Thing Off"
Earl Butz, John Mitchell, Henry Kissinger |
Richard Nixon
Supreme Court case in which Snoopy's owner sues to desegregate public schools in Kansas |
(Adam: What is Brown v. Board of Education?)
Charlie Brown v. Board of Education
Abraham Ribicoff, Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara |
John F. Kennedy
"Macho Man" group that takes the publisher of Hustler magazine to court in a 1996 film |
The Village People vs. Larry Flynt
The name of the 15-foot, 500-pound pirarucu means "red" this, though it could mean "big" this |
(Vivian: What is a snake?)
This butterfly seen here is toxic to birds due to the milkweed plants eaten when it was a caterpillar: |
a Monarch butterfly
The B-17 was the Flying this, the B-29 the Super this, & the B-52 the Strato this |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.] (Alex: Vivian, you're at -$500, so you won't be around for Final Jeopardy!, but you do get our third-place prize.)
Salmon Chase, Edwin Stanton, William Seward |
Abraham Lincoln
Controversial reproductive rights case involving a superstitious former Red Sox third baseman |
Roe v. Wade Boggs
13-letter term for the clearing of the Amazon basin, a source of environmental concern |
Ira Gershwin was baffled by singers who clearly phrased "It's" in this song; the point was to omit "it" & slur the "s" |
(Vivian: What is "It's de-lightful, it's de-lovely?")
"'S Wonderful"
These chemicals used to attract mates are released from special wing scales |
Raymond Donovan, James Watt, Caspar Weinberger |
Ronald Reagan
Film in which Seinfeld's wacky neighbor walks out on Dustin Hoffman & their son & later sues for custody |
(Vivian: What is Kramer vs. Kramer?)
Cosmo Kramer vs. Kramer
Adjective for the bore, or flow of water, that creates 15-foot waves in the river |
tidal bore
Title that precedes "And you can get it -- if you try" |
"Nice Work If You Can Get It"
From the Greek for "gold", it's the sometimes gold-colored case or cocoon that encases the pupa |
The name of this maker of the $40 million G-V corporate jet sounds more like it sells boats |
(Adam: What is Boeing?)
Joseph Califano Jr., Griffin Bell, Cyrus Vance |
(Adam: Who is Ronald Reagan?)
Jimmy Carter
Landmark 1803 Supreme Court decision establishing a Manhattan venue for the Knicks |
Marbury v. Madison Square Garden