Joshua's conquest of Canaan began with the taking of Jericho, a city in this river's valley |
the Jordan
"People, people who need" Peabodys envy her for the Peabody Award she won for her 1994 HBO concert |
The laughing type of this doglike carnivore is a predator of big game but also scavanges for food |
a hyena
Among its official state foods are mayhaw jelly &, of course, gumbo |
Published in Spain in 1605, this classic of world literature was an instant hit |
(Kevin: What is Man of La Mancha?)
Don Quixote
Philately, numismatics or maybe needlework |
a hobby
Joab was this Israelite king's successful commander when he conquered Jerusalem around 1000 B.C. |
(Alex: Yes, we had a Kevin and a David as correct responses from Kevin and Dave!)
This actor dedicated his "American Beauty" Oscar to his friend Jack Lemmon, who had inspired him |
Kevin Spacey
In classification, this type of bird seen here often overlaps with doves |
a pigeon
With some friendly persuasion from Bill Cosby, Utah adopted this fruity treat as its state snack in 2001 |
Of 50, 200 or 500, the one closest to the number of characters in "War and Peace" |
(Cora: What is 200?) ... (Alex: Ah yes, you're benefiting again.)
He was the prisoner released by Pontius Pilate in place of Jesus |
Later lending his name to a popular hotel Bible, he led a successful night attack against the Midianites |
For the musical "Sunset Blvd.", Hugh Jackman won two Mo Awards (equivalent to the Tonys) in this, his native country |
This five-letter eel known for its sharp teeth lurks in the holes of a coral reef & will attack divers if disturbed |
a moray
In Maryland, you can feast on this "colorful" state crustacean, both hard-shell & soft-shell |
the blue crab
This title Sir Walter Scott character is torn between Rebecca & the Saxon Rowena |
It's the game played with the items seen here |
This female judge won an important battle against the Canaanites by luring them into marshland |
(Dave: Who is Judith?)
The JFK Profile in Courage Award is modeled after a lantern from this frigate built in 1790s Boston |
the U.S.S. Constitution
What else is gnu, but that the gnu is also called this, from Dutch words |
(Kevin: What is an ostrich?) (Dave: What is a yak?)
Adopted in 2005, pan de campo is Texas' official state this |
Bank official Joseph K. is on the defensive as the accused in this Kafka work |
The Trial
It's the last name of literary siblings Bert & Nan, & Freddie & Flossie |
Saul & this son of his won many battles against the Philistines, but both died at the Battle of Mt. Gilboa |
Washington, D.C.'s theatre awards are named for a first lady--this first lady of the American theatre |
Helen Hayes
Its German name is Nilpferd, "Nile horse" |
a hippopotamus
German for "cake", this fruit- or cheese-filled, yeast-raised cake is South Dakota's official desert |
(Dave: What is a blintz?) (Cora: What is strudel?)
In a Thomas Hardy novel, Michael Henchard is this title mayor |
the Mayor of Casterbridge
Used for experimental productions, the Peacock Theatre is housed within this other theatre of Dublin |
The Abbey