Show #5354 - Thursday, December 13, 2007


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Chris McCarthy, a technical support specialist from Brockton, Massachusetts

Rebecca Watt, a high school social studies teacher from Vienna, Virginia

Martha Rothman, a retired stockbroker from Barnegat, New Jersey (whose 1-day cash winnings total $32,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to give each work's title.)
    $200 26
Muskrats & woodrats belong to this order of mammals
    $200 16
In 1947 he shattered baseball's color line
    $200 1
A movie classic:
    $200 11
Poppin' Fresh, this brand's doughboy, was introduced in 1965 to promote its crescent rolls
    $200 21
"A frightened look in Becky's face brought Tom to his senses and he saw that he had made a blunder"
    $200 4
It's the section of an orchestra that includes the flutes
    $400 27
The Venus's flower basket is one of the most attractive of these porous aquatic creatures
    $400 17
Like a famous "Mr." of song, it was the nickname of tap dancer Bill Robinson
    $400 2
Kennedy craft:
    $400 12
A schoolkid's winning design for a Planters contest was modified to become this advertising icon
    $400 22
"By my authority as executive I threw Merlin into prison -- the same cell I had occupied myself"
    $400 5
Chewbacca is the best known of these fictional creatures
    $600 28
This feisty Thai fish blows sticky bubbles to make a nest, then puts the eggs in its mouth & blows them in the nest
    $600 18
Now with his own line of foods, this Motown legend boasts, "The soul is in the bowl"
    $600 3
A number needed to be elected president:
    $600 13
Would you like fries with this company whose logo, designed in 1969, is a pigtailed little girl?
    $600 23
"I resk forty dollars that he can outjump any frog"
    $600 6
A speaker designed for the reproduction of low-frequency sounds
    $800 29
Australians call this animal a jumbuck or a monkey
    $800 19
In 1951 he defeated Jake LaMotta to become middleweight boxing champ
    $800 9
Truly a Venus:
    $800 14
A sailor boy & his dog Bingo began appearing on packages of this snack way back in 1918
    $800 24
"It is the longest river in the world... it is also the crookedest river in the world"
    $800 7
Adjective meaning close to fainting, perhaps from a blow to the head
    $1000 30
Fruit & lizards (yum!) are favorite foods of the coati, also known by this longer name
    $1000 20
It was the end of Rico & of this actor who passed away in 1973 shortly after he finished filming "Soylent Green"
    $1000 10
Good year for sailing:
    DD: $1,200 15
The logo of this company founded in 1837 is in agricultural green & yellow & features an antlered animal
    $1000 25
"The two went and stood side by side before a great mirror and lo, a miracle: there did not seem to have been any change"
    $1000 8
British book babe who hosted the Bloomsbury Group

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Martha Rebecca Chris
$5,000 $2,200 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Martha Rebecca Chris
$7,400 $1,800 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you some letters in the middle of the state, and you have to name the state for us.)
    $400 11
On July 3, 1450 peasant leader Jack Cade entered this capital in triumph; by July 12 he was dead
    $400 6
Standup comic who knows how to "bring the pain" is shocked to find himself starring in "Pillow Talk" with Doris Day
    $400 21
The desired color for these Burmese gems has long been compared to pomegranate seeds, like those seen here
    $400 13
Spice up your life with chicken paprikash, a famous dish from this country
    $400 22
Selene was the Greek goddess of this heavely body--& quite a heavenly body herself
    $400 1
Emeril must love this state with "bam" inside it
    $800 12
A rebellion of his brothers Andrei & Boris was stopped by this ruler III-- come on, how many Russian names are left?
    $800 7
George Harrison's "godly" 1970 hit bcomes a Tolkien trilogy
    $800 27
Diamond dealers express the value of their wares in price per this, equal to 1/5 of gram
    $800 14
Some folks make Welsh rarebit with milk instead of this traditional liquid; Homer Simpson would be outraged
    $800 23
Let's reflect on this handsome youth who was immune to love--till he was bedazzled by his own reflection
    $800 2
The life force known as "chi" is inside this state
    $1200 18
This Portuguese prince wasn't just about exploration--he & his brother Fernando tried to conquer Tangier & failed miserably
    $1200 8
Sir Mix-A-Lot's booty-shakin' rap classic mashes up with a romp-to-Russia Beatles tune
    $1200 28
(Jon of the Clue Crew holds a purple gem in a pair of tweezers.) It has more iron oxide than any other variety of quartz, which is believed to account for its rich color
    $1200 15
Blaa may not sound appetizing, but it's a nice floury bread from Waterford in this country
    $1200 24
The peacock was sacred to this queen of the gods, who added the eyes to its tail
    $1200 3
"For" it's a jolly good state
    $1600 19
In 1453 the last Byzantine emperor, the XI of this name, died in the vain defense of his city
    $1600 9
1980 Goldie Hawn film that became a guy who knew a penny saved is a penny earned
    $1600 29
This blue gem has been prized since biblical times; tradition holds the tablets of the ten commandments were made of it
    $1600 16
Many things may be stuffed to make this traditional Greek dish, but stuffed grape leaves are the most popular
    DD: $5,000 25
Some say the name of this faithful wife means "with a web over her face"; others say it means "striped duck"
    $1600 4
I'll "use" a map to drive to this state
    $2000 20
A masterpiece of illumination is the circa 1415 book "Les Très Riches Heures du" this duke
    $2000 10
Don Johnson's 1980s cop show that finds itself in reverse order from that stated
    $2000 30
Mines for this gemstone, like the "Lavender Pit" in Arizona, are always near copper mines
    $2000 17
Black pepper (achoo!) is a leading ingredient in these cookies whose name is German for "peppernuts"
    $2000 26
Hyp hyp hooray for this god of sleep whos name is Greek for--you guessed it--"sleep"
    DD: $2,500 5
I'll feel "out" of sorts if I can't visit these 2 states

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Martha Rebecca Chris
$14,200 $11,200 $16,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The course of this river that's almost 3,000 miles long is an immense counter-clockwise semi-circle

Final scores:

Martha Rebecca Chris
$5,900 $5,800 $28,401
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $28,401

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Martha Rebecca Chris
$14,000 $7,800 $16,400
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $38,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-08-29
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