In 1995 Roberta Cooper Ramo became the 1st female president of this legal association |
(Cy: What is the ACLU?)
the American Bar Association
Bill Clinton met Hillary Rodham while both were attending this law school |
Longfellow's poem about this patriot begins, "Listen, my children, and you shall hear..." |
Paul Revere
This German currency was once a unit of weight, equaling about 8 ounces |
(Alex: Yes, the Deutsche [*].)
the Mark
The umbo is the pointed center & oldest part of this part of a clam |
the shell
In length the Congo is second in Africa to this river |
the Nile
Now cohost of "20/20", in 1976 she became the 1st woman to co-anchor the network evening news |
Barbara Walters
While the GOP convention was taking place in California, President Clinton was vacationing in this state |
According to tradition, Clement Clark Moore wrote this holiday classic for his own children in 1822 |
(Alex: "'Twas [*]", or "A Visit from St. Nicholas", yes.)
"The Night Before Christmas"
In 1833 Greece chose this basic unit of currency to replace the phoenix |
the drachma
Cutaneous respiration is an exchange of gases through this part of the body |
the skin
In the 1870s this British explorer & journalist traveled the entire length of the Congo |
In 1988 she became the 1st woman to head the government of a modern Muslim state |
(Benazir) Bhutto
At the 1988 Democratic Convention, Clinton gave the nominating speech for this candidate |
William Blake asked of this wild animal, "Did he who made the lamb make thee?" |
The Tyger
This Israeli currency originated with the Babylonians |
the shekel
Dendrites are projections from this type of cell |
the nerve cells
This "Heart of Darkness" author lived his dream of commanding a steamboat up the Congo |
(Joseph) Conrad
This 16th century queen was the 1st woman to play golf |
(Ellen: Who is Queen Elizabeth I?) ... (Alex: Golf comes from Scotland, so [*].)
Mary, Queen of Scots
Prior to being elected Arkansas Governor in 1978, Clinton held this state office |
attorney general
He concluded "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" with "The Epitaph"; how appropriate |
(Thomas) Gray
Eritrea uses the birr as its basic unit of currency, as does this country which it broke away from in 1993 |
Osmoregulation in the human body is carried out by these organs |
(Alex: Very important organs called [*].)
the kidneys
We presume you know the cataracts on the lower Congo are named for this man |
She became the 1st woman elected to Congress in 1916, before most women could even vote |
Jeannette Rankin
Clinton was born in this Arkansas hamlet in 1946 but grew up in Hot Springs |
(Alex: [*], the "Man from [*].)
He dedicated "The Rape of the Lock" to Mrs. Arabella Fremor |
(Alexander) Pope
The currency of Ecuador & Bolivia's official capital were both named for this man |
(Ellen: All I can think of is "Who is Bolivar?")
Antonio José de Sucre
These glands secrete oil into your hair follicles |
(Cy: What are sweat glands?)
sebaceous (glands)
Name given by the Portuguese to the Congo River & still used for much of it today |
the Zaire