Show #5339 - Thursday, November 22, 2007


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Kate Swenson, a law student from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Carol Camper, a social work supervisor from Toronto, Canada

Bob Black, a history teacher from Canandaigua, New York (whose 1-day cash winnings total $18,700)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Name & number please: launched in 2004, it's 1,132 feet long, has 10 restaurants & 5 pools, & carries 2,620 passengers
    $200 1
The ladies' singles trophy for this event is a sterling silver tray called the Rosewater Dish
    $200 3
...with the most countries
    $200 16
I'm in the mood for corned beef this, from the French for "to cut up"
    $200 21
In 1977 a Tunisian immigrant became the last prisoner in France to be executed with this device
    $200 26
If your internist gives you a scrip, it's short for this
    $400 12
With more than 1 billion members, it's the largest branch of Christianity
    $400 2
This feisty American's 1984 winning percentage of .965 is the best in the ATP Tour's modern era
    $400 4
...that can be typed using a single row of letters on a standard keyboard
    $400 17
I think I'll chow down on some CFS; that's Texas talk for chicken-fried this
    $400 22
Eat it, wear it, or play it--what a Greek would do with a bouzouki
    $400 27
"Frag", meaning to kill a fellow soldier, started as a short form of this term for a type of grenade
    $600 13
At just more than 30 days, he served the shortest term as president
    DD: $400 5
Only 3 women have won more than 100 singles titles: Martina Navratilova, Chris Evert & this European
    $600 8
...that extends down to about 54 degrees south latitude
    $600 18
What Americans call "Canadian" this is not truly Canadian; give me the "peameal" type, a real specialty of my homeland
    $600 23
From the French for "chart", it's the proper term for a person who designs & prepares maps
    $600 28
"Buck", as in dollar, is short for this item once used in trade & barter
    $800 14
In 2002 a team at the University of Tokyo calculated this to 1.2411 trillion digits after the decimal point
    $800 6
It's the "ITF Team Championship for Men"
    $800 9
...with the first country alphabetically
    $800 19
I'll have a honey glazed one of these, from the company of the same name--yep, a whole one, spiral sliced
    $800 24
The 4 Noble Truths are the fundamental principles of this religion
    $800 29
A cab you drink is short for this word
    $1000 15
In 2000 an almost 4,200-square-mile iceberg broke free from this ice shelf in Antarctica
    $1000 7
In April 2007 Switzerland issued its very first stamp of a living person, a 1-franc stamp depicting this tennis player
    $1000 10
...where the Latter-Day Saints believe that Zion or New Jerusalem will be built
    $1000 20
Maybe I'll try the black pudding--that sounds a lot better than this sanguine synonym
    $1000 25
This U.S. president was called Bert for short
    $1000 30
A cab you ride in is short for this word that was a carriage before it was a VW

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bob Carol Kate
$4,000 $1,000 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Carol Kate
$7,800 $3,400 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the movie for us.)
    $400 6
In 1991 Poland's Democratic Union Party won the most seats in the House & Senate; it was formed from this trade group
    $400 1
"A Whole New World"
    $400 30
In cryoextraction, this is done to grapes to produce the most concentrated juice in pressing
    $400 11
In 2003 Mitch Albom had a No. 1 bestseller with "The Five People You Meet" here
    $400 22
St. Columba of this country was martyred in 853 after telling some Moors that Muhammad was a false prophet
    $400 16
Here's a high-class clue: it's the last word in the kid's rhyme that begins, "I see London, I see France..."
    $800 7
He was King of England from 1189 to 1199 but spent only 6 months there; the rest of the time, he was off fighting
    $800 2
"Let's Hear It For The Boy"
    $800 28
Germany's Purity Law of 1516 states that German beer must contain only water, hops & this germinated grain
    $800 12
In 1947 he published his first story collection, "Dark Carnival"; the "Martian Chronicles" came 3 years later
    $800 23
St. John Eudes promoted devotion to this sacred body part not just of Jesus but of Mary too
    $800 17
More than 25 moons are circling it
    $1200 8
From 1541 to 1784 this current capital of Slovakia served as the capital of Hungary
    $1200 3
    $1200 26
Zymurgy is the chemistry branch that deals with this process in which sugar is converted into alcohol
    $1200 13
In Willa Cather's "O Pioneers!", the heroine Alexandra Bergson is of immigrant stock from this country
    $1200 24
Hermit monk Saint Simeon Stylites resided for decades on one of these, 60 feet tall
    $1200 18
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) It's the 2-word term for the continuous anatomical system that contains the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder & the urethra
    $1600 9
In the 100-year period before 268 B.C., Rome annexed all of Italy below this river that flows through Turin
    $1600 4
"Papa, Can You Hear Me?"
    $1600 27
Jameson Irish Whiskey gains its golden hue thanks partly to this acid that also helps give leather its color
    DD: $800 14
James Michener's "Centennial" centers on a fictional town in this state
    $1600 25
The Pope struck a medal to celebrate the 1572 massacre of Huguenots on this saint's day
    $1600 19
A patentable invention must be new, non-obvious, & this, like the "arts" the constitution encourages
    $2000 10
On Feb. 28, 1813 these 2 countries whose names rhyme teamed up against France in the Treaty of Kalisch
    $2000 5
"Lose Yourself"
    DD: $3,000 29
After 15 years of aging, 30% of an original quantity of bourbon (the "angels' share") has been lost to this process
    $2000 15
In 2007 his book "The Road" earned him a Pulitzer Prize & entry into Oprah's Book Club
    $2000 21
The order founded by this saint in Toulouse was zealous in carrying out the Inquisition
    $2000 20
Woody Guthrie sang, "You can't scare me, I'm sticking to" this group

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Carol Kate
$4,200 $6,200 $14,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the 19th century he created a new type of reference work, a dictionary named from the Greek for "treasury"

Final scores:

Bob Carol Kate
$4,000 $9,500 $12,600
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $12,600

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Bob Carol Kate
$4,200 $7,000 $13,800
13 R,
4 W
17 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $25,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-08-14
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