Show #3518 - Wednesday, December 15, 1999

Darlene Lieblich game 4.


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Wellington Lee, a photographer from New York City, New York

Lynda Tuennerman, a housewife from Cleveland, Ohio

Darlene Lieblich, a television executive from Van Nuys, California (whose 3-day cash winnings total $21,698)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the country of publication.)
    $100 7
From 1915 to 1955, if you'd like to buy the world one of these it came in the classic 6 1/2-ounce bottle
    $100 1
Park that's home to the bears seen here:
(Yogi & Boo Boo)
    $100 16
William Rush's statue of this man in Independence Hall is made of wood, teeth & all
    $100 2
A Bret Harte tale parodied this detective as Hemlock Jones
    $100 20
    $100 25
Golfers who hit the ball outside of the fairway land in this area of higher grass
    $200 8
It was the first soft drink bottled under the A&W brand name
    $200 9
Familiar phrase associated with the bear seen here:
    $200 17
Eliezer Ben Yehudah is known for his 17-volume dictionary of this language, ancient & modern
    $200 3
Big city that's home to Philip Marlowe
    $200 21
The Halifax Herald
    $200 27
In "The Merchant of Venice", Shylock asks, "If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not" do this
    $300 13
It's also called "quinine water", so you can ask the bartender for a gin & quinine
    $300 10
Title domicile of the bear seen here:
    $300 18
Pope Lando back in 914 was the last canonical pope to have an original name before this one in 1978
    $300 4
This stout Rex Stout detective was first serialized in the Saturday Evening Post
    $300 22
Le Figaro
    DD: $500 28
Walter Reed's is "He gave to man control over that dreadful scourge, yellow fever"
    $400 14
An animated character called Willy the Hillbilly once sold this citrusy soda
    $400 11
How does this bear get to work? Walka-walka-walka!
    $400 19
John Scott Harrison was the son & father of these 2 U.S. presidents
    $400 5
Desperate for money, he churned out "The Thin Man" in 1934, creating Nick & Nora Charles
    $400 23
The Hellenic Star
    $400 29
A naiad was one of these mythological creatures who prophesied & watched over rivers & streams
    $500 15
Since the '70s Dr. Pepper has been clobbering Mr. this -- maybe he needs to go to med school
    $500 12
Ursine terpsichorean from Captain Kangaroo's Treasure House
    $500 26
This spy helped Guy Burgess & Donald Maclean escape from England on May 26, 1951
    $500 6
The first detective created by Agatha Christie
    $500 24
The Munster Express
    $500 30
Home to the Welsh Folk Museum, it was once known as the "Coal Metropolis of the World"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Darlene Lynda Wellington
$700 $1,600 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Darlene Lynda Wellington
$1,600 $2,000 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A different kind of physics.)
(Alex: You have to name the college.)
    $200 7
Like the Earth, a bar magnet has 2 of these where the magnetic field seems strongest
    $200 2
This boy & Mr. Peabody often traveled back in time on "Rocky and His Friends"
    $200 12
Plots to kill this leader have involved the use of CIA-engineered exploding cigars
    $200 21
Brooke Shields
    $200 27
This Himalayan peak is also known as Sagarmatha & Chomolungma
    $200 1
It's not a summer holiday, it's your profession
    $400 13
Augustin-Jean Fresnel advanced the wave theory of this, opposed to Newton's particle theory
    $400 3
Sam Beckett traveled through time in large jumps on this show
    $400 17
Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer was executed in 1945 for involvement in a plot to kill this man
    DD: $1,000 22
Edna St. Vincent Millay,
Mary McCarthy,
Meryl Streep
    $400 28
In French, this country's name is Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinee
    $400 5
From the Latin for "to wander", it's another name for a homeless person
    $600 14
From the Greek ienai, "to go", Michael Faraday coined this term for an atom with an electrical charge
    $600 4
On this UPN show, a CIA operative travels back in time one week to try & prevent tragic events from happening
    $600 18
Once a favorite of Elizabeth I, this earl conspired against her & was executed in February 1601
    $600 23
Hillary Rodham
(B.A. '69)
    $600 30
The Juan de Fuca Strait separates parts of the U.S. from this country
    $600 6
An Anglican parish priest
    $800 15
Term for any liquid used to conduct current inside a cell or battery
    $800 10
Going back in time in an episode of this show, the characters met anti-war activist Edith Keeler
    $800 19
A 1683 plot targeted this "Merry Monarch" of England because of his pro-Catholic policies
    $800 24
Justice Brandeis
(LL.B. 1877)
(no, not Brandeis)
    $800 29
India & Pakistan have bordering regions with this same name meaning land of "5 Rivers"
    $800 8
Often used in soups, this type of pasta consists of long, very thin threads
    $1000 16
Einstein won the Nobel Prize for explaining this effect seen when light hits metal
    $1000 11
Irwin Allen created & produced this '60s show about time-traveling scientists led by James Darren
    DD: $1,000 20
A conspiracy formed against him after he not only deified himself, but his sister:
    $1000 26
I.M. Pei,
George Ellery Hale,
Murray Gell-Mann
    $1000 25
The name of this country's capital city, Ulaanbaatar, means "red hero" in English
    $1000 9
"Grand" title of a top government officer of the old Ottoman Empire

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Darlene Lynda Wellington
$7,000 $2,400 $2,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A 1920s discovery proved that some of the instruments used in this 1871 opera were historically accurate

Final scores:

Darlene Lynda Wellington
$8,799 $1 $100
4-day champion: $30,497 3rd place: Sony Home Entertainment System featuring WebTV 2nd place: Princess Cruise to Bermuda

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Darlene Lynda Wellington
$6,800 $2,400 $3,600
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
10 R,
5 W
13 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $12,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1999-10-26
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