Show #3513 - Wednesday, December 8, 1999


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Jeff Kirby, an elementary school teacher from Santa Maria, California

Amanda Folk, a paralegal from Columbia, South Carolina

Sam Raman, a telecom consultant from Boca Raton, Florida (whose 2-day cash winnings total $8,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
This bone runs down the side of the leg from just below the knee to the ankle
    $100 17
It's Gouda to know that Gouda & Edam are cheeses from this country
    $100 2
If you order bangers & mash at a London restaurant, you'll receive these & mashed potatoes
    $100 10
Scenes in this 1995 Oliver Stone film include the Checkers Speech & the summit in China
    $100 15
Rose Kennedy's was Fitzgerald
    $100 26
You'll find this sacred landmark, seen here, on the island of Honshu:
    $200 3
The splitting of a heavy nucleus -- it sounds like where Fermi has "gone" on vacation
    $200 18
This Belgian cheese is said to be "undoubtedly the stinkiest of the strong-smelling cheeses"
    $200 4
You'll need to ask a Savile Row tailor for a waistcoat if you want to add one of these to your wardrobe
    $200 11
In this 1999 Steve Martin film, Eddie Murphy plays 2 roles: movie star Kit Ramsey & his brother Jiff, a hapless loser
    $200 19
Robin Hood's sweetheart
    $200 27
The Japanese began following this religious leader's beliefs around 500 A.D.:
    $300 6
It's the fruit of the Ficus carica
    $300 23
In the '70s this name brand was advertised with the slogan "We Will Sell No Wine Before Its Time"
    $300 5
At British construction sites, a tipper lorry is this specific type of vehicle
    $300 12
This superstar directs himself as an investigative reporter in the 1999 film "True Crime"
    $300 20
Nautical term for a first launch
    $300 28
It's said a Baptist minister living in Yokohama invented this popular vehicle in 1869; it was quickly copied:
    $400 7
It's the hot, glowing part of an incandescent lamp
    $400 24
Vermont & Tillamook are American varieties of this cheese
    $400 8
If you use a rubber to fix a mistake, you're using one of these
    $400 13
The music of Ritchie Valens was performed by Los Lobos in this 1987 biography of the rock star
    $400 21
The chief unmarried woman attendant of a bride
    $400 29
Known locally as Shinkansen, the Japanese technological advancement seen here is known by this "ballistic" name:
    DD: $1,000 16
This branch of physics came out of the combined work of Bell Labs & Corning Glass
    $500 25
The name of this red-wine grape means "young blackbird" in French
    $500 9
A member of the RAF knows an airscrew is called this in the USAF
    $500 14
1972 film that ends with "Here life is beautiful." The girls are beautiful. Even the orchestra is beautiful"
    $500 22
They guard the gold in "Der Ring Des Nibelungen"
    $500 30
Chanting & melodramatic portrayal are hallmarks of this traditional Japanese art form seen here:

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sam Amanda Jeff
$1,800 $1,200 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Amanda Jeff
$900 $3,100 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
A part of Newark until 1806, it was named for the Dutch royal house of Prince William
    $200 1
Rosie was this futuristic cartoon family's robot maid
    $200 30
It's the organ associated with dioptometers & ophthalmoscopes
    $200 20
This Richard Bach story is an allegory about a seabird who seeks to attain perfect flight
    $200 14
In Gutenberg's time, each printer had his own lampblack & linseed oil formula for this
    $200 29
If you don't keep an eye on it, this Italian squash can grow to the size of a watermelon
    $400 8
Once the capital of the Colorado Territory, it's home to the Adolph Coors Brewery
    $400 2
Ripley discovers Ash is actually a dangerous robot in this 1979 sci-fi thriller
    $400 24
From the Greek for "pipe", this device can withdraw fluids from as well as inject fluids into a body
    $400 21
The romantic saga of sheep-rearing Australians plays out in this 1977 Colleen McCullough work
    $400 15
In dithering, shades of this are created by using different densities of black & white dots
    $400 27
Ye Gods! One of the 7 Ancient Wonders was a 40 foot-high statue of him on his throne
    DD: $1,000 10
Built around 1776, Tank Cottage in this city is said to be the oldest house in Wisconsin
    $600 3
On this show the robot was often heard to remark "Warning! Warning!" & "Danger, Will Robinson!"
    $600 28
A knife a surgeon uses for puncturing, or a famed medical journal
    $600 19
Daryl Hannah starred in the 1986 big screen version of this Jean Auel work
    $600 16
This software company makes the Photoshop & Illustrator graphic programs
    $600 6
In 1997 this country reverted to its previous name: The Democratic Republic of the Congo
    $800 11
Washington used Elijah Miller's house in this New York town as his HQ at the Battle of Chatterton Hill
    $800 4
The brave humans of "Battlestar Galactica" battled these towering men of metal
    $800 25
To stitch up a wound, or the thread itself
    DD: $200 22
Desmond Morris stripped humanity bare in this provocative 1967 bestseller
    $800 17
A print made to test the accuracy of the press, it's also "in the pudding"
    $800 9
It's featured in the folk tune heard here:
    $1000 12
Texan & Mexican culture are combined in this city's pre-Lenten festival Charro Days
    $1000 5
This Capek play about machine-men premiered in London in 1923
    $1000 26
The bulldog type of these clamp blood vessels
    $1000 23
Savagery lurking beneath the Hollywood dream breaks free in this Nathanael West novel
    $1000 18
In 1987 this online company came up with the GIF, a graphics interchange format
    $1000 13
Go shopping in Poland & you might need to swap your dollars for this unit of currency

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Amanda Jeff
$3,500 $7,900 $2,700
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This man for whom a car is named previously worked for Daimler-Benz & designed the Volkswagen

Final scores:

Sam Amanda Jeff
$5,500 $7,800 $3,700
2nd place: Sony Home Entertainment System featuring WebTV New champion: $7,800 3rd place: Polaroid Photomax Digital Camera Creative Kit

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Sam Amanda Jeff
$4,500 $8,100 $2,700
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
15 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $15,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1999-09-14
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