This U.S. state climbs from a low of 282 feet below sea level to a high of 14,494 feet |
This fictional millionaire's butler is Alfred Pennyworth |
Bruce Wayne
These large green banana relatives are usually available in Hispanic markets as platanos |
(with about a minute to go...)
The Gang |
(R: Who is Spanky?)
In 1889 Charles Dow & Edward Jones founded this business daily |
The Wall Street Journal
Looking at the Eiffel Tower, you may be standing "a bouche ouverte", with this open |
This state has the highest point in the U.S., 20,320 feet |
Alaska (Mount McKinley)
(Hi, I'm Mike Farrell) I joined the cast of "M*A*S*H" after the departure of this actor who played Trapper John McIntire |
Wayne Rogers
It's said that Christopher Columbus introduced this "cool" veggie to the New World |
The Fish |
(B: Who is Hootie?)
Country Joe
Woodward & Bernstein were working for this newspaper in August 1972 |
The Washington Post
What the French abbreviate ap. J.-C., meaning apres Jesus-Christ is abbreviated this way in Latin |
A.D. (Anno Domini)
The lowest point in the great state of Nebraska is a spot along this river that forms its eastern border |
(R: What is the Platte River?)
Missouri River
Reaching No. 13 in 1963, "Danke Schoen" was this man's first Top 40 hit |
Wayne Newton
A serving of the butternut variety of this vegetable supplies over 100 percent of the RDA of beta carotene |
The Funky Bunch |
Marky Mark
No lie, it was the Soviet Union's Communist Party newspaper |
In English, a recorder can make a racket; in French "recorder" means to do this to a racquet |
This Southern state has the lowest high point of any state, 345 feet |
This Chinese-American film director's credits include "Eat A Bowl of Tea" & "The Joy Luck Club" |
(M: Who is Wayne Wong?)
Wayne Wang
Varieties of this tuber include red pontiac, Katahdin & Finnish yellow wax |
(M: What are beans?)
The Pharaohs |
(B: Who is Susie?)
Sam the Sham
This Boston-based newspaper was founded by a religious group in 1908 |
The Christian Science Monitor
It's what's taken over during a piraterie aerienne |
Airplane (hijacking)
This state has the highest low point of any state, 3,350 feet |
This "crazy" Revolutionary War general later defeated an Indian army at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794 |
Mad Anthony Wayne
This tropical fruit contains an enzyme called papain which is used to tenderize meat |
One of Ernest Hemingway's first newspaper jobs was on this Missouri newspaper |
(R: What is the St. Louis Tribune?) (M: What is the St. Louis Post-Dispatch?)
Kansas City Star
While the coup d'essai is the first attempt, this is a "stroke of mercy" or finishing stroke |
(R: What is a coup d'etat?)
Coup de grace