Gulliver's first of 4 voyages was to this land of tiny people |
The first victim of this excavated mummy's curse may have been Lord Carnavon, a sponsor of the expedition |
King Tut
This "team" was first selected in 1889 & Yale's Pudge Heffelfinger made it the first 3 years |
the All-American Team
In July 1998 Japan launched Nozomi; it's set to reach this "Red Planet" in 2003 |
This bear, the Ursus maritimus, sometimes preys on humans |
(Alissa: What is the grizzly?)
the polar bear
Ph.D. |
(Alex: A minute to go.)
doctor of philosophy
A 1719 work by Daniel Defoe told of "The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of" this man, "of York, Mariner" |
Robinson Crusoe
Also known as the "Bush", it's the Aussie term for the remote, rural areas of Australia |
the Outback
They are the 2 planets closest to our sun |
Mercury & Venus
When defending its family, the silverback of this primate is potentially the most dangerous |
D.D.S. |
doctor of dental science
He had been totally blind for 13 years when he completed "Paradise Lost" in 1665 |
John Milton
The lowest surface road in the world is more than 1,290 feet below sea level in this country |
Scandinavians Jan Stenerud & Morten Andersen have excelled in the NFL at this position |
A 25-year-long telescope search for it ended with its discovery in 1930 |
Guinness reports that sharks can detect 1 part of this in 100 million parts of water |
This poet said he wrote, "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree" in an opium-induced sleep |
(Saran: Who is Samuel...)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
When top Crayola Crayon maker Emerson Moser retired after 37 years, he revealed he suffered from this affliction |
Photos published in June 1999 show its largest moon, Titan, may have liquid seas |
Birds known to have attacked humans include cassowaries, mute swans & these largest African birds |
On this fictional Sir Thomas More island, the interests of the individual are subordinate to those of society |
(David: What is Erewhon?)
Home to the Temple of Buddha's Tooth, this Sri Lankan city's name sounds like it might cause a cavity in it |
Alan Page of this team's Purple People Eaters defense is now a state supreme court justice |
the Minnesota Vikings
Interplanetary distances are measured in AUs, which are these |
astronomical units
In 1981 numerous people were killed by these creatures when an overloaded boat capsized while docking in Brazil |
(David: No idea.) [The end-of-round signal sounds.]