Show #4365 - Friday, July 18, 2003

Sam Ott game 1.
Last game of Season 19.


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Sam Ott, a graduate student from Los Angeles, California

Loren Duggan, a legislative writer from Takoma Park, Maryland

George Dudley, a G.I.S. technician from Memphis, Tennessee (whose 1-day cash winnings total $14,801)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
In trucking a triple-sized one of these, pulled by a tractor, can be as long as a 10-story building
    $200 18
In 2002 Mr. Potato Head was the guest of honor at the annual Spud Day celebration in Shelley in this state
    $200 1
When Lake Bonneville evaporated thousands of years ago, it left tons of this on the flats
    $200 13
On the back of the current U.S. bill fronted by this man, you can see a statue of him
    $200 3
1973 brought the first Bond theme performed by a rock group: this title track heard here
    $200 8
A simpler way of saying "more lobster-colored"
    $400 24
(Sofia of the Clue Crew reports from the Goodyear blimp facility.) 2 major types of airships are non-rigid, or blimps, & rigid, also called by this name of a German count
    $400 19
In June at a Tuscumbia, Alabama festival honoring her, "The Miracle Worker" is performed at her birthplace
    $400 2
Lake Mead straddles the border between these 2 states
    $400 14
He's the only man on a current U.S. bill who petitioned for an officer's commission in the British military
    $400 4
Nobody does it better than this woman who sang "Nobody Does It Better"
    $400 9
A car model from Honda
    $600 25
In the 1940s Robert Edison Fulton Jr. designed the Airphibian, a car that was also one of these
    $600 20
The Jewish festival of Shavuot commemorates the revelation of the Torah at this site
    $600 15
The community college in Canandaigua, New York is named for this "handy" group of bodies of water
    $600 28
Inflation? In 1907 he was on the 5-dollar bill; today he's worth 4 times that
    $600 5
This 1965 song heard here almost didn't get used in favor of one called "Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"
    $600 10
A noise made by a chick, or to look quickly or secretly
    $800 26
Offered since 1959, it gives you travel for a fixed time period on train systems in 17 European countries
    $800 21
During WWI, WWII & the Energy Crisis of 1974-75, the U.S. adopted this for most of the year to economize on fuel
    $800 16
Fed by lakes Victoria & Edward, it's also known as Lake Mobutu Sese Seko
    $800 6
It took 20 years & Duran Duran to take a Bond tune to No. 1 -- this 1985 hit
    $800 11
A "bubble-headed" carpenter's tool
    $1000 27
Scheduled to set sail in 2004, its logo is seen here
    $1000 22
This N.M. national park has a Bat Flight Breakfast in August so that visitors can view bats returning to their caves
    $1000 17
The axolotl is a salamander found in Lake Xochimilco near this world capital
    $1000 7
This singer heard here was the first to perform onscreen during a Bond title sequence
    $1000 12
(Sarah of the Clue Crew walks out from behind a helicopter) It's the name for the hard-working part of a helicopter that provides upward lift & forward thrust

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

George Loren Sam
$1,800 -$1,000 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

George Loren Sam
$1,800 $0 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Obviously, somebody associated with our program doesn't know how to spell!)
    $400 1
The son of a Protestant clergyman, Carl Jung was born in this mountainous country in 1875
    $400 14
"And the angel of the Lord appeared unto" this man "in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush"
    $400 26
It's believed that sugar buildup in tree leaves forms anthocyanins, causing this to happen
    $400 21
Judge Charles Older was a character in 1976's "Helter Skelter", but this Charles was a bigger role
    $400 2
In ads it was "2 all-beef patties...lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun" -- & that special sauce
    $400 7
In 1782 it became a national symbol
    $800 12
Jung called these "unidentified" things, first reported by pilot Kenneth Arnold in 1947, "a modern myth"
    $800 17
The damage caused by a fire in 976 to this famous Venice cathedral took about 100 years to restore
    $800 22
"Quiz Show" features Paul Scofield as Mark Van Doren & this actor as his son Charles
    $800 3
Tomatoes, beets, celery, carrots, lettuce, parsley, watercress & spinach are the octet in this brand
    $800 8
    $1200 13
Seeing the view as too reductionist, Jung believed Sigmund Freud overemphasized the importance of this drive
    DD: $1,000 18
The party's definitely over when this legendary hall is destroyed by fire at the end of "Gotterdammerung"
    $1200 23
In a Noel Coward play, Charles Condomine hosts a seance at his house & this title entity materializes
    $1200 4
It "smelled like turpentine and looked like India ink. I held my nose, I closed my eyes, I took a drink"
    $1200 9
An 1867 Mussorgsky symphonic composition is about a "Night on" this
    $1600 15
Jung practiced this "free" technique for exploring the mind in which a patient responds to stimulus words
    $1600 19
Because it burns in air with a hot & brilliant flame, this gas, C2H2, is used for welding & cutting metal
    $1600 24
In the '80s, he played Charles Ryder, a central character in TV's "Brideshead Revisited"
    $1600 5
This soda, the oldest major soft drink brand in the U.S., contains a mixture of fruit juices (but prune isn't one of them)
    $1600 10
In French this Absurdist play from Eugene Ionesco is "La Cantatrice Chauve"
    $2000 16
According to Jung, the collective unconscious of man is made up of these primordial symbols
    $2000 20
In Dickens' "Great Expectations", this character dies when her faded wedding dress catches fire
    DD: $1,000 25
3-named actor who played 3-named TV surgeon Charles Emerson Winchester
    $2000 6
This steak sauce was created for King George IV of England
    $2000 11
"Saving Faith" & "Absolute Power" are among the bestselling novels by this author

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

George Loren Sam
$2,400 $3,800 $12,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Her first name comes from an Italian musical term meaning to play "with sweetness"

Final scores:

George Loren Sam
$2,801 $7,599 $13,600
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $13,600

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

George Loren Sam
$3,400 $4,000 $12,800
11 R,
8 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
21 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $20,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2003-04-14
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