Show #3885 - Friday, June 22, 2001

Lan Djang game 3.


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Lisa Karahalios, a history teacher originally from Lewiston, Maine

David Benz, a writer from Culver City, California

Lan Djang, a business analyst from Toronto, Ontario (whose 2-day cash winnings total $20,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

THE 1920s
    $100 6
Occupied by England, Scotland & Wales, it's Europe's largest island
    $100 17
You wouldn't let the Phillies’ Greg Luzinski, nicknamed this, into your China shop
    $100 11
Disney dwarf
    $100 1
In 1928 Daniel Gerber introduced his new line of these to be sold through grocery stores
    $100 16
Every route goes in the direction of Italy's capital
    $100 26
(Johnny Gilbert reads.) Teri was seen at the airport by Misou, who was on her way to a shoot in this capital of Iran
    $200 7
This high point seen here has long peaked the interest of climbers
    $200 18
Bulldog of the mound seen here
    $200 12
Popeye's “Poopdeck” relative
    $200 2
This 1921 book by Edith M. Hull inspired the Rudolph Valentino film of the same name
    $200 22
It's impossible to instruct elderly canines in modern skills
    $200 27
(Johnny Gilbert reads.) Drake revealing Emily didn't kill Carson, got her out of jail in time to see this team win the 2000 World Series
    $300 8
The Gulf of Corinth divides the mainland of this country into 2 uneven parts
    $300 19
Large deer that was the nickname of first baseman William Skowron
    $300 13
Comic White
    $300 3
The sides warring over this theory that took shape in the 19th c. were the modernists & the fundamentalists
    $300 23
An overabundance of chefs ruins one's soup stock
    $400 9
Flowing nearly 2,200 miles, this longest river of Europe begins in the Valdai Hills of Russia
    $400 20
Dodger Ron Cey's waddling gait earned him this handle
    $400 14
Elder Yokum
    DD: $500 4
Warren Harding was heard on the radio June 14, 1922 dedicating a Francis Scott Key memorial in this city
    $400 24
One malus pumila per 24 hours precludes a medical professional's visit
    $500 10
This peninsula accounts for nearly 70 percent of Denmark's land area
    $500 21
This '70s Tigers pitcher known for talking to the ball was nicknamed “The Bird”
    $500 15
Rockefeller wife
    $500 5
This name that Goodrich used for its galoshes with slide fasteners became a generic term for the fasteners
    $500 25
Ancient warriors fail to perish, but dematerialize instead
    $500 28
(Johnny Gilbert reads.) While Benny's out, Carson cuts his bindings with one of these knives that attach to the front of a rifle

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lan David Lisa
$1,300 $800 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lan David Lisa
$1,800 $600 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This hunter's dogs Canis Major & Canis Minor are positioned at his heels
    $200 2
Tim Burton worked with this star on 3 films, including “Batman Returns” & “Beetlejuice”
    $200 17
This Beverly Cleary tale shares its name with a recent White House cat
    $200 5
In the late '60s this man's “family” lived for a time on the Spahn Movie Ranch near Los Angeles
    $200 28
Dick Cheney
    $200 14
In a song from “Snow White”, it's what you do “while you work”
    $400 3
Sagitta, which represents this item, landed in the sky, not far from Satittarius himself
    $400 10
In 2001 Tim shot a film based on this 1968 sci-fi classic that starred Roddy McDowall
    $400 18
In 1958 Dr. Seuss wrote this sequel
    $400 6
Despite numerous coup attempts & the actions of several presidents, he's been in power since 1979
    $400 15
In a Manhattan cocktail, it's combined with vermouth
    $600 4
This constellation of a lady chained to a rock contains the nearby M31 galaxy
    $600 12
Tim cites as an important influence this actor who played a quirky inventor in “Edward Scissorhands”
    $600 19
It was Tao the cat, along with 2 dogs, on this Sheila Burnford title trip
    $600 7
These brothers were convicted of killing their Beverly Hills parents in 1996
    $600 16
Robert McNamara & Clark Clifford
    $600 24
It's a capricious idea carried out on the spur of the moment
    DD: $2,400 13
Corona Australis is the Southern Cross; this is the Northern Crown
    $800 25
Many of Tim's films have been scored by this composer & leader of the band Oingo Boingo
    $800 20
He wrote of all creatures great & small, including “Moses the kitten”
    $800 8
This millionaire & alleged terrorist leader seen here is on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List
    $800 27
Melvin Laird, Elliot Richardson & James Schlesinger
    $800 23
Look! Up in the sky! It's a helicopter! No, it's this slang term for helicopter
    $1000 11
A large but faint constellation, Monoceros represents this mythical creature
    $1000 26
Wrriten & produced by Tim in 1993, this stop-motion film was a wildly imaginative excursion into the macabre
    $1000 21
He's “The Mystery Cat” of T.S. Eliot
    $1000 9
German-born carpenter & convicted kidnapper seen here
    DD: $600 22
You'll find this capital of the Yukon Territory on the Alaska Highway; so giddyup now!

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lan David Lisa
$7,200 $600 $3,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The president of this social club founded by New York City entertainers in 1904 is called the Abbot

Final scores:

Lan David Lisa
$6,500 $0 $3,193
3-day champion: $27,300 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Lan David Lisa
$7,200 $1,000 $6,100
20 R,
4 W
10 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
18 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $14,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2001-02-28
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