Show #5275 - Friday, July 13, 2007

Last regular-play game of Season 23.


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Ben Taylor, a student from Rockford, Illinois

Amy Fuller, a medical missions coordinator from Oakland, Oregon

Zach Baker, a computer programmer from Downey, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $44,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
Although Emile Zola's gravestone still rests at this city's Cimetiere de Montmartre, his body was moved to the Pantheon
    $200 21
The last major one of these "glacial" time periods came during the Pleistocene Epoch
    $200 16
Historically it was the goods, money or property that a bride brought to her husband at marriage
    $200 1
pop. 180,000
    $200 6
Gore Vidal said this pop artist was "the only genius with an IQ of 60"
    $200 11
His boat wasn't swift enough as this ex-candidate for President & Navy man earned 3 Purple Hearts
    $400 24
With more than 1 million burials, Rookwood Necropolis in this largest Aussie city is one of the world's largest
    $400 22
This 277-mile-long gorge of the Colorado River was primarily formed during the Pleistocene
    $400 17
A group of full-time employees, or the set of 5 horizontal lines on which notes of music are written
    $400 2
pop. 556,000
    $400 7
This "insult comic dog" said to "Star Wars" fans, "Who wants to hear a spoiler? Here's a spoiler: you will die alone"
    $400 12
In 1521 he could have used a fountain of youth when he was severely wounded in a battle vs. the Calusa Indians
    $600 25
About 250 people were buried in this Tombstone, Arizona Cemetery from 1878 to 1884, including Billy Clanton
    DD: $3,400 28
If you had a Smilodon smiling down on you, you were in trouble with one of these Pleistocene cats
    $600 18
I'd like to call the meeting to order, but I need one of these small mallets
    $600 3
pop. 140,000
    $600 8
Attributed to this "Mr. Warmth" comic: "Oh my God, look at you. Anyone else hurt in the accident?"
    $600 13
A WWII platoon leader in Italy, this future presidential candidate was severely wounded in April 1945
    $800 26
The world's largest historical mosaic, "The Birth Of Liberty", can be found at this Southern Calif. cemetery
    $800 29
(Jon of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) During the Pleistocene Epoch, the ocean receded & Beringia emerged, an example of this 2-word type of isthmus, allowing humans to come from Asia to America
    $800 19
(Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Boudin Bakery in San Francisco, CA.) It once meant a notch used to record a tally in a game; that meaning is still used for the cuts that will make your sourdough bake & look better
    $800 4
pop. 110,000
    $800 9
A fellow MLBer said of this "juiced" author that, like Michael Jackson, he wore one glove "for no significant reason"
    $800 14
In 1821 this poet had a hard time counting the ways she loved thee, what with injuring her spine in a fall
    $1000 27
368 American servicemen from WWI are buried in this "field", a U.S. Military cemetery near Waregem, Belgium
    $1000 30
Utah's Great Salt Lake is a remnant of this much larger Pleistocene lake that lent its name to some salt flats
    $1000 20
From French for "to ward off", it means to ward off a blow, especially in fencing
    $1000 5
pop. 39,000
    $1000 10
Later a Texas governor, in 1988 she said George H.W. Bush was "born with a silver foot in his mouth"
    $1000 15
On Oct. 18, 1859 he was found wounded & his 2 sons dead at a federal armory

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Zach Amy Ben
$3,200 $1,400 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Zach Amy Ben
$8,200 $3,000 $7,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
In the 1660s puppet shows featuring this pair, a hook-nosed hunchback & his shrewish wife, became popular
    $400 1
The glaze lipstick that this ex-intern wore for a 1999 TV interview was discontinued, so women clamor for it on eBay
    $400 21
Named from Hebrew words for "father of many", this Patriarch has a shrine built for him in Mecca
    $400 11
In Mon., Oct. 23, 2006's Times you may have read of Panamanians' vote to modernize this at a cost of $5.25 billion
    $400 26
With about 12 million barrels each day, this country leads the world in oil imports, followed by China & Japan
    $400 15
A snail in Strasbourg
    DD: $3,400 7
After John Milton died in 1674, his widow sold all the rights to this work for a paltry 8 pounds
    $800 2
Director M. Night Shyamalan played the doctor who sees Haley Joel Osment after he's traumatized at a party in this film
    $800 22
This Athenian philosopher who died in 399 B.C. was highly regarded for his self-control & moral outlook
    $800 12
On Tues., Dec. 9, 2006 the Times said the U.S. would now sell nuclear fuel to this Asia country
    $800 27
This country is the world's largest producer of crude oil & is home to the world's largest oil reserves
    $800 16
A burrowing "terrestrial" annelid
    $1200 8
He developed the first reflecting telescope, which featured a concave mirror, a flat mirror & an eyepiece
    $1200 3
In 1999, Broadway audiences could see "The Lion King" or Laurence Fishburne plying King Henry II in this "Leonine" play
    $1200 23
This Muslim Sultan was devoted to Jihad & recaptured Jerusalem in the 12th Century
    $1200 13
Wed., Dec. 21, 2005's Times said a judge stopped a Penn. district from teaching this as an alternative to evolution
    $1200 28
In 2004 producers said high prices partly result from not building any new ones of these in the U.S. since the '70s
    $1200 17
This part of a music mixing board controls features like treble & bass
    $1600 9
The Restoration began in 1660 when this royal house was returned to the throne with the crowning of Charles II
    $1600 4
A tongue-in-cheek tribute on the Emmy Awards featured the many deaths of this animated character
    $1600 24
The subjects of this Greek's writing included anatomy, dreams & the theory that diseases are not divine in origin
    DD: $4,000 14
On Thurs., Jan. 11, 2007 the Times reported the first public U.S. Military action in this African nation since 1994
    $1600 29
The largest known oil field in the U.S. is at Prudhoe Bay in this state
    $1600 18
11-letter word meaning to use known facts to infer or draw conclusions about something unknown
    $2000 10
In his 1690 work "Two Treatises of Government", he argued against the Divine Right of Kings
    $2000 5
8 years after their farewell concert, this duo reunited for a New Year's Eve show--sort of a "Girls Night Out"
    $2000 25
This orator, 106-43 B.C., tried to uphold Republican principles in the Civil War that destroyed Rome
    $2000 20
Fri., April 13, 2007 had unlucky news for Don Imus: "off the air" for remarks about female athletes from this school
    $2000 30
Leading to the end of whale oil use, Abraham Gesner distilled a new fuel from coal in 1846 & named it this
    $2000 19
"The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong", says chapter 9 of this book of the Bible

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Zach Amy Ben
$9,000 $5,000 $21,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Among its 13 founding members in 1950 were Louise Suggs, Patty Berg & Babe Zaharias

Final scores:

Zach Amy Ben
$10,000 $7,000 $25,599
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $25,599

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Zach Amy Ben
$13,000 $5,000 $16,400
21 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
1 W
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $34,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-04-13
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