Show #3206 - Monday, July 6, 1998

Dan Girard game 2.


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Jill Heintze, a homemaker from Lexington, Kentucky

David Evans, an inventory specialist from San Clemente, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $5,600)

Dan Girard, a landscape artist from Altadena, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $5,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

(5, 5)
(Alex: Each correct response will have two words of five letters each.)
    $100 1
In 64 A.D. when Rome burned, this emperor was fiddling around at his house in Antioch
    $100 7
On April 23 dragons tend to tell him, "You slay me, you really slay me"
    $100 16
The allicin in cloves of this may help lower your blood cholesterol level
    $100 6
Casey Jones & Choo-Choo Charlie were famous ones
    $100 23
Rolling Stone named this "Piano Man"'s "River of Dreams" CD sleeve 1994's worst album cover
    $100 21
AM-FM morning alarm
    $200 2
On Jan. 28, 814 this "Most serene majesty, crowned by God, emperor great and pacific" died in Aachen
    $200 8
Joseph of Arimathea shares this day with Patrick
    $200 17
Victorians believed the bigger & heavier this organ was, the smarter you were; Thackeray's was 3 lbs. 10 oz.
    $200 12
"Shunting" is when a train switches these
    $200 24
Singer heard here with a 1968 smash hit:
    $200 22
In the mid-14th century, it was the plague on you
    $300 3
Many historians consider his death at Bosworth Field to be the end of the Wars of the Roses
    $300 9
It's no mystery Christie & Sayers celebrated these 2 saints on February 5 & 6
    $300 18
The biga, triga & quadriga were chariots that used 2, 3 & 4 of these, respectively
    DD: $800 13
Railroad term that's also slang for the following:
    $300 25
Singer seen here, boogeying with Courteney Cox:
    $300 30
North Pole toymaker
    $400 4
In 1699 this czar forced his noblemen to shave off their beards & adopt Western dress
    $400 10
She waltzes in with a March 14 date, mate
    $400 19
This Hindu priestly caste oversaw the slaughter of cattle until the animals were declared sacred
    $400 14
The boarding area for passengers at a station; women have "shoes" for it
    $400 26
The 2 groups for which Stephen Stills was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on May 6, 1997
    $400 29
Catch one of these quick naps & you can "count" on being refreshed
    $500 5
This Fascist leader was named for 3 revolutionaries, one of whom was Mexican president Benito Juarez
    $500 11
December 1 is the day for this saint who was "Elsewhere" on TV
    $500 20
This insurance company was named in the 19th century after a live volcano
    $500 15
A bed on a Pullman for a Roman emperor might be a "Caesarean" one
    $500 27
This country superstar & Linda Davis won a 1993 Grammy for their hit duet, "Does He Love You"
    $500 28
A person's temperature & pulse & respiration rates

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Dan David Jill
$3,000 $100 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dan David Jill
$5,300 $300 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
She wrote about shy teacher Lucy Snowe in "Villette" after creating a shy governess named Jane Eyre
    $200 16
Tossed in rhythmic gymnastics, it's 30-35" in diameter, about the size of the hula type
    $200 2
Public Law 89-152 made burning or mutilating one of these cards a federal crime
    $200 11
Consummate politician portrayed here in a 1995 film:
    $200 1
A Bruxellois is a native of the European city we call this
    $200 27
Aikman's playthings
    $400 18
Rosamond Vincy is the selfish spouse of Tertius Lydgate in her 1870s novel "Middlemarch"
    $400 19
The finishing move of a routine on a pommel horse or of a ride on a real horse
    $400 3
We kid you not, in October this U.N. agency won the Nobel Peace Prize
    $400 12
First elected in 1978 from Georgia's 6th District, he's that state's senior member in the House
    $400 7
It's okay for folks to call you a pelican if you're from this "Pelican State"
    $400 29
Redgrave's transgressions
    $600 23
This Defoe heroine calls herself "as impudent a thief... as" the infamous "Moll Cut-Purse"
    DD: $1,500 20
(Hi, I'm Kerri Strug.) This word that means "falling" is part of the floor exercise, which includes rolls & somersaults
    $600 4
Italy's & France's presidents did the ribbon-cutting on a new tunnel through this mountain
    $600 13
At $130,000, this current New York governor is one of the highest paid in America
    DD: $1,500 8
If you're Medinese, you're from a sacred city in this country
    $600 30
Patinkin's peppermints
    $800 22
At the beginning of a Thomas Hardy novel, she is "a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience"
    $800 25
In the 1930s George Nissen developed this bouncy apparatus which later split off from gymnastics
    $800 5
This singer with a famous father had a No. 1 hit in 1965 with the song heard here:
    $800 14
On Nov. 2, 1993 she became the first woman elected governor of New Jersey
    $800 9
Lett us be the first to tell you that these Baltic people are also known as Letts
    $800 28
Torn's midnight swims
    $1000 21
Asked, "What do you make, madame?", this knitter replied, "Many things... for instance, shrouds"
    $1000 26
In 1972 Nancy Thies became the first to do a backflip on this piece of equipment
    $1000 6
Congress created this Cabinet dept. in 1965 but a secretary wasn't picked to head it until 1966
    $1000 15
Represented by Olympia Snowe & Susan Collins, it's the only state with 2 female GOP senators
    $1000 10
A person from an island country near Sicily, or his little lap dog
    $1000 24
Jessica's forehead fringe

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dan David Jill
$13,900 $2,900 -$400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Cowboy stuff!)
Created by Clarence E. Mulford, in books he was a crusty guy with a bad leg; in film, a romantic lead

Final scores:

Dan David Jill
$6,800 $1 -$400
2-day champion: $12,400 2nd place: a trip to Green Granite Inn, New Hampshire 3rd place: DirecTV satellite system

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dan David Jill
$13,400 $3,500 -$400
32 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $16,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1998-04-13
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