Show #3189 - Thursday, June 11, 1998


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Liz Lesnick, an editor from New York City, New York

Steve Sosnick, an options trader from New York City, New York

Philip Sasse, a polymer chemist from Douglasville, Georgia (whose 2-day cash winnings total $31,900)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Kind of weird!)
    $100 16
West Virginia broke from Virginia after the legislature voted for this in 1861
    $100 1
An associate of equal rank; you may be a "jolly good" one
    $100 25
When in San Antonio, remember to visit this famous fortress
    $100 21
Maybe these smallest birds got their name because they just don't know the words
    $100 6
"Song Sung Blue",
"Forever in Blue Jeans"
    $100 11
To adapt existing music for a performer, as Nelson Riddle did for Frank Sinatra
    $200 17
California & Arizona's 40-year dispute over water rights to this river ended in 1963
    $200 2
It can refer to an intimate friend or to a Communist
    $200 26
Be a good sport & tell us the name of the attraction seen here:
(opened in Houston in 1965)
    $200 22
As P.T. could tell you, this man's real name was Charles Sherwood Stratton
    $200 7
"You're So Vain"
    $200 12
A cereal cooked in water or milk & eaten for breakfast; Baby Bear's was "just right"
    $300 18
Maine split from this state in 1819 in protest of high taxes, poor roads & the distance to the capital
    $300 3
The familial name for a co-member of a man's Greek letter association
    $300 30
In Parker, Texas you can tour the Southfork Ranch made famous by this TV series
    $300 23
Look out! These can fly around the nucleus at over 4 million MPH!
    $300 8
"Penny Lover",
"Say You, Say Me"
    $300 13
This adjective meaning "alien" might rhyme with orange if you reversed the final "GN" & added an E
    $400 19
In 1998 New York & New Jersey made their arguments before the Supreme Court over this historic island
    $400 4
From a word for "to labor together", it's one who helps the enemy force occupying his country
    DD: $1,000 28
Used in casting the Marine Corps Memorial, the original sculpture of this event can be seen in Harlingen
    $400 24
By carrying plague, this tiny insect killed 1/3 of the population of Europe in the 14th century
    $400 9
"If You Asked Me To",
"It's All Coming Back To Me Now"
    $400 14
A tube fitted with a plunger & needle, used to inject fluids
    $500 20
In 1855 many men from this slave state voted in Kansas, leading to bloodshed along the border
    $500 5
Perhaps from the Greek for time, it's a longtime "old" pal
    $500 29
Much of this resort island's beachfront was designated a national seashore in 1962
    $500 27
This little girl hatches out of a flower in a Hans Christian Andersen tale
    $500 10
"I'm the Only One",
"Come to My Window"
    $500 15
The Italian city of this name has Il Duomo; the one in South Carolina has the Pee Dee Experiment Station

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Philip Steve Liz
$700 $1,100 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Philip Steve Liz
$3,600 $1,500 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Not nice!)
(Alex: Which is getting to be a really popular category on our show!)
    $200 7
Crowley, Louisiana has a museum devoted to this food; Uncle Ben would approve
    $200 15
George & Lucy return to Italy & have a window overlooking the river in this E.M. Forster novel
    $200 2
This towering Philistine stood 6 cubits & a span, equal to 9'9"
    $200 11
It's the role played by Anne Bancroft in "The Graduate"
    $200 1
Comic impressionist who lost his sheep
    $400 10
On a meal break in Alabama, you might visit the museum for these; it also includes thermoses
    $400 16
Rochester regains the sight in one eye in this novel's last chapter
    $400 3
He's 7'1", 315 pounds & the starting center for the Los Angeles Lakers
    $400 17
"Cheers" to this actress who plays a romance expert & owner of "Veronica's Closet"
    $400 8
"Faerie Queene" poet available to work
    $600 12
This company's Camden, New Jersey museum covers everything from soup to soup
    $600 20
His novel "Les Miserables" ends miserably in Pere-Lachaise Cemetery
    $600 4
An ancient wonder, this symbol of largeness stood at the harbor of Rhodes
    DD: $1,300 18
(Hi, I'm Jane Seymour) In 1988 I won an Emmy for my role as this opera star in the TV miniseries "Onassis"
    $600 9
Newly baptized star of "Heathers" & "True Romance"
    $800 13
Looking for blimp collectibles? You'll find them at Goodyear's World of Rubber in this Ohio city
    $800 23
In the desert with Moses, the people still longed for this salad & tea sandwich veggie back in Egypt
    $800 24
This novel ends with Jake telling Lady Brett, "Isn't it pretty to think so?"
    $800 5
This ocean giant has the largest eyes of any creature
    $800 19
In 1997 Brandy starred on TV as "Cinderella" & this singer played her fairy godmother
    $800 21
Boxing promoter whose boys lost the fight for the American colonies
    $1000 14
Aliens & others are welcome to visit the Int'l UFO Museum that opened in this Southwest city in 1992
    $1000 6
He was Gargantua's son
    $1000 22
"Weak" spot on a chromosome of "The French Connection" star

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Philip Steve Liz
$6,000 $3,900 $4,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In Hartford, Conn. over 200 manhole covers made from confiscated guns are engraved with the motto of this local family

Final scores:

Philip Steve Liz
$2,799 $7,800 $1
2nd place: Temptress Adventures Houseboat Cruise in Costa Rica New champion: $7,800 3rd place: Meade Model 395 Telescope

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Philip Steve Liz
$5,400 $3,900 $3,900
22 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
13 R,
5 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $13,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1998-03-03
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