Tennyson's "Ode On the Death of the Duke Of" this place was considered pretty beefy by some |
Susan Sarandon & Geena Davis discover "there's no such thing as justifiable robbery" in this film |
Thelma and Louise
Leopold II succeeded his dad as King of the Belgians in this year that also marked the end of a war in the U.S. |
The saliva of this species of flying mammal contains an anticoagulant |
(Jesse: What is a bat?) (Alex: Be more specific.) (Jesse: What is a [*]?)
vampire bat
On the Travel Channel's "Pizza Wars", NYC's thin crust pies were compared to this city's deep dish style |
It's the "F" in the common web acronym "FAQ" |
This author's "The Awakening" finds Mme. Pontellier shaken by the appropriate strains of a Polish composer |
Paul Giamatti delivers the line "Quaffable but uh...far from transcendent" in this 2004 film |
You may have "Red" about his father, Erik, but he was so successful he was nicknamed "The Lucky" |
Leif Ericson
When not in use, it's retracted by a woodpecker, & it may wrap around under the skull, beneath the skin |
A punny promo for "Superman Returns" saw Papa John's offer free pies to those living on any street named this |
(Jesse: What is Kent?)
Lois Lane
If you reply anonymously to support your own post in an online forum, you're this hand puppet, like Lamb Chop |
sock puppet
These title islands in a Vonnegut parable are home to the doomed survivors of the cruise ship Bahia de Darwin |
Galapagos Islands
Careful! You will say one word 4 times (not 5, not 3!) in the title of this zany 1963 road comedy |
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
This only son of Prince Andrew of Greece became a British subject in 1947 & gained a dukedom |
Prince Philip
The wisent is considered the European version of this animal once essential to the lives of the Plains Indians |
Pizza Hut paid $1 million to deliver a pie to Yuri Usachov, who was here at the time |
International Space Station
Differing from e-mail, correspondence via post office is considered this, as if carried by a gastropod |
snail mail
Hawthorne's "The Marble" this was inspired by a Praxiteles sculpture |
Hey man, hit the road with Wyatt & Billy, man & check out Phil Spector as Connection in this 1969 film, man |
Easy Rider
On May 14, 1643 the Sun rose on the reign of this 4-year-old king whose father had died at age 42 |
Louis XIV
This deep-sea fish takes it name from the fact that it dangles an enticing appendage over its mouth to attract prey |
After a 5-year legal battle with a sugar company, this pizza chain won the right to keep its name in 1980 |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Reusing components in old electronics is termed this, one letter shorter than the word it's derived from |
Ornithological title name of a prison in a John Cheever novel |
(Don: ...Birdman of Alcatra--What is Bird--) (Alex: Nope.) (Mary Ann: What is a bird cage?)
Say it! Say it! Say Julie Hagerty lost the nest egg in this 1985 Albert Brooks comedy |
(Mary Ann: What is... Justs... oh, shoot.) (Alex: Nope.)
Lost in America
The devil you say! He inherited the title "Duke of Normandy" from his dad Robert the Devil in 1035 |
(Mary Ann: Who is Robert the Bruce?)
William the Conqueror
The ursus californicus variety of this fierce brown bear is featured on California's state seal |
Taken from a mining phrase, a "climate" this animal is an event that foretells environmental disaster |