The Falasha Jews of Ethiopia claim descent from King Solomon & this woman |
"Miss Manners always believes in sending" these "notes. It encourages people to give more" |
thank-you notes
Acquisitive slogan that Cuba Gooding, Jr. shouts at Tom Cruise in "Jerry Maguire" |
"Show me the money!"
In 1973 "All My Children"'s Mary Fickett became the first daytime soap actor to win one of these awards |
(Alex: About a minute to go.)
an Emmy
At over 60 million square miles, this ocean covers about a third of the Earth's surface |
Pacific Ocean
The only requirement for membership in this group founded in 1935 is a desire to stop drinking |
Alcoholics Anonymous
The Deseret News is one of several publications owned by this church |
Mormons (LDS)
Of cracking these body parts, Miss Manners says, "Please insist that everyone stop it this very minute" |
Biblical term for a menacing sermon, from 2 torments it depicts awaiting sinners |
(Elizabeth: What are hellfire and damnation?) [Originally ruled incorrect; reversed at the first break]
fire & brimstone
As a member of Pine Valley's Daughters of Fine Lineage, Phoebe traces her roots back to this boat |
Huron a roll if you know the Straits of Mackinac connect Lake Huron with this Great Lake |
(Elizabeth: What is Lake Superior?)
Lake Michigan
This word used of Herbert Hoover in 1928 referred to his support of Prohibition, not his dull speeches |
(Elizabeth: What is teetotaler?)
The name of this Christian sacrament is from the Greek for "to dip" |
According to Miss Manners, gentlemen remove these when shaking hands; ladies do not |
This phrase wishing an actor good luck was taken literally by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's theater |
break a leg
On January 5, 1995 "All My Children" celebrated this anniversary |
About 250 miles long, this river is usually navigable for only about 20 miles from Rome to the sea |
(Ron: What is the Po?)
the Tiber
Temperance workers used this liquor as a synonym for all spirits & prefaced it with "demon" |
Tradition says this central shrine of Islam, located in Mecca, was built by Abraham & Ishmael |
Miss Manners claims you'll "develop warts on your toes" if you wear these after Labor Day |
white shoes
In current slang, someone attractive or cool may be "all that and a bag of " these |
Verla Grubbs on "All My Children", she used to star in "As the Stomach Turns" on her own variety show |
Carol Burnett
The city formerly called Stalingrad lies on this river |
Volga (city renamed Volgograd)
This Southern state whose name means "great water" was the last one with a prohibition law |
With more than 60 million members worldwide, it's the largest Protestant denomination |
(Elizabeth: Who are the Baptists?)
Sadly, Miss Manners notes that these linen items are never used, "even by the guests" |
guest towels
Broadcaster Red Barber popularized "sitting in" this seat as an equivalent of "sitting pretty" |
the catbird's seat
She was "All My Children"'s Jenny Gardner before becoming "NYPD Blue"'s Det. Diane Russell |
Kim Delaney
In Turkey you can get from Europe to Asia by crossing the Bosporus Strait at this sea just below it |
(Elizabeth: What is the Black Sea?)
the Sea of Marmara
In "A Drinking Life", this editor of NYC's Post & Daily News tells how he got on & off the sauce |
Pete Hamill