Show #3089 - Thursday, January 22, 1998


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Lynne Kenyon, a high school teacher from Olympia, Washington

Elizabeth Hoppe, an optometrist and college professor from Fullerton, California

Ron Hankey, an operations research analyst from Falls Church, Virginia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Yes, the soap!)
    $100 6
The Falasha Jews of Ethiopia claim descent from King Solomon & this woman
    $100 14
"Miss Manners always believes in sending" these "notes. It encourages people to give more"
    $100 11
Acquisitive slogan that Cuba Gooding, Jr. shouts at Tom Cruise in "Jerry Maguire"
    $100 24
In 1973 "All My Children"'s Mary Fickett became the first daytime soap actor to win one of these awards
    $100 1
At over 60 million square miles, this ocean covers about a third of the Earth's surface
    $100 19
The only requirement for membership in this group founded in 1935 is a desire to stop drinking
    $200 7
The Deseret News is one of several publications owned by this church
    $200 15
Of cracking these body parts, Miss Manners says, "Please insist that everyone stop it this very minute"
    $200 12
Biblical term for a menacing sermon, from 2 torments it depicts awaiting sinners
    $200 27
As a member of Pine Valley's Daughters of Fine Lineage, Phoebe traces her roots back to this boat
    $200 2
Huron a roll if you know the Straits of Mackinac connect Lake Huron with this Great Lake
    $200 20
This word used of Herbert Hoover in 1928 referred to his support of Prohibition, not his dull speeches
    $300 8
The name of this Christian sacrament is from the Greek for "to dip"
    $300 16
According to Miss Manners, gentlemen remove these when shaking hands; ladies do not
    $300 13
This phrase wishing an actor good luck was taken literally by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's theater
    $300 28
On January 5, 1995 "All My Children" celebrated this anniversary
    $300 3
About 250 miles long, this river is usually navigable for only about 20 miles from Rome to the sea
    $300 21
Temperance workers used this liquor as a synonym for all spirits & prefaced it with "demon"
    $400 9
Tradition says this central shrine of Islam, located in Mecca, was built by Abraham & Ishmael
    $400 17
Miss Manners claims you'll "develop warts on your toes" if you wear these after Labor Day
    $400 25
In current slang, someone attractive or cool may be "all that and a bag of " these
    $400 30
Verla Grubbs on "All My Children", she used to star in "As the Stomach Turns" on her own variety show
    DD: $500 4
The city formerly called Stalingrad lies on this river
    $400 22
This Southern state whose name means "great water" was the last one with a prohibition law
    $500 10
With more than 60 million members worldwide, it's the largest Protestant denomination
    $500 18
Sadly, Miss Manners notes that these linen items are never used, "even by the guests"
    $500 26
Broadcaster Red Barber popularized "sitting in" this seat as an equivalent of "sitting pretty"
    $500 29
She was "All My Children"'s Jenny Gardner before becoming "NYPD Blue"'s Det. Diane Russell
    $500 5
In Turkey you can get from Europe to Asia by crossing the Bosporus Strait at this sea just below it
    $500 23
In "A Drinking Life", this editor of NYC's Post & Daily News tells how he got on & off the sauce

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Ron Elizabeth Lynne
$700 -$300 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ron Elizabeth Lynne
$700 $1,500 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
On March 1, 1845, just prior to leaving office, Tyler signed the measure annexing this republic
    $200 6
Yeow! The heat in this traditional Finnish room may reach the boiling point of water
    $200 23
In 1991 this sister of Eric Roberts shocked Hollywood by canceling her wedding to Kiefer Sutherland
    $200 13
Monday's special is named for this appendage; what do they do with the rest of the ox?
    $200 21
"Two" of these "diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by..."
    $200 8
Sometimes it precedes wolf; by itself, it's a lumberjack's warning call
    $400 2
In 1841 Tyler's cabinet resigned except for this secy. of state; the devil must have made him stay
    $400 7
This ethnic minority in Finland consists of about 4,000 former nomads living north of the Arctic Circle
    $400 26
Prior to auditioning for "Mad Max", his face was bruised in a fight, which helped him win the role
    $400 17
If it's Tuesday, it must be waterzooi, a rich stew from this country's Flemish people
    $400 22
"Something there is that doesn't love" this
    $400 9
Savalas, or what the British used to watch him on
    $600 3
In June 1843 Tyler attended the dedication of this Revolutionary War monument in Charlestown, Massachusetts
    $600 14
A famous Finnish tone poem, or a famous Finnish vodka
    $600 18
Wednesday's treat is this chilled tomato soup, which Andalusians flavor with onions & garlic
    $600 24
Fighting the sun at this man's inauguration, he declaimed, "The land was ours before we were the land's"
    $600 10
It's another term for a bronco buster as well as a synonym for tornado
    $800 4
While sitting in the Capitol Building on May 24, 1844, Samuel F.B. Morse tapped out these 4 words
    $800 15
This "Flying Finn" flies no more, but he has a statue near Helsinki's Olympic Stadium
    $800 19
Thursday's soup isn't mulligan stew but this curry-flavored dish with a similar name
    DD: $500 25
"The woods are lovely, dark & deep, but I have promises to keep" is followed by this line, repeated
    $800 11
A larval frog, or a nickname for a person from Mississippi
    $1000 5
Because of a feud with Henry Clay, Tyler was disowned by this party that nominated him
    $1000 16
This architect, Eero's father, gained fame for designing Helsinki's railroad station
    $1000 27
An Oscar winner for "The Accused", she voiced the male role of Pugsley in "The Addams Family" cartoons
    $1000 20
Fish on Friday! It's this Provencal stew, ladled over slices of dried French bread
    $1000 12
This word can refer to a tree of the mahogany family or an animated character such as Roger Rabbit

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ron Elizabeth Lynne
$6,000 $2,300 $4,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Don't ya love it!)
The name of this common kitchen material comes from its use in place of a mineral

Final scores:

Ron Elizabeth Lynne
$9,801 $90 $1
2-day champion: $17,202 2nd place: Trip to Mariott's Las Palmas Resort in Rancho Mirage, California 3rd place: Trip on Amtrak's Coast Starlight between Los Angeles & Seattle

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ron Elizabeth Lynne
$6,300 $2,300 $4,800
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
15 R,
6 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $13,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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