Show #3087 - Tuesday, January 20, 1998


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Kevin Perry, a shipping supervisor and college student from Fredericksburg, Virginia

Sam Thompson, an executive assistant from Seattle, Washington

Drew Reid, a musician and songwriter from Franklin, Tennessee (whose 2-day cash winnings total $22,095)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
This place is sometimes called 'Bam, 'Bama or 'Bammy
    $100 16
The leaves of a fern are commonly called this, from the Latin for "foliage"
    $100 2
She guided fans through gracious living with etiquette books, columns & radio & TV shows
    $100 19
Some feel deep-frying the legs of this amphibian in cornmeal overpowers their subtle flavor
    $100 6
Titleist makes these with a pink ribbon logo for breast cancer awareness
    $100 10
It's the part of a candle that you kindle
    $200 3
The book "Whistlin' Dixie" calls this plural of "you" "The ne plus ultra of Southern dialect"
    $200 25
The "fire" type of this insect builds large mounds that interfere with harvesting hay
    DD: $500 4
(Hi, I'm Kirsten Dunst) In "Little Women" Amy is the youngest of 4 sisters with this last name
    $200 20
These desert reptiles are good for stew, but save the tip of the tail for a fun & handy noisemaker
    $200 8
"The Yips" is a term for jitters that can destroy a stroke, especially this one on the green
    $200 11
Yodel, or sing melodiously like a bird
    $300 7
19th century event referred to in the South as the "Unpleasantness"
    $300 26
A perihelion is the point in the orbit of a planet or other celestial body when it's closest to this
    $300 5
She married Barbra Streisand in "Yentl" & Steven Spielberg in real life
    $300 21
At the big game, the tail of this Florida mascot has been seen on grills at the Georgia Bulldogs' tailgate parties
    $300 9
A fade is a controlled type of this shot that flies to the right of a right-handed golfer
    $300 14
It can mean to exercise power, or to handle & use a weapon
    $400 18
A corruption of "ordinary", it means mean
    $400 27
Mildews, smuts & morels belong to this group of organisms incapable of making their own food
    $400 12
Her No. 1 hit "Baby Baby" was written for a real babe, her daughter Millie
    $400 22
Their habit of playing dead makes them easy to catch, roast & serve with sweet 'taters
    $400 28
Australian-born "Shark" who won the 1986 British Open & narrowly lost the '86 & '96 Masters
    $400 15
Doggone it, this type of stereo speaker is used for reproducing low frequency sounds
    $500 24
Feeling fair to a little better is feeling "fair to" this
    $500 30
This phylum of sea animals named for their spiny skin includes sea urchins & sea cucumbers
    $500 13
Film director who captured teen America in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" & "Clueless"
    $500 23
One main reason this North American bird was hunted to extinction by 1914 was that it was good eating
    $500 29
A golfer's last name gave us this term for a free shot not counted against your score
    $500 17
Phascolomis ursinus, this burrowing marsupial of Australia, resembles a small bear

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Drew Sam Kevin
$900 $1,900 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Drew Sam Kevin
$3,200 $2,300 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This common name for the Society of Friends may come from the saying "Tremble at the word of the Lord"
    $200 16
There are about 150 in a 12-ounce bottle, or 95 in the light type
    $200 12
Type of event celebrated by an "Epithalamion", like the one Spenser wrote about his own to Elizabeth Boyle
    $200 7
Spike Lee chronicled the life of this black activist in a 1992 film
    $200 6
Comedian Denis Leary insists people would use these even if they were called "tumors"
    $200 2
The July 1953 armistice ending this war has never led to a formal peace treaty
    $400 4
Muslims in Uzbekistan are reclaiming these buildings that were put to secular use by the Soviets
    $400 18
Slang term for beer overexposed to light & smelling like traces of a striped mammal
    $400 13
Taslima Nasrin left Bangladesh after incurring a 1994 Islamic death sentence, like this British author
    $400 8
Of the Underground Railroad, she said she never ran a train off the track & never lost a passenger
    $400 22
On 1995's Oscar telecast, David Letterman repeatedly introduced these 2 stars to each other
    $400 3
In a fanciful James Thurber story, a hung-over General Grant surrenders to this man at Appomattox
    $600 10
Mahayanists label other schools of this religion "Hinayana" or "lesser vehicle"
    $600 19
This Spanish word for beer is derived from Ceres, the goddess of agriculture
    $600 14
In 1811 this poet was expelled from Oxford for writing the pamphlet "The Necessity of Atheism"
    $600 9
The late Ron Brown was the first black American to head this cabinet department
    $600 28
Troubles on "Sanford and Son" made this comic clutch his heart & tell his dead wife, "I'm Coming!"
    $600 5
53 years before the Trail of Tears, this tribe signed the Hopewell Treaty with the U.S.
    DD: $1,200 11
Guadalupe, where Juan Diego twice saw the Virgin Mary in 1531, is now a part of this world capital
    $800 20
Slosberg is the last name of this creator of a craft-brewed "Wicked Ale"
    $800 15
HE WROTE, "since feeling is first who pays any attention to the syntax of things"
    $800 26
This actress featured in "Executive Decision" was formerly married to outfielder David Justice
    DD: $800 29
(Hi, I'm Al Franken) As this character, I insist that, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me"
    $800 24
After arranging a truce with this republic, Aleksandr Lebed was fired by Boris Yeltsin as security chief
    $1000 23
The Bhagavad-Gita records a dialogue between a warrior named Arjuna & this avatar of Vishnu
    $1000 21
This rich type of stout "carries" the name of the London market workers who guzzled it
    $1000 17
He was actually in the slammer -- London's Gatehouse, to be precise -- when he wrote "To Althea, from Prison"
    $1000 27
Noted for his Gulf War coverage, he's the principal Washington anchor for CNN
    $1000 30
The Minister of Silly Walks was a memorable portrayal by this gangly member of the Monty Python troupe
    $1000 25
By the 1871 Treaty of Frankfurt, France gave Germany Alsace & part of this quiche-making province

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Drew Sam Kevin
$8,400 $2,500 $4,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Site of a famous leader's exile, it was named for the mother of Constantine the Great

Final scores:

Drew Sam Kevin
$7,100 $5,000 $9,500
2nd place: Intel Create & Share Camera Pack, Desktop PC & Bush Computer Desk 3rd place: Pair of Wittnauer Montego Watches New champion: $9,500

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Drew Sam Kevin
$8,800 $2,200 $4,800
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
15 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $15,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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