Show #5257 - Tuesday, June 19, 2007


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Jesse Berry, a tax analyst from Little Rock, Arkansas

Susan Otto, a teacher from Waukesha, Wisconsin

Kai-Ning Jan, a pediatrician from Culver City, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $11,999)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want the state.)
    $200 4
In one of his fables, a bee of Mt. Hymettus asks Jupiter for its sting to be fatal
    $200 16
Her marriage to Paul McCartney was less than fab, as the 2 split in 2006
    $200 20
Erstwhile presidential candidate Al Gore
    $200 22
He began mass-producing business jets in 1964 &, later, 8-track stereo tape players for cars
    $200 9
When Sumerians used these in war, they had 4 wheels & were drawn by big-eared equines called onagers
    $200 1
This goodhearted pachyderm did a favor for a bird by sitting on her egg in a nest in a tree for 51 days
    $400 5
The action of this novel concerns a quest to defeat the dragon Smaug in his lair in Erebor, the lonely mountain
    $400 17
Wed to members of
Bon Jovi & Motley Crue,
she could always say she was with the band
    $400 27
John Quincy Adams after the presidency
    $400 23
In 1958 this firm introduced the 1st commercial U.S. jet, the 707; in the '60s, it built the 1st stage of the
Saturn V rocket
    $400 10
From 1275 to 1292, Marco Polo worked for the Yuan Dynasty under this emperor
    $400 2
Formed in 2001, it's a presidential cabinet department
    $600 6
In German, this title peak of a Thomas Mann work is known as "Der Zauberberg"
    $600 18
Heather O'Rourke memorably announced, "They're here" in this 1982 thriller
    $600 28
Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
    $600 24
On August 6, 1945 this B-29 airplane became the first to drop an atomic bomb in warfare
    $600 11
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Luxor, Egypt.) Ramses the Great lived to be 96, had 200 wives & concubines, & one tomb held at least 20 of these, including Mery-Atum
    $600 3
Air & heir,
for example
    DD: $600 7
In a Hemingway tale, Harry gets gangrene; before he dies, has a vision of flying in a plane toward this mountain
    $800 19
Heather Tom (not Heather Thomas) played Victoria Newman on this long-running CBS soap opera
    $800 29
Dick Cheney
    $800 25
In 1912 this Dutch plane builder set up a plant near Berlin; later, his fighter planes were flown by the Red Baron
    $800 12
The 1571 Battle of Lepanto was the last major naval battle between ships powered by these
    $800 14
Medical adjective for an alternative kind of treatment that covers the body, mind & spirit of the patient
    $1000 8
In his "Five Weeks in a Balloon", the title conveyance anchors itself to Mount Longwek, the trembling mountain
    $1000 21
Heather Thomas (not Heather Tom) buddied up with stunt man/bounty hunter Lee Majors on this "80s series
    $1000 30
2006 House Majority Leader John Boehner
    $1000 26
This B-17 flying fortress of WWII was named for a southern city & Margaret Polk, the girlfriend of the pilot
    $1000 13
In 538 B.C. Cyrus the Great put an end to the "captivity" of the Jews in this realm
    $1000 15
Errol Flynn was born in this Tasmanian capital in 1909

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kai-Ning Susan Jesse
$1,000 $2,200 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kai-Ning Susan Jesse
$1,600 $3,400 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And tomorrow night you can see what they have named the greatest movie of all time. By the way, there are 400 films on the ballot.)
    $400 12
Using a blender & radioactive "tags", Alfred Hershey found that this, not protein, was the genetic material of life
    $400 4
This actor is in an impressive 9 films on the ballot; his daughter is in 3
    $400 1
Now a piece of fabric covering a tear, in the 1700s it was a piece of fabric stuck on a lady's face as an adornment
    $400 7
The first pope with this name lasted 4 years; No. II, only one; we're presently on XVI & wish him well
    $400 3
Canada's first full-scale one of these controversial power plants opened on Lake Huron in 1967
    $400 18
The female offspring of one of your own children
    DD: $2,000 13
On March 16, 1961 NASA dedicated its space flight center to this man on the 35th anniversary of a major feat of his
    $800 5
One of the 2 years, both more than 5 decades ago, represented on the AFI ballot with 11 films each
    $800 2
Yes, "deer", in the '50s Pat Boone was famous for wearing these pale oxfords
    $800 8
Severinus waited 18 months for consecration by Heraclius, this emperor in Constantinople, then died in 3 mo.
    $800 24
Toronto's CN Tower opened in this year in which Canada also hosted the Summer Olympics
    $800 19
The dietary practice of not eating meat or meat products
    $1200 14
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab.) Princeton experimented with a tokamak, the first promising fusion reactor technology, conceived by this Soviet scientist who fought for disarmament
    $1200 6
This 1958 film named for an affliction is the only movie on the ballot that starts with the letter "V"
    $1200 9
V wasn't a lucky number for this pope of 685 (a few months' run), but XXIII lasted from 1958 to 1963
    DD: $1,200 25
"Scarlet Riders" is a collection of pulp tales about this Canadian group
    $1200 21
Adjective describing any organism that eats its own kind
    $1600 15
After WWII, scientist Samuel Goudsmit & team located this German atomic weapons project leader
    $1600 16
This Lew Wallace "tale of the Christ" is the only title on the ballot twice; Charlton Heston was in one
    $1600 10
Yo, this pope III had a "Rocky" one-year reign from 884 to 885
    $1600 26
Most of the province of British Columbia is in this time zone
    $1600 22
A doctor who specializes in the elderly
    $2000 17
After a 1980s legal battle, Robert Gallo & Luc Montagnier agreed to share credit for the isolation of this virus
    $2000 20
Big news--besides Tom Hanks' "Big", these are 2 of the 3 movies on the ballot with "big" in the title
    $2000 11
The V pope of this name came in like a lion in 903 (but went out like a lamb by 904)
    $2000 27
Martin, not Brian, is the real first name of this man who was Canada's PM from 1984 to 1993
    $2000 23
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew stands in front of a board with numbers.) The string of values seen here is increasing this way, from the Latin for "to declare"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kai-Ning Susan Jesse
-$4,400 $9,800 $20,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This man's return to the U.S. in 1824, 47 years after his first trip here, added splendor to James Monroe's presidential term

Final scores:

Kai-Ning Susan Jesse
-$4,400 $9,800 $20,000
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $20,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kai-Ning Susan Jesse
-$2,400 $9,800 $20,200
8 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
2 W
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $27,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-03-06
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