In 1939 he & Bill Hewlett started a business in his garage with $538 |
(David) Packard
The name of this condition comes from the Greek for "deep sleep" |
a coma
A small cap worn over the fingertip for protection |
a thimble
Men who hate asking for directions need a product by Garmin or Magellan using GPS, this type of "system" |
a global positioning system
In a 12-year career, Mark Price's 90.4% made him the NBA's all-time leader in this shot's percentage |
the free throw
One of his fasts, in 1932, protested the British government's treatment of India's untouchables |
(Mohandas) Gandhi
John N., of this R.I. university-endowing family, was known as "The World's Richest Baby" when his uncle died in 1900 |
(Mike: Who is Rockefeller?)
the Brown family
If a patient is non-responsive & these openings in the iris are fixed & dilated, it's bad news |
the pupils
"Not with a bang, but with" this cry with low, plaintive, broken sounds |
a whimper
The "Pearl" model of this Research In Motion device is an e-mail client, media player, camera & cell phone |
(Bobbie: What's an iPod?)
the BlackBerry
This pitching feat has happened only 17 times in MLB history; Randy Johnson had the last one, in 2004 |
a perfect game
Exodus 34 reports that Moses didn't eat or drink for 40 days up here |
Mount Sinai
He moved into Las Vegas' Desert Inn in 1966 & bought the whole hotel a short time later |
Howard Hughes
Defined as asystole, no cardiac electrical activity on the EKG is also known by this "level" term |
a flatline
The name of this structure on a house also refers to the vent of a volcano |
a chimney
If you want true high def, see your way to finding this company's Bravia TV line |
Noted enforcer Tiger Williams holds the NHL record with 3,966 of these; it equals about 2.75 days |
penalty box minutes
In 1909 Marion Wallace-Dunlop, best known for this cause, got out of prison after a 91-hour fast |
women's suffrage
Kemmons Wilson had already made a pile with his jukebox franchise when he founded this "festive" family hotel chain |
Holiday Inn
Cleveland Clinic protocol says when this 3-letter order is given by a patient, there will be no chest compressions |
DNR (do not resuscitate)
It's this Honshu seaport with a 1.1 million population, mon amour |
This technology used for wireless headsets is named after a Danish king who united parts of Scandinavia |
(Alex: All right, I would think that that would be the correct thing to do for a woman who dated identical twins.) (Lilly: Very daring.) ... (Alex: Harald [*].)
In 1896 Tom Burke set an Olympic record by going this distance in 12.0 seconds; in 2004, Justin Gatlin ran a 9.85 |
100 meters
In 1981 Patrick McGeown survived a 42-day hunger strike while in prison for a bombing done for this organization |
the IRA
Decorated with marble brought from India, the London home of tycoon Lakshmi Mittal has this punning name |
the Taj Mittal
Patient has tachycardia! Oh, man, he's in V-fib! Charge to 360! Clear! while I use an external this device |
a defibrillator
Any time you are in the tub, you can see this Greek mathematician's principle at work |
In the longest heavyweight title bout in modern history, in 1915 "Great White Hope" Jess Willard beat this man in 26 rds. |
(Bobbie: Who is John L. Sullivan?) (Mike: Who is Dempsey?)
Jack Johnson
In 1224 this Italian saint's 40 days of fasting brought on the stigmata |
(Alex: Don't be afraid to ring in, now.)
Saint Francis of Assisi