Show #3671 - Monday, July 17, 2000

Tad Carithers game 2.


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Nicole Burnham Onsi, a freelance writer from Hopkinton, Massachusetts

Chris Coad, a graphic designer from Jersey City, New Jersey

Tad Carithers, an attorney from Atlanta, Georgia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $10,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 14
Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to fetch this poor creature a bone
    $100 6
Football plays begin from this imaginary line that's parallel to the goal lines
    $100 12
In 1999 basketball mourned the loss of this legendary Laker nicknamed "The Big Dipper"
    $100 9
Before "Titanic", this actress was in a 1996 film version of "Jude the Obscure"
    $100 1
The north end of the Adriatic Sea is a gulf that shares its name with this watery Italian city
    $100 26
In 1978 this TV newsmagazine got off to a slow start, but ABC had the "vision" to keep it on
    $200 17
It's the precarious location of the Rock-a-bye Baby's cradle
    $200 7
In palmistry it runs from the Mount of Jupiter down the palm in an arc around the Mount of Venus
    $200 15
Many consider him the 264th successor of St. Peter
    $200 13
8-letter classification of the type of instrument heard here
    $200 2
This country's oil-refining Kharg Island was often bombed during its long 1980s war with Iraq
    $200 27
Before he was Larry Sanders, he played himself on "It's" his "Show"
    $300 18
Jack, of Jack & Jill, had his head patched with this & brown paper
    $300 8
Surveyed by 2 astronomers in the 1760s, it settled a dispute between the Calvert & Penn families
    $300 16
In 1939 this famous architect polished off his Johnson Wax Building in Racine, Wisconsin
    $300 23
Shrink or flinch, as from pain
    DD: $500 3
This Dutch city is home to St. Bavo's Church; the NYC area of the same name is home to Abyssinian Baptist Church
    $300 28
At age 12, artist John Reynolds sold the cartoon "Terry and Chris" to this cable network for kids
    $400 19
He indulged in self-congratulation after using his pollex to extract a fruit from a baked food
    $400 10
In 1929 France began building this line as a fortification against Germany
    $400 21
In 1919 mental illness ended the career of this Russian ballet dancer
    $400 24
Seen here, Marie Barrow is holding this possession of her late brother Clyde
    $400 4
Brisbane is the capital of this "royal" Australian state
    $400 29
D.L., Sydney & Michael are members of this title black family in suburbia
    $500 20
In a popular rhyme, "I had a little" one of these & "his name was Dapple-Gray"
    $500 11
A line drawn in 1493 settled claims in the New World between these 2 countries
    $500 22
This astronaut who piloted the command module during the first moon landing was born in Rome, Italy
    $500 25
Named for its surveyor, it's also known as K2 because it was the second peak measured in the Karakoram range
    $500 5
In the '90s Americans learned more about this African country highlighted here
    $500 30
This '90s show about a 4-century-old Scot was inspired by a Sean Connery film

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Tad Chris Nicole
$3,000 -$100 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tad Chris Nicole
$5,100 $700 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
In the 1950s Yehuda Amichai won fame for writing poetry in the modern form of this language
    $200 1
Sir Lionel is apparently killed during a joust in this musical, but Sir Lancelot miraculously revives him
    $200 2
Early Inuits made the runners for these out of ivory
    $200 17
In 1919 this producer/director found United Artists along with Charlie Chaplin & 2 others
    $200 8
A doctor may use a hematocrit test to measure the volume of these cells
    $200 18
The Wild West frontierswoman who won an Oscar for "Klute"
    $400 6
Ellen Glasgow set her novel "Barren Ground" in the Piedmont area of this, her home state
    $400 7
Lt. Cable gets to sing "Younger Than Springtime" before he's killed on a tropical island in this WWII-set musical
    $400 3
In May 1982 this "Wonder"ful song took the lead away from "Chariots Of Fire" on the Billboard pop chart
    $400 19
At the end of his 1633 trial he is said to have muttered with regard to the Earth, "Even so, it does move"
    $400 24
In 1989 researchers identified the abnormal gene on chromosome 7 that causes CF, this disease
    $400 20
Hillary Clinton's nonfiction book about the need for a town fool
    $600 13
This Belgian had many pen names, including Bobette, Plick et Plock & (most transparently) Georges Sim
    $600 11
Attempting to kill Curly on his wedding night, Jud falls on his own knife & dies in this ever-popular musical
    $600 4
John Hyatt developed celluloid as a substitute for ivory in the balls used in this game
    $600 21
He sold several paintings to finance his 1891 trip to Tahiti to observe & paint its customs
    $600 27
Inoculations can be cutaneous, subcutaneous, intramuscular or this way, meaning into a vein
    $600 22
Simon & Garfunkel hit song about being tied up & unable to speak
    DD: $2,500 14
The Beast & the Brute are rival newspapers in "Scoop", a satirical novel by this author of "The Loved One"
    $800 12
The jazz ballet "Slaughter on" this "Avenue" was originally part of the musical "On Your Toes"
    $800 9
Along with Crisco & Cover Girl, Ivory is one of this company's brands
    DD: $700 23
In the 1850s this inventor wrote a 2-volume work about his discovery titled "Gum Elastic and its Varieties"
    $1000 15
This Elizabethan courtier never completed his "History of the World", so it only goes up to the 2nd century B.C.
    $1000 16
This star of the murder mystery musical "Redhead" married the show's director, Bob Fosse, during its run
    $1000 10
Phidias' gold & ivory statue of this god was one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World
    $1000 25
During World War I, this future Bauhaus founder was wounded & received the Iron Cross for bravery
    $1000 26
Before discovering penicillin, he discovered lysozyme, an antibacterial agent in tears & saliva

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tad Chris Nicole
$11,600 $2,300 $200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

1937 film whose 1954 & 1976 musical remakes each produced soundtracks that hit No. 1

Final scores:

Tad Chris Nicole
$15,000 $3,600 $1
2-day champion: $25,600 2nd place: Trip to Sheraton Buganvillas Resort, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 3rd place: Sony Card $1,000 Shopping Spree

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Tad Chris Nicole
$11,500 $2,300 $2,700
29 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
8 R,
1 W
10 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $16,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2000-04-13
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