Show #5209 - Thursday, April 12, 2007


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Chris Dellicarpini, a screenwriter from South Huntington, New York

Jen Benedict, a grad student from Fredericksburg, Virginia

Karen Anderson, a private investigator from Half Moon Bay, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $22,500)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
Its national anthem includes the line "With our flesh and blood, let us build our new great wall"
    $200 21
This Swiss company whose name means "little nest" is a leading producer of milk chocolate
    $200 26
An easy one to begin: he's the 21st Prince of this
    $200 6
Lozenge or tablet
    $200 11
Found in Utah, the world's largest natural bridge is named for this arch in the sky
    $200 1
As the coroner in this 1939 film, Meinhardt Raabe said, "She's not only merely dead, she's really most sincerely dead"
    $400 17
The most heavily fortified border in the world is between these 2 small Asian countries
    $400 22
Zeiss produces some of the finest of these for cameras, like the telephoto Planar T
    $400 27
He's Duke of this place, also a "C"ounty in Southwest England
    $400 7
Respiratory fish flap
    $400 12
Among the largest tracked vehicles, the Marion Crowlers today move these at Kennedy Space Center
    $400 2
In between "Austin Powers" movies, this actor played Griphook the Goblin in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"
    $600 18
The Globe & the Almaty Herald are the almighty newspapers in this largest Asian "stan"
    $600 23
This soft drink company is one of the major advertising sponsors of "American Idol"
    $600 28
The title of Duke of Rothesay is the highest title of this country given to the heir apparent to the U.K. throne
    $600 8
Proverbially, don't make a mountain out of one of these
    $600 13
Although originally a Hindu structure, Borobudur is the largest stupa or temple of this religion on Java
    $600 3
This Parisian-born actor was once nominated for a Golden Globe for his work on "Fantasy Island"
    $800 19
Some think the floor of what's now the Arafura Sea was once a land bridge between Asia & this continent
    $800 24
These "cups" don't take their name from the Deep South but from a similarly named doll company once next door
    $800 29
He's the Earl of this, also a "Gunsmoke" deputy
    $800 9
A decorative ring of feathers around the neck of a bird
    DD: $2,600 14
The seven rays on the crown of this heaviest statue in the world stand for the seven seas
    $800 4
Zelda Rubinstein appeared as clairvoyant Tangina Barrons in this spooky 1982 Tobe Hooper film
    $1000 20
In 2006 Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was deposed in a bloodless coup in this Asian nation
    $1000 25
Now owned by Hyundai, this company's models include the Optima sedan & the Rio compact
    $1000 30
He's also the Earl of Carrick, just like this victor at Bannockburn 700 years before him
    $1000 10
Kitchen refuse given to pigs
    $1000 15
250 miles long, the Lambert this empties a large portion of East Antarctica's ice into Amery Ice Shelf
    $1000 5
Peter Dinklage didn't play the title character in this holiday film; he did come to blows with Will Ferrell, though

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Karen Jen Chris
$600 $2,600 $5,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Karen Jen Chris
$1,000 $5,000 $6,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
In 1839 he published "Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque"
    $400 1
Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" is set in 1692 in this town
    $400 11
It's an external preparation for an ache or a pain-- & Dr. Trebek's will have you feeling right as rain!
    $400 6
The name of this currency made out of shells comes from the Algonquin for "white"
    $400 21
In this novel, Celie wrote to her sister about her bad marriage only to find her husband kept the return letters
    $400 16
It often comes before "and miss"
    DD: $3,000 27
Ann Eliza Webb was one of this 19th century Utah group that's sometimes counted at 27 women
    $800 2
Valentine is the last name of this "sweet" title hostess at the Fandango ballroom
    $800 12
A traditional summer camp activity is making these cords worn around the neck
    $800 7
In 1848 the Philadelphia mint turned out 1,389 $2.50 pieces marked to show the gold came from this state
    DD: $3,000 22
In the novel, Jonathan Harker was the first character to write about & encounter this title character
    $800 17
Ocular term for a new shoot on a potato
    $1200 28
In 1838 congressman Jonathan Cilley engaged in this--& not a rhetorical one--with Rep. William Graves
    $1200 3
This murderous barber has a chair that can suddenly drop a victim via trap door into a cellar
    $1200 13
It's a term for a truck in Torquay
    $1200 8
This 2-word French phrase refers to the folks who've recently acquired their wealth
    $1200 23
A frustrated office drudge becomes a megalomaniac in this Russian novelist's "Diary of a Madman"
    $1200 18
To place wet hair in position by use of rollers & clips
    $1600 29
Later to dominate rail transport, this "commodore" was on the first train ever to have a passenger fatality
    $1600 4
In a Moss Hart-George S. Kaufman comedy, Sheridan Whiteside was "The Man Who" did this
    $1600 14
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from the state-of-the-art Jeopardy! marine biology laboratory.) This clinging marine gastropod is also the last name of Don Knotts's character in a 1964 marine movie
    $1600 9
1996 presidential candidate last name that's also an allotment of money given to those in need
    $1600 24
The Broadway show "Charly" was based on the journals in this Daniel Keyes novel
    $1600 19
A section of growing grass & roots cut from the ground
    $2000 30
This Illinois girl died in 1835; in 1890, she was reburied in Petersburg, Ill. to drum up tourism there
    $2000 5
He's deaf-mute Belinda McDonald's out-of-wedlock baby boy
    $2000 15
They're tart red berries traditionally served in Sweden with thin pancakes
    $2000 10
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports while pointing out numbers on a video chart.) A $1000 investment made at 5% interest would have quite different returns after twenty years, based on these two different types of interest
    $2000 25
Sue Townsend depicted adolescence in "The Secret Diary of" him "Aged 13 3/4" & its sequels
    $2000 20
Animal used to represent the first sign of the zodiac

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Karen Jen Chris
$16,800 $3,000 $15,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of the 17 state governors who became president, the most from any state, 4, were from this one

Final scores:

Karen Jen Chris
$16,900 $3,000 $25,199
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $25,199

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Karen Jen Chris
$14,600 $3,000 $16,800
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
10 R,
3 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $34,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-01-30
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