Show #5204 - Thursday, April 5, 2007


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Kelly Knight, a mystery novelist from Noblesville, Indiana

Ron Grant, a consulting company president from Greenville, South Carolina

Rita Schwab-Parcel, a clinical information support specialist from Sioux Falls, South Dakota (whose 1-day cash winnings total $37,000)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Tell us what person we name is the female in the group.)
    $200 11
The longest migration by this marine animal is the gray type's journey between Alaska & Mexico
    $200 1
Joey Heatherton, Joey Lawrence, Joey Fatone
    $200 5
He's the popular '60s & '70s game show host seen here
    $200 26
'Twas 1909 when William Taft was first to haul / His bulk into thy hallowed space & see thy curving wall
    $200 15
Babar, Jumbo, et al.
    $200 19
If a woman is older or tends toward heavy, avoid wearing one of these to the beach, as it will be "a disaster"
    $400 12
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports in front of an image of the globe.) These birds may cover 14,000 miles in one migration - their return north in warm water led to the proverb "One of" them "does not make a summer"
    $400 2
Parker Stevenson, Parker Posey, Parker Pyne
    $400 6
Alphanumeric name of the fearsome machine seen here
    $400 27
The presence of the No. 2 man seems to cast a glow / within thy precincts, room with the initials V.P.O.
    $400 16
If a jury is this, they're brought together unfairly or corruptly
    $400 20
Corn served this way is not for formal company, but if it's served to you, eat it as quietly as possible
    DD: $1,500 13
Fraser River, where some of them go to spawn, gives its name to a type of this fish
    $600 3
Michael Kidd, Michael Gross, Michael Learned
    $600 7
I say, I say, he's the blabberbeak seen here, son
    $600 28
What man, what staff would dare hold conference / In thee, O room named for 2 presidents
    $600 17
Einstein espoused this political philosophy during WWI but later urged Europe to arm against the Nazis
    $600 21
Emily Post recommends "thirty-nine & holding" as an acceptable answer when asked this rude question
    $800 14
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports in front of a map of the United States.) For these insects, autumn is a time to congregate in Michoacan, Mexico, where they're a major eco-tourist attraction
    $800 4
Joyce Hall, Joyce Kilmer, Joyce DeWitt
    $800 8
Depicted here in 1805 during his last battle is this great British national hero
    $800 29
2006 brought renovation, only temporary / To thee, press briefing room named for a shot press secretary
    $800 24
This Japanese pinball game is played vertically
    $800 22
For the most formal dinner parties, candles should be brand new & of this color
    $1000 18
In May or June the "Great Migration" of wildebeest begins, from Kenya to this Tanzanian national park
    $1000 10
Morgan Freeman, Morgan Brittany, Morgan Paull
    $1000 9
It's the European capital city seen here in November 1956
    $1000 30
Contentious meetings yield a mad cacophony / Within you, room with your grand table of mahogany
    $1000 25
The sinoatrial node of the heart, or an example setter
    $1000 23
10:30 or 11:00 PM is an appropriate time when setting one of these for your 13-year-old

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Rita Ron Kelly
$800 $600 $5,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Rita Ron Kelly
$4,400 $1,800 $7,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 13
On July 17, 1936 he led an army mutiny in Spanish Morocco; thus began his rise to power
    $400 9
Title destination of Mr. Smith, Billy Jack & The Happy Hooker
    $400 21
For lodging at any of 850 locations, dial 800-4MOTEL this digit
    $400 6
His 1964 collection "The Rest of the Robots" included "The Caves of Steel" & "The Naked Sun"
    $400 1
A Caribbean nation: Santo Domingo
    $400 16
According to a song, it's when "all my troubles seemed so far away"
    $800 25
The War of the Spanish Succession consolidated the rule in Spain of Philip V of this French family
    $800 10
We saw "The Muppets Take" it in 1984; Jason, in Part VIII of "Friday the 13th", wrested control of it in 1989
    $800 22
You can get all set up with merchandise from the U.S. Chess Federation at 800-388-this piece (5464)
    $800 7
He wrote 5 sequels to "Dune", including "Dune Messiah" & "Children of Dune"
    $800 2
A European republic: Sofia
    $800 17
A man wears a boutonniere in the buttonhole of this coat part
    $1200 26
In 1587 this British circumnavigator raided the Spanish port of Cadiz & destroyed about 30 ships
    $1200 12
Susan Lucci went prime-time as Sheila Foley on this soap, whose leading man was described as "that human oil slick"
    $1200 24
For shipping, you can call 800-PICK-UPS or try its competitor at 800-GO-this
    $1200 8
This "Candide" author's 1752 work "Micromegas" was an early story of visitors from other planets
    $1200 3
A Himalayan kingdom: Thimphu
    $1200 18
It's a 10-letter word for an ornamental article or trinket
    $1600 27
In 1704 the British captured this outpost from Spain & made it a crown colony; Spain has sought its return since
    $1600 14
Appropriately (unfortunately), Steve Martin gets in his car to drive next door in this 1991 film
    $1600 11
Edgar Rice Burroughs placed the land of Pellucidar at the Earth's core & sent this title guy there once
    $1600 4
Bordering the Caspian Sea: Baku
    $1600 19
This word for a feeling of great fear or terror comes from the old High German for "to fear"
    DD: $2,000 28
Authorized by the Pope in 1478, this tribunal didn't end for good until 1834
    $2000 15
The fact that "This is not a good town for psychedelic drugs" doesn't stop the main character in this 1998 film
    $2000 23
Genly Ai is an emissary to the planet Winter in Ursula K. Le Guin's "The Left Hand of" this
    $2000 5
A relatively new country: Dili
    DD: $3,000 20
One of Pakistan's official languages, it was derived from Hindustani

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Rita Ron Kelly
$11,400 $10,600 $9,500

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was the last presidential election year when there was no sitting president or VP on the national ballot

Final scores:

Rita Ron Kelly
$1,400 $19,001 $0
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $19,001 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Rita Ron Kelly
$10,400 $10,600 $8,600
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $29,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-01-24
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