Show #5167 - Tuesday, February 13, 2007

2007 Teen Tournament semifinal game 2.


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Myles Jeffrey, a senior from Seal Beach, California

David Walter, a senior from Wilmington, Delaware

Naomi Hinchen, a senior from Brooklyn, New York

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
We don't know of any hanging chads when Katherine Harris, this state's ex-Secy. of State, lost her bid for the senate
    $200 21
In the sequel to this film, a sea monster known as a kraken is dispatched by Davy Jones
    $200 16
You're buying ankle bracelets in Ankara
    $200 11
Logically enough, brands of this snack favorite include Jiffy Pop & Pop Secret
    $200 6
Witchcraft trials held in this town in 1692 led to the hangings of 19 people
    $200 26
Cozy corner where you'd keep paperbacks & hardbacks
    $400 2
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew points to a map.) You can see what's called "the two Virginias" here, & Rockingham County, which went 70% for Allen, & this more urban county, home to the Pentagon & a cemetery, which went 70% for Webb
    $400 22
Due to concerns about obesity, a "Sesame Street" monster's song was changed to This "Is A Sometimes Food"
    $400 17
You're cruising around Kiev
    $400 12
Get twisted with these ancient treats made from dough that's baked, salted & usually twisted into a loose knot
    $400 7
Stonewall Jackson earned his nickname during the Battle of Manassas, also called the Battle of this creek
    $400 27
A Twix or Jolly Rancher after it's been dropped on the beach
    $600 3
Missourians narrowly voted to support medical research on these embryonic cells
    $600 23
We're not exactly sure what the monster is on the island of this ABC drama, but Kate, Jack & Sawyer want to know
    $600 18
You're bicycling in Bucharest
    $600 13
It's Super Bowl time! Break out the chips & this yummy dip made from mashed avocados & cilantro
    $600 8
These "Articles" served as the basis of our national government from 1781 to 1789
    $600 28
Place designed for a small spraying striped animal to sleep
    DD: $600 4
African-American Keith Ellison of Minnesota is the 1st congressman of this faith, to which he converted at 19
    $800 24
Sunnydale was speechless when the guys seen here stole everyone's voices in an episode of this show
    $800 19
You're banging a drum in Bangalore
    $800 14
One of the two snacks mentioned in the song "Take Me Out To The Ball Game"
    $800 9
When the Mexican War began in 1846, the Army of the West used this trail to invade New Mexico
    $800 29
A weak, not in the best of health gastropod of the common garden variety
    $1000 5
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows us a map.) A Democrat won with 60% of the vote in the rural 8th District of this state; the district went 60% for Bush in 2004
    $1000 25
Jack Black brings this monster back to 1933 New York City in a 2005 Peter Jackson film
    $1000 20
You're undulating in Ulaanbaatar
    $1000 15
Many different snacks from this brand are supposedly baked by elves in a hollow tree
    $1000 10
Cleanup of this Pennsylvania nuclear power plant following the 1979 meltdown didn't end until 1993
    $1000 30
A sofa-bound grumbling, sulky person

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Naomi David Myles
$600 $2,400 $3,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Naomi David Myles
$1,600 $8,000 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
Some of these smallest blood vessels are so tiny that only one blood cell can pass through at a time
    $400 6
This singer/actress was born in Houston in 1987; her sister Haylie, in 1985
    $400 11
First off, I need a pair of this brand's Chuck Taylor All Star sneakers
    $400 30
A baguette can be worn when it's a gemstone, or eaten when it's one of these
    $400 16
This sport's games have no set time limit; the longest pro game was 8 hours, 25 minutes between Pawtucket & Rochester
    $400 1
Gene carriers (11)
    $800 22
It's the rudimentary plant contained within a seed, or a developing human before it's a fetus
    $800 7
Save Hayden Panettiere, who plays an indestructible cheerleader on this NBC drama, save the world
    $800 12
"Get Your Fash On" with cargo pants, flip flops & more at this sister store of The Gap
    $800 29
If you're a real Franco Poodle Dandy, Franco Poodle do or die, you were born on the 14th of July, aka this day
    $800 17
The theory of relativity says the existence of time depends on the presence of this, from the Latin for "room"
    $800 2
A man's home, proverbially (6)
    $1200 23
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands next to a chart of the human body.) Important to the human body is the excretory system, which allows the body to get rid of waste largely through this pair of organs
    $1200 8
She was "All That" on Nickelodeon but in 2006, "She's the Man" (as Viola Hastings)
    $1200 13
Seen here, this company's footwear will bring out the beast in me! Now, if I could just decide on a color...
    DD: $3,500 27
Because the Seine flows northwest, then southwest, Parisians call the 2 sides this & this, not North & South
    $1200 18
The need for uniform railroad schedules prompted adoption of this national system
    $1200 3
Basic understanding (13)
    $1600 24
To build tissue, the body needs 20 different ones of these "protein building blocks", both "essential" & "nonessential"
    $1600 9
Prior to their 18th birthdays, CNN reported that the wealth of these twins to be $150 million... each!
    $1600 14
I'm looking for DVDs of the early seasons of this Comedy Central show featuring Stan, Kyle, Cartman & Kenny
    $1600 26
This national anthem suggests that the impure blood of invaders be used to water French fields
    $1600 19
In geological time, the Archean, Proterzoic & Phanerozoic are 3 of these verrrry long periods
    DD: $2,000 4
To urge, perhaps to drink certain sodas (4)
    $2000 25
Diptera, the order of insects that includes flies & mosquitoes, literally means this
    $2000 10
We've got Scarlett fever over her, the voice of Mindy in "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"
    $2000 15
(Hi, I'm Isaac Mizrahi.) Look fabulous & live fabulous with my clothing & home collections for this retailer that hit the bull's-eye
    $2000 28
You friend André has an accent aigu in his name; your friend Irène has this accent
    $2000 20
A clock set in the year 2000 & losing 1 second a year would first be an hour off in this year
    $2000 5
To inflect a verb (9)

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Naomi David Myles
$2,800 $24,300 $10,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This author was born in 1926, the daughter of Amasa, an Alabama lawyer, & Frances, whose maiden name was Finch

Final scores:

Naomi David Myles
$0 $24,301 $11,337
3rd place: $10,000 Finalist 2nd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Naomi David Myles
$5,400 $22,000 $10,000
12 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
25 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
16 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $37,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2007-01-05
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