It's what Louis Pasteur used to kill bacteria in his process now known as pasteurization |
An active sportsman, this revolutionary leader seen here is also an adept ping-pong player |
Fidel Castro
The ides of this month was special; it honored not only Jupiter but the goddess Anna Perenna, too |
The French serve it with vinaigrette; the Germans serve it hot; we make it with great gobs of mayonnaise for picnics |
(Deanna: What is cabbage?)
potato salad
Capt. Roger Healey, Dr. Bellows, Capt. Tony Nelson |
I Dream of Jeannie
This outdoor Hawaiian feast often features a roast pig |
a luau
In 1999 the FDA approved Xenical, a pill that stops the body from absorbing 30% of this that a person eats |
A woman named Butterfly perched for over a year in one of these large Calif. trees to protest logging |
It's a cinch you'll know this toxic metal was used for water pipes |
(Alex: Less than a minute to go.)
It gets its name because it contains the wax, green & kidney types |
three bean salad
Aunt Hilda, Aunt Zelda, Salem the Cat |
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
From the Latin for "castle", it's a French castle or manor house |
Originally used to check for flaws in machine parts, this device was first used on pregnant women in the 1950s |
In Earth's history, this field has flipped over many times switching its north & south poles |
magnetic field
During a siege the Romans might have used an aries, one of these, to break into the enemy's fortifications |
a battering ram
This salad topped with crumbled cheese is named for a restaurateur, not a Detroit Tiger legend |
(Theresa: What is roquefort?)
Cobb salad
Det. John Kelly, Det. Bobby Simone, Det. Danny Sorenson |
Off-the-cuff, without preparation, such as a speech |
This procedure to correct myopia was first performed in Japan in 1955 |
(James: What is laser surgery?)
radial keratotomy
While president of the Royal Society in 1895, this lord remarked "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible" |
Lord Kelvin
Under Julius Caesar there were 900 of these, 9 times as many as Clinton has to deal with |
National name of the tomato-&-feta salad also called horiatiki |
Greek salad
Bobby Donnell, Lindsay Dole, Ellenor Frutt |
The Practice
In 1932 Australia tried to eradicate this large flightless bird by using machine guns -- didn't work |
the emu
Testing this anesthetic on himself, Sir Humphry Davy found it made him dizzy & euphoric |
(Deanna: What is ether?)
nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
Now you know -- borborygmus is the technical term for the noises made by these long organs, not the stomach |
In 20 B.C. the Curatores Viarum was a board set up to manage these |
highways (or roads)
Kitchen personage whose "salad" includes hard-boiled eggs & strips of meat & cheese |
chef salad
Chris Stevens, Maggie O'Connell, Dr. Joel Fleischman |
Northern Exposure
This stubby yellow-green winter pear has a blander taste than most other varieties |