Show #5157 - Tuesday, January 30, 2007


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Cindi Winstead, a homemaker and student from Villa Rica, Georgia

Jon Protas, a photo editor from New York, New York

Robin Parry, a federal attorney from Arlington, Virginia (whose 1-day cash winnings total $24,001)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the president who could say...)
    $200 2
Born around 1162, Temujin, or "Ironworker", must have decided this name would look better for him on Mongol billboards
    $200 12
He was created as a weapon against the Nazis
    $200 19
When G.I. Joe was introduced, he had one of these on his face; today, plastic surgery would take care of it
    $200 14
Dick Cheney
    $200 11
British Army Captain Thomas Preston was tried & acquitted for his part in this 1770 slaughter
    $200 1
He was married twice: once to Dorothy Arnold & once to Marilyn Monroe
    $400 3
In 1275 Marco Polo arrived in Shando, the summer capital of this emperor, & may have seen his stately pleasure dome
    $400 15
This character was enlisted as the first member of the X-Men
    $400 20
In 1903 the American yacht Reliance defended this trophy against the Irish yacht Shamrock III
    $400 25
Robert McNamara
(2 names, please)
    $400 13
Alan Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at this Cambridge, Mass. university
    $400 7
One of the Teletubbies
    $600 4
From 1984: this singing Khan,
"Let me rock you,
Let me rock you...
That's all I wanna do"
    $600 16
Seen here, the hothead of the Fantastic Four goes by this moniker
    $600 21
The U.S. Postal abbreviation for this American territory is "AS"
    $600 26
Caspar Weinberger
    $600 22
The 1950 robbery of this armored car co. came to grief when "Specs" O'Keefe ratted out the rest of the gang
    $600 8
As determined by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, this "clock" has ranged from 11:43 to 11:58
    $800 5
In 1880 this country let Abdor Rahman Khan be Afghanistan's amir in return for control of foreign relations
    $800 17
This alliterative super-villain could also have had a reality show called "The Osborns"
    $800 23
The Kansas Statehouse mural seen here is entitled "The Tragic Prelude" & depicts this pre-Civil War firebrand</td>
    $800 27
Melvin Laird
    $800 29
In 2005 this association chose a Boston lawyer as president--Michael S. Greco, not Denny Crane
    $800 9
A line drawing used as an illustration
    $1000 6
A predecessor of Pervez Musharraf, Mohammad Ayub Khan was president of this country from 1958 to 1969
    $1000 18
Radiation had made this superhero the man he is now
    $1000 24
The Wally Byam Caravan Club International is for owners of this distinctive-looking brand of trailer
    DD: $1,000 28
George C. Marshall
    $1000 30
In 1927 Nicola Sacco & this alleged anarchist accomplice were executed at a Charlestown prison
    $1000 10
(I'm Soledad O'Brien of CNN.) As an African-Cuban-Irish-Australian-American, I've spoken about the importance in our newsrooms & in our society of this, from the Latin for "contrariety"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Robin Jon Cindi
$2,200 $3,600 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Robin Jon Cindi
$2,400 $6,800 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: What do they do? They go out in...)
    $400 6
Their bodies pressed together; there was no choice. After all, they were these conjoined twins born in 1811
    $400 26
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows on the monitor a figure of a right triangle with sides marked "3" and "4" and a hypotenuse marked "C".) According to the theorem made famous by Pythagoras, it's the value of C in the figure seen here
    $400 1
A jiggly dessert molded in the form of a stringed instrument
    $400 21
This 3-headed dog guards a forbidden floor at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books
    $400 11
Born in Sheffield, Gordon Banks was the goalkeeper in 1966 when England won this prestigious prize
    $400 16
Per the Constitution, a U.S. president's term ends at noon on the 20th of this month
    $800 7
Lovers? Oh yes, there was Orlov, Potemkin & Zubov, but 34 years as Russian Empress taught her love came with a price
    $800 27
You live in a 5-story building where there are 3 apts. on each odd floor & 4 on each even floor; this is the total number
    $800 2
Wacky saltwater candy
    $800 22
The unusual behavior of the movie dog Cujo is the result of this disease
    $800 12
Thomas Huxley, who coined this term for a person who's not sure if God exists, died in 1895; now he may know for sure
    $800 17
On this holiday, the U.S. flag flies at half-staff from sunrise to noon & at full staff from noon to sunset
    $1200 8
She'd never sold herself for a piece of jewelry to a Cardinal in 1785! Never for less than 5! She was queen!
    $1200 28
(Jon of the Clue Crew shows on the monitor a diagram of two rectangles, one 7' by 7' and one 7' by 4'.) It's the total number of square feet in this diagram
    $1200 3
A dill treat that is not loyal in its affections
    $1200 23
Bull's-Eye was the vicious pet dog of burglar & murderer Bill Sikes in this Dickens story
    $1200 13
Following the implementation of harsh taxes, Wat Tyler led the 1381 revolt named for this social class
    $1200 18
The Egyptian sun god was known as Khepera at dawn, as Atum in the evening & by this name at noon
    $1600 9
A daughter of the Savannah elite, yes, but now she was 50ish--it was time. She'd found the Girl Scouts... & her destiny
    $1600 29
Each pizza has 8 slices; each party guest will eat 3 slices; if you have 9 pizzas, it's how many guests you can feed
    $1600 4
A toast spread made from a sweet potato-like tuber
    DD: $5,500 24
In Greek mythology, Hecuba was the queen of this doomed city & eventually changed into a fiery-eyed dog
    $1600 14
"Mad dogs & Englishmen go out in the midday sun" is from a song by this man who also wrote plays like "Blithe Spirit"
    DD: $2,000 19
At noon on this date each year, Army posts across the U.S. fire off 50 cannon rounds, one for each state
    $2000 10
Jan. 1, 1660. This Briton entered his first words into the diary. His life, his loves would live here... famous & forever
    $2000 30
If someone gave you 15 dollars a day every day, you'd have this much cash for the month of September
    $2000 5
A tidy reddish root veggie
    $2000 25
M'ling was one of the genetic mutant human-dogs in this "Island" tale from H.G. Wells
    $2000 15
Brit economist John Stuart Mill was a great proponent of this "greatest good for the greatest number" system
    $2000 20
You might visit this city to hear the "Urbi et Orbi" speech in person at noon on Christmas Day

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Robin Jon Cindi
$13,500 $11,600 $21,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

On August 10, 2004, 2 days after her death at the age of 96, the Empire State Building dimmed its lights for 15 minutes in her memory

Final scores:

Robin Jon Cindi
$2 $0 $14,999
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $14,999

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Robin Jon Cindi
$9,600 $12,600 $20,600
17 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
17 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $42,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2006-11-28
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