Show #1103 - Wednesday, May 24, 1989

Rich Lerner game 2.


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Judi Birnberg, a teacher and writer from Sherman Oaks, California

Otis Maxwell, a freelance copywriter originally from Dallas, Texas

Rich Lerner, a lawyer from Silver Spring, Maryland (whose 1-day cash winnings total $9,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The 10 letters refers to the total number of letters in the first and last name of the person.)
    $100 1
This animated family lived at 201 Cobblestone Way in Bedrock
    $100 21
Best Comedy Writing for the 1971-72 season went to "Edith's Problem", an episode of this sitcom
    $100 7
A large "X" separating 2 "R"s in a circular road sign indicates this
    $100 3
Made to hold linens, one can be called bridal, hope or sweetheart
    $100 12
Read his lips; he's the 41st president of the United States
    $200 25
Profession of Bob Fitzsimmons who said, "The bigger they come, the harder they fall"
    $200 2
At night you'll have no trouble spotting this stadium at 1060 W. Addison St., Chicago--it's now lighted
    $200 26
This former producer of "ABC's Wide World of Sports" received the 1st of his 40+ Emmy nominations in 1966
    $200 8
From the Latin "dictus", meaning said, it's a pair of marks placed under words indicating repetition
    $200 15
It's a hassock or stool, as Miss Muffet could tell you
    DD: $1,000 13
The following 1983 song was his last No. 1 hit:

"Put on your red shoes and dance the blues (Let's dance) /
To the song they're playing on the radio..."
    $300 23
Nelson said, "England expects that every man will do" this & died thanking God he did his
    $300 4
Whether travelling by land or sea, don't miss this attraction at 193 Salem St. in Boston
    $300 9
On calculators, the key with this function is symbolized by a diagonal line between 2 small circles
    $300 16
Shojis are translucent screens which originated in this country
    $300 14
1 of 2 Republican senators from Kansas, but Nancy Kassebaum doesn't fit the category
    $400 24
Complete's John Acton's line "Power tends to..."
    $400 5
President Hoover was among those dedicating this NYC building at 350 Fifth Ave. on May 1, 1931
    $400 10
2 of 3 signs of the zodiac whose symbols have horns
    $400 17
French for "chewed paper", this molded paper pulp was used to make Victorian furniture
    $400 19
He plays John on "Dear John"
    $500 22
Napoleon said it's one step away from the sublime
    $500 6
In '48 the Trumans temporarily moved from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to this mansion at number 1651
    $500 11
In sign language, 1 of the 2 letters made by a moving finger
    $500 18
The style named for this 18th c. English queen featured shell carvings & cabriole legs
    $500 20
Great Caesar's ghost! He was Clark Kent's boss

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Rich Otis Judi
$1,800 $0 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Rich Otis Judi
$2,100 $1,300 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
Granddaughter of George III, she became queen after the death of her uncle William IV
    $200 8
In titles, this word precedes "Comes for the Archbishop", "in Venice" & "of a Salesman"
    $200 3
A 1980 Charles Higham book claims that this swashbuckling actor was a spy for the Gestapo
    $200 16
Jimmy Cagney's sister Jeanne played George M. Cohan's sister Josie in this movie classic
    $200 1
Subtract 1 letter from "insane" to get this word which means silly or empty
    $400 22
Cyrus, who conquered the Medes, founded the Achaemenid Empire of this country
    $400 11
Some say this classic Cervantes novel is a veiled attack on the Catholic Church
    $400 4
According to the Book of Numbers, he sent 12 men to spy out the Land of Canaan
    $400 17
In the '30s Dwight Frye played Fritz the Dwarf in "Frankenstein" & Renfield in this horror classic
    $400 2
Wally & the Beaver, or the axlike knives they'd use to cut meat
    $600 24
The Viking Rurik, not Erik the Red, is considered founder of this country which his descendants ruled until 1598
    $600 12
The romantic Greek poem about Chloe & this boy was once considered obscene
    $600 9
This American spy was exchanged for Rudolf Abel on February 10, 1962
    $600 18
Choreographer Twyla Tharp collaborated with this ballet star on his dances for "White Nights"
    $600 23
This 1940 Disney film featured the music of Bach, Beethoven, Stravinsky, Schubert & Mussorgsky
    DD: $1,000 5
The 2 states whose names have 3 vowels & only 1 consonant
    $800 25
After divorcing her 1st husband, Livia Drusilla married this man, the 1st emperor of Rome
    $800 13
We doubt if Moll Flanders would have relished reading his "Journal of the Plague Year"
    $800 10
He wrote an autobiography explaining how he "Led 3 Lives"
    DD: $400 19
His last film was "Nothing in Common"
    $800 6
Body part that's alphabetically 1st in most dictionaries, though it's near your middle
    $1000 26
In 1889 Pedro II called it quits & this S. American land moved toward becoming a republic
    $1000 14
He never finished writing his novel "Netochka Nezvanova" because he was sent to Siberia
    $1000 15
In 1948 this editor of Time magazine identified himself & Alger Hiss as Soviet agents
    $1000 20
Her niece Katharine Houghton played her daughter in "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"
    $1000 7
A Dylan Thomas play, or where you might find "milkwort" in Webster's 3rd Int'l Dictionary

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Rich Otis Judi
$8,300 $2,900 $6,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Linked by the world's 5th longest suspension bridge, it lies in both Europe & Asia

Final scores:

Rich Otis Judi
$12,000 $4,900 $11,998
2-day champion: $21,400 3rd place: Academy Broadway dome tent, nylon sleeping bags, double-wide air mattress, & travel packs 2nd place: Pinseeker custom-made golf clubs & bag + John Deere self-propelled mower

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Rich Otis Judi
$9,700 $3,900 $6,000
25 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $19,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-01-31
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