This animated family lived at 201 Cobblestone Way in Bedrock |
the Flintstones
Best Comedy Writing for the 1971-72 season went to "Edith's Problem", an episode of this sitcom |
All in the Family
A large "X" separating 2 "R"s in a circular road sign indicates this |
a railroad crossing
Made to hold linens, one can be called bridal, hope or sweetheart |
a chest
Read his lips; he's the 41st president of the United States |
(Judi: Who is George Herbert Walker Bush?) (Alex: No. Rich?) (Rich: Who is [*]?) (Alex: Yes.) (Judi: [Resentfully] Oh! You mean I don't get--all right. [Giggles]) (Alex: No, we were a little generous with you a few moments ago, Judi--) (Judi: Okay!) (Alex: --but since the category is 10-LETTER NAMES, and you gave me a whole bunch more than ten--) (Judi: Right.) (Alex: --we cannot give you a correct one on this particular response.)
George Bush
Profession of Bob Fitzsimmons who said, "The bigger they come, the harder they fall" |
At night you'll have no trouble spotting this stadium at 1060 W. Addison St., Chicago--it's now lighted |
(Judi: What is the home of the Chicago Cubs?) (Alex: Home of the Chicago Cubs. Be a little more specific--w'I'll--I'll give it to you.) (Judi: Thanks.) (Alex: It's [*].) (Judi: Right.) (Alex: You got it. We don't have to get too technical.) (Judi: Okay.)
Wrigley Field
This former producer of "ABC's Wide World of Sports" received the 1st of his 40+ Emmy nominations in 1966 |
Roone Arledge
From the Latin "dictus", meaning said, it's a pair of marks placed under words indicating repetition |
ditto marks
It's a hassock or stool, as Miss Muffet could tell you |
a tuffet
The following 1983 song was his last No. 1 hit:
"Put on your red shoes and dance the blues (Let's dance) / To the song they're playing on the radio..." |
(Rich: Who is Rod Stewart?)
David Bowie
Nelson said, "England expects that every man will do" this & died thanking God he did his |
his duty
Whether travelling by land or sea, don't miss this attraction at 193 Salem St. in Boston |
the Old North Church
On calculators, the key with this function is symbolized by a diagonal line between 2 small circles |
Shojis are translucent screens which originated in this country |
1 of 2 Republican senators from Kansas, but Nancy Kassebaum doesn't fit the category |
Robert Dole
Complete's John Acton's line "Power tends to..." |
(Rich: What is corrupt absolutely?) ... (Alex: That is right, and "absolute power corrupts absolutely.")
President Hoover was among those dedicating this NYC building at 350 Fifth Ave. on May 1, 1931 |
the Empire State Building
2 of 3 signs of the zodiac whose symbols have horns |
(2 of) Aries, Taurus, & Capricorn
French for "chewed paper", this molded paper pulp was used to make Victorian furniture |
He plays John on "Dear John" |
Judd Hirsch
Napoleon said it's one step away from the sublime |
the ridiculous
In '48 the Trumans temporarily moved from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to this mansion at number 1651 |
Blair House
In sign language, 1 of the 2 letters made by a moving finger |
J (or Z)
The style named for this 18th c. English queen featured shell carvings & cabriole legs |
Queen Anne
Great Caesar's ghost! He was Clark Kent's boss |
Perry White