Show #4719 - Thursday, February 24, 2005

2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1, game 12.


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Carolyn Cracraft, a grad student at the University of California-Berkeley from Berkeley, California

Tom Nosek, an aerospace engineer from Torrance, California

John Beck, a creative director from Torrance, California

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
A TV host & media personality
    $200 24
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew strolls through Washington Square Park in New York.) Alvy Singer & the title shiksa stroll past Washington Square in this Oscar-winning picture
    $200 4
Of the world's 10 largest islands, 3 belong all or in part to Indonesia: New Guinea, Sumatra, & this one
    $200 30
This prince was president of the exhibition commission
    $200 13
Traditionally, the Turkish type of this is made in a long-handled brass pot called a jezve or ibrik
    $200 29
4-syllable word for someone who can't get enough of Hershey's, Nestle or Cadbury
    $400 21
A baseball player
    $400 23
The Carnegie Deli is the location where several comics remember this dismal failure of a manager in a 1984 movie
    $400 5
This Caribbean nation was named because it reminded Spanish sailors of a province back home in Spain
    $400 28
There were many peepers at this American's reapers
    $400 14
Its distillery is in Lynchburg, Tennessee, population 361
    $400 9
This sauce made from a root is a traditional accompaniment to prime rib
    $600 20
A U.S. Army general & government official
    $600 10
In this film, the bitter artist played by Max von Sydow naturally lives in the artsy area of SoHo
    $600 6
The largest area of flatland on this mountainous island is the Kanto Plain where Tokyo lies
    DD: $1,000 25
The exhibits ranged alphabetically from absynthium to these musical instruments
    $600 15
In a diner, a hot spot isn't a popular nightclub; it's a spot of this hot drink
    $600 1
A pill, or a pad of paper
    $800 19
A minister, politician & civil rights leader
    $800 11
Early in "Manhattan", Woody, Mariel & friends dine at this eatery run by & named for Ms. Kaufman
    $800 7
This 640-square-mile coral island is part of Tanzania
    $800 26
The India exhibit had a stuffed one of these with a howdah on it
    $800 16
The song "Drops Of Jupiter" by Train mentions "The best" one of these espresso drinks "you ever had"
    $800 2
It's the home of Northern Arizona University
    $1000 18
An actor, singer, activist & football All-American
    $1000 12
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew stands in Times Square, New York.) A group of celebrities gaze out on Times Square at the end of this Valentine to '40s broadcasting
    $1000 8
The highest point in this Persian Gulf island nation is 443-foot-high Jabal ad Dukhan
    $1000 27
Chance Brothers supplied the glass for this centerpiece building of the exhibition
    $1000 17
Kumis, first made from mare's milk, is cousin to this yogurt-like liquid originally made from camel's milk
    $1000 3
This coin is the Russian equivalent of a penny

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

John Tom Carolyn
$1,000 $1,800 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Tom Carolyn
$5,800 $3,200 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 27
Housewives desperate for lipstick still call upon the door-to-door cosmetics company named this in 1939
    $400 19
The Dept. of the Navy says over 70 ships & aircraft have vanished in this infamous Atlantic Ocean region
    $400 1
In a process referred to as dactyloscopy, a CSI team uses brushes to apply powder in search of these
    $400 5
He wrote the line, "Why Deerslayer... a man meets with inimies easier than he meets with fri'nds"
    $400 11
Post-WWII conflict between the U.S. & Russia
    $400 25
Now TV's highest-rated daytime soap opera, it was originally to be titled "The Innocent Years"
    $800 28
These appliances introduced by Raytheon in 1947 aid the work of desperate housewives in the kitchen
    $800 21
Rumors of his body being buried near a Giants Stadium end zone led to a Playboy magazine headline, he "Goes Deep"
    $800 2
A microspectrophotometer is used by a CSI team in analyzing these, a word from the Latin for "filament"
    $800 6
"Bartlett's" credits him with "It's the economy, stupid"
    $800 12
A selection of sliced meat for sandwiches
    $800 20
4 of the top 10 shows since 1961 are telecasts of this sporting event in different years
    DD: $1,600 26
This organization was founded by 214-pound housewife Jean Nidetch in the early 1960s
    $1200 22
During WWII this "In The Mood" bandleader's plane went down over the English Channel without a trace
    $1200 3
The TV show "Forensic Files" from this cable network examines crimes from an investigative point of view
    $1200 7
In "The Federalist" he wrote, "A bad cause seldom fails to betray itself"
    $1200 13
Adjective used to describe ruthless killers & ectothermic animals
    $1200 16
His namesake TV show was No. 1 in the ratings for 4 years in a row from 1985 to 1989
    $1600 29
The online home for this magazine designed to help housewives solve their problems is
    $1600 23
Roderick, the last Visigoth king, mysteriously disappeared in 711 & became a subject for this "Waverley" author
    $1600 4
By ID'ing ejector marks & rifling, I.B.I.S. imaging is part of this science of the propulsion of projectiles
    $1600 8
One day in 1765 "The idea came into my mind, that as steam was an elastic body it would rush into a vacuum..."
    $1600 14
A fever blister
    $1600 17
A November 1980 episode of this drama scored a 53.3, the second highest modern rating
    $2000 30
Her popular newspaper columns & books celebrated the trials & tribulations of housewives
    $2000 24
On Aug. 28, 1995 a note on this famous atheist's door said she'd be right back; she was found buried 6 years later
    $2000 10
CSI investigators spray this chemiluminescent compound to reveal traces of blood even on cleaned surfaces
    DD: $2,500 9
A humorist: "Every person carries... the... scar, or the fresh wound, of some harrowing misadventure with a contraption"
    $2000 15
Abrupt withdrawal from addictive drugs
    $2000 18
The eighth & final installment of this miniseries notched a 51.1, third place on the modern list

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Tom Carolyn
$19,000 $9,100 $9,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was the only state in the 1790 census to claim a slave population of zero

Final scores:

John Tom Carolyn
$19,000 $0 $0
Winner: $19,000 + an advance to UToC Round 2 3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

John Tom Carolyn
$18,200 $11,600 $9,200
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
14 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $39,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2005-02-08
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