Show #4121 - Monday, July 1, 2002


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Tom Gould, a software developer from Cambridge, Massachusetts

Judy Anderson, a mortgage banker originally from Savannah, Georgia

Cathy Whitehead, a homemaker from Houston, Texas (whose 1-day cash winnings total $17,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The entire category is about the famous painting.)
(Alex: And in the spirit of '76, we have...)
    $200 1
In the spring and summer, a million bats gather under the Congress Avenue Bridge in this "Lone Star State" capital
    $200 6
Competing establishments called Ray's vie to sell New Yorkers this Italian specialty
    $200 11
"Unchain The Dogs Of War" was a song featured in this March King's operetta "The Bride-Elect"
    $200 14
A cowboy called his knife & spoon "eating irons", & his pistols these "irons"
    $200 26
In 1976 you could reassemble the painting from 3 of these, on sale for 13 cents each
    $200 21
It's a synonym for Bolshevik
    $400 2
This Alabama capital is home to the Civil Rights Memorial, designed by Maya Lin
    $400 7
If you're in this city & in the mood for meat, your choices include Morton's, the Pump Room & Mike Ditka's
    $400 12
In a song from 1930's "Simple Simon", it's the title rate of "A Dance"
    $400 15
Profession of a "sawbones"
    $400 27
The artist, Archibald Willard, didn't serve in the Revolution, but with the 86th Ohio Volunteers in this war
    $400 22
The largest living animal on earth has this color in its name
    $600 3
The growth of this capital was stimulated by the discovery of the Comstock Lode
    $600 8
This chain serves Friday's Fajitas on Saturday, Sunday & Monday too-- it's one of their trademarks
    $600 13
The 1910 musical "Hans the Flute Player" was inspired by this legend
    $600 18
Borrowed from Spanish, this word means "right now, quickly"; it can follow "vamoose"
    $600 28
An early version is in a diplomatic reception room at this cabinet department's headquarters
    $600 23
The one that's not a label of Johnnie Walker
    DD: $400 4
Appropriately, this capital built a full-scale replica of the Santa Maria in 1991
    $800 9
Alitoto's in San Francisco is credited with inventing cioppino, this type of stew
    $800 16
With song like "And So He Died" & "A Cup Of Tea", 1950's "Happy as Larry"starred this man, later a penguin on TV
    $800 19
A "barking squirrel" was this varmint
    $800 29
Hugh Mosher was the model for the man blowing on this & his family still has the instrument
    $800 24
It's the color of the flag that stops an auto race before the finish
    $1000 5
It's the only "burg" that's a state capital
    $1000 10
Chapter One is a restaurant housed in this world capital's Writers Museum off Parnell Square
    $1000 17
Producer George White's show called these "of 1925" included the song "Beware Of The Girl With A Fan"
    $1000 20
This term for a newcomer was first applied to imported cattle, unaccustomed to walking long distances
    $1000 30
Appropriately, the painting first gained wide notice in this 1876 exhibition in Philadelphia
    $1000 25
It's the only one in the title of an Oscar-winning song

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Cathy Judy Tom
$800 $4,800 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Cathy Judy Tom
$4,800 $7,600 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: This is a reference to the Mediterranean, not medical stuff.)
    $400 5
He wrote, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate"
    $400 8
(Cheryl gives the clue from the National Air and Space Museum.) This is the actual Mercury spacecraft, Friendship 7, in which he orbited the Earth February 20, 1962
    $400 13
For our 30th I splurged & got you this 1971 Janis Joplin album on original vinyl
    $400 1
The Mafia crops up twice in the Encarta article on this largest Mediterranean island
    $400 22
At 964 yards, the seventh at the Satsuki golf course in Sano, Japan hold this record
    $400 21
It may be found above a Polish Z, or in World Wide Web addresses
    $800 6
Work that contains the line "I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life!"
    $800 9
This Hungarian actress once remarked, "I never hated a man enough to give him his diamonds back"
    $800 16
I bet you didn't expect 50 hours of episodes of this Bea Arthur-Rue McClanahan series for our 50th anniversary
    $800 2
Genoa's ceding of this island to France in 1768 made Napoleon (born there in 1769) French
    $800 27
Red Rock, one of these, a Brahma-Hereford mix, bucked off a record 312 riders
    $800 23
When typing in Microsoft Word, ctrl-alt-shift-? will do this to the question mark, as in Spanish
    $1200 7
It's uncertain whether his "On His Blindness" referred to his physical affliction or doubts about his poetic talent
    $1200 10
It was the Buddha's family name
    $1200 17
For our fifth anniversary I got you an autographed photo of this first wife of Robert Wagner
    $1200 3
The statue seen here was found on this island in the Aegean, an "arm" of the Mediterranean
    $1200 28
The most points in an NBA game, the most points & most complete games played in an NBA season-- this guy
    DD: $2,000 24
The name of this U.S. state can be spelled with an okina, or glottal stop
    DD: $2,000 14
In John Donne's "Holy Sonnets", it precedes "though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so"
    $1600 11
This existential Frenchman's plays include "The Maids" & "The Balcony"
    $1600 18
Forgot our 14th? Tusk...Tusk... How about a trip to this French-speaking neighbor of Liberia
    $1600 4
The Emperor Tiberius lived on this island at the entrance to the Bay of Naples
    $1600 29
Having won a total of 20 titles, this American-born woman is queen of Wimbledon
    $1600 25
(Cheryl gives the clue in front of a chalkboard.) In French, là with this accent means "there"; la without it means "the"
    $2000 15
Last name of brother & sister poets Dante Gabriel & Christina Georgina, both of whom wrote sonnets
    $2000 12
She was the first woman to lead the world's largest democracy
    $2000 19
For our 20th, how about a cruise to this body of water between Vietnam & the Philippines
    $2000 20
From 1530 to 1798 the Knights Hospitalers had control of this island, now a republic including Gozo & Comino
    $2000 30
In 1993 Tyler Farstad did 97 consecutive double-leg circles on this gym apparatus
    $2000 26
The circumflex in the French words hôtel & hôpital signifies that this letter once followed the O

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Cathy Judy Tom
$7,200 $17,200 $12,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Parts of "I Pagliacci" & "Il trovatore" are performed in this 1935 comedy

Final scores:

Cathy Judy Tom
$14,400 $25,201 $10,700
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $25,201 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Cathy Judy Tom
$7,200 $19,600 $11,800
16 R,
5 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $38,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2002-02-27
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