Show #3474 - Thursday, October 14, 1999


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David Waters, a public information officer from Portland, Oregon

Jennifer O'Brien, a professor from Lake Forest, Illinois

Robin Jacobsen, a teacher of global studies from Farmingdale, New York (whose 2-day cash winnings total $9,500)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll tell you what the creature is and you tell us what kind of creature it is.)
    $100 6
He's buried in Westminster Abbey even though he's most famous for his "Canterbury Tales"
    $100 26
Derived from a Portuguese guitar called a machete, it was introduced into Hawaii in the late 19th century
    $100 1
An ad line for this 1998 film read, "On June 19 Take Your Greatest Fear and Multiply it By X"
    $100 11
When this breaks, "The cradle will fall, and down will come baby, cradle and all"
    $100 14
A smelt
    $100 19
Common in Roman architecture, this term for a row of arches now often means a place to play video games
    $200 7
Caesar's lieutenant in Gaul, he was miffed that Caesar made Octavian his heir & not him
    $200 27
The Highland version of this instrument has 2 tenor drones & a bass drone
    $200 2
(Hi, I'm Steve Harris of The Practice.) I played detective Briggs in the 1999 movie revival of this television series featuring youthful undercover cops
    $200 12
    $200 15
    $200 20
They're non-retractable & well-developed in the grizzly & delicious with coffee for breakfast
    $300 8
He showed that by planting peanuts & soybeans you could restore the nitrogen in the soil that growing cotton took out
    $300 28
This piano ancestor is named for its similarity to another instrument whose strings are also plucked
    $300 3
Mel, James & Jodie brought this little screen western to the big screen in 1994
    $300 13
This bone is "connected to the hipbone"
    $300 18
    $300 21
Hungarian-born Andrew Grove rose "inside" this computer chip company & made it dominant today
    DD: $400 9
After WWII Enrico Fermi moved back to this city to teach at its university
    $400 29
A type of flute with 6 finger holes, its main modern use is in drum corps & military bands
    $400 4
Kenny gets killed early on in the 1999 film based on this series
    $400 16
At 112 square miles, Queens is the largest of these administrative areas of New York City
    $400 24
Brown recluse
    $400 22
Daisy Ashford's novel "The Young Visiters", written when she was 9, had a preface by this "Peter Pan" author
    $500 10
In 1848 he took 85 men, 2 cannons & 800 muskets from South America to Italy; how did he get through customs?
    $500 30
Toy instrument played by Paul McCartney on Ringo Starr's 1974 hit "You're Sixteen"
    $500 5
Cloris Leachman played Granny in the 1993 big screen version of this TV classic
    $500 17
An old prospector, or the type of bread he might eat
    $500 25
    $500 23
Its symbol is Sn & it's used in plating cans & in toothpaste

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Robin Jennifer David
$500 $0 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Robin Jennifer David
$1,200 $1,300 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The TV show.)
    $200 9
Among the Greek city-states, it was the only one that had a standing army
    $200 15
These 2 men were the longtime pickin' & grinnin' hosts of the show
    $200 16
In a parable, this character aids a man wounded by thieves & pays for his recovery
    $200 6
Honshu, this country's largest island, is home to about 80% of its population
    $200 1
Found unsuitable for Mormon audiences, her smash hit "Physical" was banned for a time from Utah radio
    $200 19
Carter's body-shaking dances
    $400 10
In 490 B.C. Pheidippides ran the 25 miles from this battle site to Athens with news of victory over the Persians
    $400 27
This man elected U.S. president in 1988 once declared that "Hee Haw" was his favorite show
    $400 17
After Pharaoh put him in charge of Egypt, he gathered so much corn he lost track of how much he had
    $400 7
Iran's main crude oil terminal is on Kharg Island in this gulf
    $400 2
An edition of this children's story was banned in 1989 because it depicted a girl bringing alcohol to her granny
    $400 20
Zachary's swabbies
    $600 11
This seat of the most celebrated oracle of ancient Greece was considered the center of the universe
    $600 28
On "Hee Haw", he was the man who was often asked, "What's for supper?"
    $600 18
He cast a "legion" of demons from a madman & put an end to his howling & raging
    $600 8
Let's calypso on down to this island's Icacos Point, the southernmost point in the West Indies
    DD: $700 3
This Mark Twain work was fourth on the list of "The Most Frequently Banned Books in the 1990s"
    $600 23
Truman's fencing moves
    $800 12
In 594 B.C. this Athenian statesman drew up a code of law
    $800 29
A regular on "Hee Haw", George Lindsey played this "nutty" character on "Mayberry, RFD"
    $800 21
Jonah was angry when this Assyrian city he prophesied against wasn't destroyed
    $800 14
The Pacific country called the Federated States of this includes many of the Caroline Islands
    $800 4
Because of its portrayal of the Jewish character Shylock, this play was banned in Michigan in 1980
    $800 24
Washington's metal workshops
    $1000 13
The name of this ancient mountain pass on Greece's east coast means "hot gates"
    $1000 30
Don Harron was awarded the Order of Canada for playing a reporter at this "Hee Haw" radio station
    $1000 26
After Adam & Eve were expelled from Eden, this type of angel, not seraphim, made sure they stayed out
    $1000 22
The Cathedral of Notre Dame stands on this island in the middle of the Seine
    $1000 5
This Daniel Defoe work about a lusty 17th century wench has often been banned from U.S. mails
    DD: $2,000 25
Ulysses' formicidae

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Robin Jennifer David
$2,300 $3,300 $6,700
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Told you it wasn't about Hee Haw!)
The title of this women's magazine that turned 60 in 1999 used to end with "of Hollywood"

Final scores:

Robin Jennifer David
$0 $1 $6,610
3rd place: Polaroid Photomax Digital Camera Creative Kit 2nd place: Zenith 36" Stereo TV & DirecTV Satellite System New champion: $6,610

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Robin Jennifer David
$4,600 $3,300 $6,700
12 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
14 R,
4 W
21 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $14,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1999-07-28
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