Show #3797 - Tuesday, February 20, 2001


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Gary Laing, a musician from Spokane, Washington

Mary Beth Jones, an attorney from Bowie, Maryland

Mark Stacy, a newspaper copy editor from Morgantown, West Virginia (whose 4-day cash winnings total $18,500)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: How appropriate!)
(Alex: Black Entertainment Television.)
    $100 2
Feb. 4, 1929:
Carrying mail from Miami to Belize, this famed aviator inaugurates air mail service to Central America
    $100 12
Most cultivated varieties of this fruit, whether Fuji or Rome Beauty, come from one species of tree
    $100 26
"Lift Every Voice" is a BET program dedicated to this type of music
    $100 11
On Halloween one of her fan clubs hosts a "Gathering of the Coven" party in New Orleans
    $100 16
These Eskimo homes can be constructed of sod &amp; stone as well as snow
    $100 1
Aerial combat between planes
    $200 3
Feb. 10, 1846:
This religious group begins its exodus to the American west
    $200 13
This tree seen here is in full bloom:
    $200 27
BET's annual Walk of Fame Gala raises big money for this fund abbreviated UNCF
    $200 14
Thanks to Oprah, her 1970 novel "The Bluest Eye" was a bestseller in 2000
    $200 17
Covered with skins, it's a traditional Eskimo boat for 1 or 2 people
    $200 4
To be here is to be in great disfavor or trouble
    $300 8
Feb. 26, 1980:
For the first time these 2 Mideast countries exchange ambassadors
    $300 21
It's Ohio's state tree
    DD: $400 28
In a 1992 exclusive, BET aired this ex-mayor's first interview since his imprisonment
    $300 15
She uses her initials because it was feared that boys might avoid books written by a Joanne Kathleen
    $300 18
A source for nutrition, clothing & oil, this is the Eskimos' staple winter food & most valuable resource
    $300 5
A swimming stroke often used by beginners
    $400 9
Feb. 1, 1790:
John Jay presides over the first meeting of this body
    $400 22
This poplar drops tufts of airy fiber that look similar to those of another plant
    $400 29
This innovative keyboardist with an alliterative name hosts "Future Wave" on "BET On Jazz"
    $400 23
This "Scruples" author dishes the dirt on herself in "Sex and Shopping: Confessions of A Nice Jewish Girl"
    $400 19
Home to many Eskimos, this large island is also known as Kalaallit Nunaat
    $400 6
Someone expected to lose a contest or struggle
    $500 10
Feb. 23, 1633:
This future English diarist &amp; secretary to the admiralty makes his first "entry"
    $500 25
The flower seen here comes from this type of evergreen tree:
    $500 30
In 2000 this star of his own TV "show" starred in the movie "Bait" &amp; hosted BET's 20th anniversary gala
    $500 24
Her best-known novel, "Agnes Grey" was published in 1847
    $500 20
The name of these waterproof Eskimo boots comes from a native word in part meaning "bearded"
    $500 7
Crudely fashioned verse, often of a humorous nature

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mark Mary Beth Gary
$1,600 $1,700 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Mary Beth Gary
$2,700 $3,000 -$300

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Aren't they all?)
(Alex: All of the clues are from today's puzzle in The New York Times. I'll give you the clue; keep in mind the correct response will begin with the letter "S", and I'll also tell you how many letters.)
    $200 14
Portuguese for "beautiful", it's a city in northern Argentina, &amp; also an old name for Taiwan
    $200 13
Dule Hill, seen here, plays the president's personal aide on this series:
    $200 8
Henry Ford once said you could buy a Model T in any color as long as it was this
    $200 18
Herod orders his guards to crush her to death with shields (Maybe she should have stopped at 6 veils...)
    $200 1
This Constitutional amendment mentions "The right of the people peaceably to assemble"
    $200 6
23 across:
    $400 15
Based in San Jose, Corbana is the national banana corporation of this Central American country
    $400 16
Thomas Cavanagh finds out that law &amp; bowling are up his alley in this heartwarming NBC series
    $400 9
In other news... a stowaway from Tahiti recently survived a death-defying airline flight to L.A. while hiding here
    $400 19
Of eating an enchanted frog, a poisonous plant, or too much cheese, it's what kills the heroine of "Lakme"
    $400 2
Amendment that covers "The right of the people to keep and bear arms"
    $400 7
58 down:
    DD: $500 26
The Jacques Cartier Bridge spans this river
    $600 23
(Hello, I'm Greg Proops.) I once performed my own version of this 1939 film for Radio Scotland; I played all the parts, even the winged monkeys
    $600 17
An aircraft that can take off & touch down on water or land is called this, like a class of animals
    $600 20
In the last act of "La Juive", Rachel is thrown into a vat of this boiling substance
    $600 3
The Seventh Amendment guarantees "The right of trial by" this
    $600 10
24 across:
Berth place
    $800 24
In a 1996 film, Denzel Washington tried to find out if Meg Ryan had this title quality
    $800 21
2 princesses die of thirst after being stuck inside citrus fruits in "The Love for Three" of these fruits
    DD: $700 4
The 23rd Amendment ensures you can vote for president if you live here
    $800 11
18 down:
Math groups
    $1000 25
You could say Dan Aykroyd's role as this director in "Chaplin" was the "Keystone" of the film
    $1000 22
The old believers immolate themselves on a funeral pyre in "Khovanschina" by the composer of "Boris Godunov"
    $1000 5
In Amendment 15, the right to vote can't be denied "On account of" these 2 things "or previous condition of servitude"
    $1000 12
23 down:
Homo sapiens, for example

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Mary Beth Gary
$3,300 $7,300 $2,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of 3 presidents who took their oaths of office in New York state

Final scores:

Mark Mary Beth Gary
$2,100 $7,000 $0
2nd place: a trip to Amsterdam courtesy of New champion: $7,000 3rd place: gift certificate

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mark Mary Beth Gary
$3,300 $7,700 $2,300
12 R,
1 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $13,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2000-11-15
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