Show #3887 - Tuesday, June 26, 2001

Lan Djang game 5.


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Scott Candage, an internet sports columnist from Fall River, Massachusetts

David Lichtman, a graduate business student from New York City, New York

Lan Djang, a business analyst from Toronto, Ontario (whose 4-day cash winnings total $40,300)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you some stock symbols, you name the industry the companies are to be found in.)
    $100 25
This state consists of 132 islands, but 124 of them have a combined area of only 3 square miles
    $100 12
    $100 5
In 1959 physicist Lyman Briggs determined that this pitch really does what its name says
    $100 15
In the U.S. People magazine is published in English & this
    $100 1
This relative is une tante
    $200 26
4 New York counties lie on this island, including Kings & Queens
    $200 19
    $200 6
It's the basic off-speed pitch, thrown at a slow speed to disrupt the batter's timing
    $200 16
Seen in over 890,000 U.S. hotel rooms, it's the No. 1-distributed news network
    $200 2
Dans le mois d'aout (August), we complain about "l'humidite, non pas la chaleur", chaleur meaning this
    DD: $1,000 24
Attu in this group is the westernmost island of the 50 states
    $300 23
(Hi, I'm Martha Stewart, and I have a tip for you.) After New Year's put any leftover champagne in an open jar & in a few weeks you'll have this salad dressing ingredient
    $300 13
    $300 7
This basic pitch is also the name of the group with the 1998 hit "The Way"
    $300 14
HBO's sister channel, it shows over 1,600 films a year
    $300 3
To figure out what "tete" means, use your tete
    $400 27
The U.S. acquired Baker Island through an act of Congress named for this type of manure
    $400 21
Martha says these make wonderful houseplants including the rabbit's foot & maidenhair varieties
    $400 11
    $400 9
The name of this ground-ball-inducing pitch is also slang for a doughnut
    $400 17
This company with its Navigator Internet browser was bought by AOL in 1999
    $400 4
It's un parapluie; literally, "against the rain"
    $500 28
This Texas island was named for Spanish priest Nicolas Balli who founded a cattle ranch there around 1800
    $500 22
Add fragrance to your linen closet with sachets & help keep moths away with blocks of this wood
    $500 20
    $500 10
This pitch, which Hall of Famer Christy Mathewson called the fadeaway, is a type of '30s movie comedy
    $500 18
Dikembe Mutombo no longer works for AOL Time Warner since this NBA team traded him in 2001
    $500 8
Cagney showed disdain for Mae Clarke with this, un pamplemousse

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Lan David Scott
$1,100 $1,300 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lan David Scott
$2,700 $1,600 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 8
Snakes come equipped with a special tooth named for this & used to break out of it
    $200 16
Imitate or mimic
    $200 3
To get a few good men to chow down on, they lured sailors to their shores with their music
    $200 21
T.S. Eliot knocked this Shakespearean tragedy with King Claudius, saying it was "certainly an artistic failure"
    $200 26
Surrendering at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865
    $200 1
Lyrically, "The devil went down to" this state, "lookin' for a soul to steal"
    $400 10
In 1992 scientists found ripples in the CBR, cosmic background this, whose existence supports the Big Bang theory
    $400 17
Squirm out of, as an obligation
    $400 5
Poseidon helped this city build the walls it took a wooden horse to breach
    $400 22
This 1977 film was "as exciting as last year's weather reports"; guess the Force wasn't with that critic
    $400 27
Hitting home run No. 715 in Atlanta on April 8, 1974
    $400 2
It's the carnivorous marsupial seen here
    $600 13
Several centuries after the Chinese used negative numbers, people in India came up with the concept of this number
    $600 18
Nag or pester persistently
    $600 9
Some say Atalanta sailed as part of this crew; others say that Jason talked her out of going
    $600 23
Tom Shales said the difference between this ex-"Live" host's Xmas special & a 24-hour flu was 23 hours
    $600 28
Going to No. 1 on the pop charts in 1973 with "Superstition"
    $600 4
It's a person who argues an unpopular cause for the sake of argument
    DD: $1,500 14
The books in Libbie Hyman's 6-volume study of these have spines; by definition, the creatures in them don't
    $800 19
Gloat, boast or exult
    $800 11
Rome's capitol building was consecrated to this chief god
    $800 24
Newsweek said this Gregory Peck horror film with young Damien was "the latest serving of deviled ham"
    $800 29
Standing on top of Mount Everest on May 29, 1953
    $800 6
Jerry Lewis was the devil himself in this Broadway revival about baseball star Joe Hardy
    $1000 15
7 years after Darwin published his natural selection theory, this man published his laws of genetics
    $1000 20
Support or carry, as weight or responsibility
    DD: $2,000 12
(Hi, I'm Kevin Sorbo of Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda.) According to Greek mythology, Andromeda is both a great-grandparent of & a sister-in-law of this mighty hero
    $1000 25
"...No trace of imagination, good taste or ingenuity", The New Yorker said of this '39 film set in Kansas
    $1000 7
A servant of the devil shows an apprentice the art of capturing souls in his "Screwtape Letters"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lan David Scott
$8,300 $4,800 $5,300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A statue of her, seated on a bench in Liverpool, is dedicated "to All the lonely people"

Final scores:

Lan David Scott
$10,800 $9,500 $8,301
5-day champion: $51,100 2nd place: a trip to Wyndham Palace Resort & Spa, Walt Disney World, Orlando 3rd place: gift certificate

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Lan David Scott
$6,600 $4,800 $6,800
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
12 R,
3 W
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $18,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2001-03-06
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