Show #3877 - Tuesday, June 12, 2001

Mark Eckard game 3.


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Mike Zwick, an attorney from Grand Rapids, Michigan

Jeff DeVries, a media affadavit specialist from Los Angeles, California

Mark Eckard, a software engineer from Bedford, Massachusetts (whose 2-day cash winnings total $27,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 26
Ruins of this run from Bo Hai, a gulf of the Yellow Sea, to the Gansu province in the west
    $100 21
Merv Griffin presented the Beverly Hilton's 10 millionth guest with a Cartier pen to sign this
    $100 13
"Historia de Dos Ciudades"
    $100 6
In 2000 he ditched that weird symbol, so now he's the Artist Formerly Known as the Artist Formerly Known as this
    $100 11
Blend mayonnaise, vinegar & sugar, then add shredded green & red cabbage to make this
    $100 1
Able or likely to catch fire & burn
    $200 27
This former crown colony is partly on the southeast coast of China & partly on over 200 islands
    $200 22
It's what "DND" stands for, as when Semisonic sings, "DND, now they'll leave us alone..."
    $200 14
"La Maquina del Tiempo"
    $200 7
Marshall Mathers is the real name of the rapper who performs using this 1-word nickname
    $200 12
To make this, combine butter, brown sugar & corn syrup & pour over popcorn
    $200 2
In 1927 he deadpanned his way through the silent classic "The General"
    $300 28
The Hainan province has this type of climate, hence the coconut trees & pineapple plants
    $300 23
The Alabama Board of Health says hotel room glasses must be washed, rinsed & this, "For Your Protection"
    $300 15
"El Jorobado de Nuestra Senora de Paris"
    $300 8
These "boys" go by the names King Ad-Rock, Mike D & MCA
    $300 18
The main difference between recipes for white cake & yellow cake is the addition of these
    $300 3
It was a pad used in a pre-20th century skirt to fill out the back
    $400 29
The 3 Gorges Dam, over 1 mile long, is being built to control the flooding of this river
    $400 24
A mint placed here is a traditional sign you're in a high-class establishment
    DD: $1,200 16
    $400 9
Dick Clark's wife noticed that Ernest Evans looked like a teenage Fats Domino, hence this stage name
    $400 19
This popular pigeon that may be broiled, grilled or roasted is farm-raised & hasn't yet learned how to fly
    $400 4
Strong, healthy & hardy in constitution
    $500 30
Only 5% of this desert's 500,000 square miles is covered with sand dunes
    $500 25
Type of hotel accommodation in the name of the chain symbolized here:
    $500 17
"Viaje al Centro de la Tierra"
    $500 10
Riley is the first name of this guitarist whose stage initials stand for "Blues Boy"
    $500 20
There are 3 types of pork ribs you can barbecue: spareribs, country-style ribs & these, which include riblets
    $500 5
An attempt to stop legislation from being passed by making long speeches

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mark Jeff Mike
$2,000 $1,200 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Jeff Mike
$4,600 $3,800 $500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the quote, you identify the film)
(Alex: Each response will begin with "F-U-L".)
    $200 18
The Royal Ballet's Kenneth MacMillan choreographed a 1966 film starring Nureyev & Fonteyn as these lovers from Shakespeare
    $200 1
"If you build it, he will come"
    $200 26
    $200 16
You could also call this "great" king Charles I
    $200 6
Laura Lee Hope wrote a series of books about two different sets of these fictional twins
    $200 8
A mirror that shows the whole body
    $400 22
Choreographer Rudolf von Laban developed a widely used system of this, seen here
    $400 2
"Blast this Christmas music! It's joyful and triumphant"
    $400 27
Orange blossom
    $400 17
The 18th of his name, he became king after the defeat of Napoleon
    $400 7
When the Washington Senators Major League Baseball team relocated in 1961, they became this team
    $400 11
It's the complete illumination of Earth's natural satellite
    $600 23
Nijinsky, Massine & Wigman all jumped at the chance to choreograph this 1913 Stravinsky work
    $600 3
"Kid, the next time I say let's go someplace like Bolivia, let's go someplace like Bolivia"
    $600 28
    $600 19
Called "The Fair", this son of Philip III forced the selection of his own pope & also suppressed the Templars
    $600 9
In Greek mythology, Helen of Troy was the sister of these twins
    $600 12
An offensive football player who lines up behind the quarterback
    $800 24
The "Contraction & Release" method was associated with this great female choreographer who died in 1991
    $800 4
"Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night"
    DD: $2,500 29
Golden poppy
    $800 20
At his death in 1715, he'd served 72 years as French king, longer than any monarch in European history
    $800 10
First names of the famous Siamese twins of the 19th century
    $800 13
The achievement of something desired
    $1000 25
This Danish-born male dancer was groomed as Balanchine's heir at the New York City Ballet
    DD: $1,700 5
"We're supposed to be in color!"
    $1000 30
    $1000 21
He married Catherine de Medicis in 1533 at age 13 & became king of France in 1547 at age 27
    $1000 14
The story of these gangster twin brothers seen here was made into a movie in England in 1990
    $1000 15
Arkansas senator from 1945 to 1974, he sponsored a program of international educational exchanges

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Jeff Mike
$12,500 $4,800 $5,200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Members of this family received a 1952 Pulitzer Prize, a 1954 Nobel & a 1979 Oscar nomination

Final scores:

Mark Jeff Mike
$10,500 $100 $2,950
3-day champion: $38,300 3rd place: Samsung Digital Camera Package 2nd place: Trip to Doubletree Alana Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mark Jeff Mike
$10,800 $4,000 $4,500
29 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2001-02-27
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