It's the celestial object on which you'd find Tycho, Oceanus Procellarum & Mare Imbrium |
Nominated for Best Actor for "Good Morning, Vietnam", he won for support in "Good Will Hunting" |
Robin Williams
This longtime senator who became VP in 1965 went back to the Senate in 1970 after losing a presidential bid |
(Carl: Who was Goldwater?)
Hubert Humphrey
B.C. (British Columbia) beauties include this actress & sometime wife of Tommy Lee |
Pamela Anderson
The Austrian city where Mozart died |
AAMOF equals "As a matter of" this |
Charles Darwin wrote, "The voyage of" this ship "has been by far the most important event in my life" |
The Beagle
Mister Robards won for "Julia"; he won for "Mister Roberts" |
(Bridget: Who was Jason Robards?)
Jack Lemmon
A senator during most of the 1790s, he came out of the election of 1800 as vice president |
Aaron Burr
B.C. (Before Christ) beauties include this woman who married King David 1 verse after mourning her previous husband |
The Austrian city where he was born |
If you're feeling smiley, send HAND, "Have" this |
A Nice Day
Zacharias Janssen is said to have invented the compound this by placing convex lenses at both ends of a tube |
He served up a Best Supporting Actor performance in "Arthur" |
Sir John Gielgud
He resigned as vice president in 1832 (a first!) & was named a senator by South Carolina |
John C. Calhoun
Seen here, this actress of stage, screen & tube is a native of Ozone Park, New York |
Bernadette Peters
"Planetary" nickname of Mozart's Symphony No. 41 in C Major |
"Jupiter Symphony"
You can sign off with TTFN, this "for now" |
Ta Ta
This plant-eating dinosaur's name, which means "cover lizard", refers to the triangular plates along its back |
Kevin Kline "caught" a 1988 supporting Oscar for his role in this comedy |
A Fish Called Wanda
As of 2000 he was the oldest senator turned vice president still alive |
Walter Mondale
The bird seen here, or the first name of actress Cates |
Title of the familiar Mozart piece heard here |
Eine kleine Nachtmusik
The suggestion RTM means "read" this |
(Bridget: What is this message?)
the manual
This brownish-black pigment gives the iris in the eye its color |
(Alex: Minute to go.)
In the '70s he was in his 70s when he "earned" an Oscar as Professor Kingsfield in "The Paper Chase" |
John Houseman
Years after Charles Fairbanks in 1905, he was the next Indianan to go from the Senate to the vice presidency |
Dan Quayle
In 2000 you could see all 6' 3" of this volleyball player & Coppertone model in the pages of Playboy |
Gabrielle Reece
Composer whose name completes the title of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "Mozart and..." |
(Carl: Who was Beethoven?)
Some advice comes with IANAL, "I am not" this professional |
A Lawyer