Show #3864 - Thursday, May 24, 2001


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Carl Brownell, a high school teacher from Evanston, Illinois

Bridget Derbyshire, a high school English teacher from Meraux, Louisiana

Ken Beckrich, a consultant from Lawton, Michigan (whose 1-day cash winnings total $11,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to name the sport.)
    $100 1
This one's about a wannabe Scottish king & his wife, right, & he kills King Duncan... is Connery available?
    $100 17
This stuff is the basis of tartar sauce as well as thousand island & many cole slaw dressings
    $100 7
Downhill & slalom
    $100 22
Number of stars on the flag of Syria, or number of fingers in a peace sign
    $100 9
A current queen, she's Prince Philip's wife
    $100 6
It's a feature that distinguishes something from other things
    $200 2
2 young lovers, families keep 'em apart -- it'd be a teen flick but we won't shoot in Verona; too expensive
    $200 27
The cartoon seen here is on the label of Paul Newman's dressing for this salad:

"Don't dilute us, Brutus..."
    $200 8
100-meter butterfly & 100-meter freestyle
    $200 23
To guess this number of stars on the flag of Somalia, close your eyes & think of Texas
    $200 10
She's the powerful & passionate queen of ancient times depicted here
    $200 18
Ex-wife of Mick
    $300 3
So this king is crying about his kingdom for a horse &... oh, you already made it in '55 with Olivier? Nuts!
    $300 28
This national-named dressing often made with ketchup is found in deli sandwiches
    $300 14
10,000 meters & javelin
    $300 24
Hey! Gimme this number of stars on the flag of Singapore or the Solomon Islands
    $300 11
This queen's marriage to Ferdinand in 1469 brought about the unification of Spain
    $300 19
Literally it means "Praise ye the Lord" in Hebrew
    $400 4
Okay, this military guy marries a younger woman named Desdemona -- now the ending's sad, but that means Oscar!
    $400 29
Type of oil used to make traditional Italian dressing
    $400 15
Individual epee & individual foil
    $400 25
Tuvalu's flag has this many stars, enough to fill the Hollywood Squares
    DD: $500 12
This queen was the mother of France's Louis XVII
    $400 20
This actor first gained attention as a likable geek in "Sixteen Candles"
    $500 5
"Battle of the sexes" story, Katharina vs. Petruchio; she's tough but love wins out... it's a blockbuster!
    $500 30
Classic French dressing also has this 1-word name, from a key ingredient
    $500 16
Trap & skeet
    $500 26
It's the greatest number of stars found on a national flag
    $500 13
The Australian state of Queensland was named for her
    $500 21
It's a false perception when no external stimulus exists

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Ken Bridget Carl
$1,100 $1,900 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Bridget Carl
$1,900 $3,600 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Chat room abbreviation category.)
    $200 24
It's the celestial object on which you'd find Tycho, Oceanus Procellarum & Mare Imbrium
    $200 2
Nominated for Best Actor for "Good Morning, Vietnam", he won for support in "Good Will Hunting"
    $200 12
This longtime senator who became VP in 1965 went back to the Senate in 1970 after losing a presidential bid
    $200 19
B.C. (British Columbia) beauties include this actress & sometime wife of Tommy Lee
    $200 1
The Austrian city where Mozart died
    $200 16
AAMOF equals "As a matter of" this
    $400 21
Charles Darwin wrote, "The voyage of" this ship "has been by far the most important event in my life"
    $400 3
Mister Robards won for "Julia"; he won for "Mister Roberts"
    $400 13
A senator during most of the 1790s, he came out of the election of 1800 as vice president
    $400 25
B.C. (Before Christ) beauties include this woman who married King David 1 verse after mourning her previous husband
    $400 4
The Austrian city where he was born
    $400 17
If you're feeling smiley, send HAND, "Have" this
    $600 20
Zacharias Janssen is said to have invented the compound this by placing convex lenses at both ends of a tube
    $600 6
He served up a Best Supporting Actor performance in "Arthur"
    $600 10
He resigned as vice president in 1832 (a first!) & was named a senator by South Carolina
    $600 27
Seen here, this actress of stage, screen & tube is a native of Ozone Park, New York
    $600 5
"Planetary" nickname of Mozart's Symphony No. 41 in C Major
    $600 18
You can sign off with TTFN, this "for now"
    DD: $1,000 22
This plant-eating dinosaur's name, which means "cover lizard", refers to the triangular plates along its back
    $800 7
Kevin Kline "caught" a 1988 supporting Oscar for his role in this comedy
    $800 14
As of 2000 he was the oldest senator turned vice president still alive
    $800 28
The bird seen here, or the first name of actress Cates
    $800 9
Title of the familiar Mozart piece heard here
    $800 26
The suggestion RTM means "read" this
    $1000 23
This brownish-black pigment gives the iris in the eye its color
    $1000 8
In the '70s he was in his 70s when he "earned" an Oscar as Professor Kingsfield in "The Paper Chase"
    $1000 15
Years after Charles Fairbanks in 1905, he was the next Indianan to go from the Senate to the vice presidency
    $1000 29
In 2000 you could see all 6' 3" of this volleyball player & Coppertone model in the pages of Playboy
    DD: $1,500 11
Composer whose name completes the title of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "Mozart and..."
    $1000 30
Some advice comes with IANAL, "I am not" this professional

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Bridget Carl
$7,300 $7,200 $2,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

General John Stark coined this 4-word motto about the 1777 Battle of Bennington, in which he led 1,400 N.H. volunteers

Final scores:

Ken Bridget Carl
$199 $1,000 $3,000
3rd place: Ducane 2004SS Gas Grill 2nd place: Trip to Edinburgh, Scotland courtesy of New champion: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ken Bridget Carl
$7,100 $7,100 $3,500
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
9 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2001-02-14
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