Show #3856 - Monday, May 14, 2001


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Carl Podraza, a chemist from Changewater, New Jersey

Lauren Pasquarella, a doctoral student from Gainesville, Florida

Travis Brazil, a waiter and actor from North Hollywood, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $4,399)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to tell us what kind of critter)
    $100 1
In one of its official languages, this nation of 1 billion is known as Bharat
    $100 26
    $100 7
Proverbially, to indicate one's candidacy is to throw one's hat here
    $100 6
It's what the child seen here is making
    $100 16
Some say Arafat was born in Jerusalem in 1929; others, in Gaza; still others, in this capital of Egypt
    $100 21
Term for the sharp increase of birthrate in the U.S. after World War II
    $200 2
The darkest area seen here, this Scandinavian nation is the fourth-largest country in Europe
    $200 27
Pepe Le Pew
    $200 8
An officeholder during the interval before a successor takes over is known as one of these limping birds
    $200 9
A Hasbro machine made them in the '70s, & you can make them yourself using juice concentrate
    $200 17
It's "The Loneliest Number" of nights Arafat will reportedly sleep in a house before moving on
    $200 22
Site where 1 of the 7 wonders of the ancient world "hung around"
    $300 3
Almost twice the size of the U.S., it's the largest member of the C.I.S.
    $300 28
Pinky & the Brain
    $300 10
From the Latin for "to be away", this type of ballot is a vote cast by mail, not at a polling place
    $300 11
In December 1968 Philadelphia Eagles fans pelted this usually-beloved personage with snowballs
    $300 18
In 1969 Arafat was named chairman of the PLO, which stands for this
    $300 23
This 1963 song was the Ronettes' biggest hit
    $400 4
It borders every country on its continent but Ecuador & Chile
    $400 29
Quick Draw McGraw
    $400 14
Term for the speech at a convention that sets the tone & outlines the main issues
    $400 12
At the 1939 World's Fair, the Carrier Corp. demonstrated A/C in an imitation one of these domed dwellings
    DD: $700 19
Arafat & this Likud leader signed a 1997 accord on Israeli troop withdrawal from most of the city of Hebron
    $400 24
So called from its delicate odor, it's a tall plant with many small white or pink flowers
    $500 5
Principal mountain ranges in this large country include the Kunlun, the Tian Shan & the Trans-Himalaya
    $500 30
PBS' Arthur
    $500 15
From the Latin for "grow together", it's an alliance of different groups for a specific cause
    $500 13
Skiers know this 6-letter term for fresh, loose unpacked snow
    $500 20
In the '50s Arafat worked in an engineering firm in this country, the invasion of which triggered the Gulf War
    $500 25
This 1991 U2 album featuring "Mysterious Ways" caught our attention

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Travis Lauren Carl
$1,800 $300 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Travis Lauren Carl
$3,100 $1,700 $2,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
This private Utah university is controlled by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    $200 19
Daucus carota
    $200 6
"Voyages to Vinland" begins with this lucky guy getting baptized
    $200 1
Benecio del Toro plays troubled cop Javier Rodriguez in the 2000 film tale of America's war on drugs
    $200 26
Like Abe Lincoln, 19th century VP Adlai Stevenson was born in Kentucky but was a congressman from this state
    $200 11
Current actress Barrymore says "I Do" with Bugs' voice Mel & becomes...
    $400 15
In 1695 the Christopher Wren Building was built on this Virginia school's campus; classes are still held in it
    $400 20
Solanum tuberosum
    $400 7
This Englishman's 1577-1580 trip around the world wasn't mentioned in Hakluyt's 1589 book on English voyages
    $400 2
In 1996 Sean Connery was the voice of Draco, the last of these creatures
    $400 27
1 of the 2 19th century VPs named John C.; both were partisans of the South
    $400 12
Ms. Farrow might be sorry if she makes it legal with "I Spy" actor Robert & becomes...
    $600 16
On May 17, 1987 pranksters from this Pasadena school changed the Hollywood sign to the name of the school
    $600 21
Capsicum annuum
    DD: $1,500 8
By his account, he reached the New World's mainland 14 months before Columbus; that's why we're not in Columbia
    $600 3
In 1981 Wallace Shawn came prepared to eat in "My Dinner With" this man
    $600 30
We were going to save this 1870s VP for a "Starts With 'Colf'" category, but here goes
    $600 13
If the corn-rowed star of "10" married English diarist Samuel, she'd make an entry as...
    $800 17
This state university of New Jersey was founded by the Dutch Reformed Church as Queen's College in 1766
    $800 22
Zea mays
    $800 9
This Tarrytown, N.Y. author's cross-country trip was the source for his 1835 book "A Tour on the Prairies"
    DD: $1,000 4
This 1992 Denzel Washington film is reportedly the first & only non-documentary film allowed to be made in Mecca
    $800 29
Richard Johnson was elected with the slogan "Rumpsey Dumpsey Colonel Johnson Killed" this Shawnee leader
    $800 24
If bubbly Ms. Hawn reaches a "Human Understanding" with British philosopher John, she'd become...
    $1000 18
The Statler Inn at this Ithaca, N.Y. school was built as a "teaching hotel" for its school of hotel administration
    $1000 23
Phaseolus limensis
    $1000 10
In the 5th century B.C. he added a great description of the land of Egypt to his great history work
    $1000 5
(Hi, I'm Nathan Lane.) My movie with Robin Williams, "The Birdcage", is an English language version of this film
    $1000 28
In 1848 future VP Henry Wilson helped form this party opposed to extending slavery to new territory
    $1000 25
Ivanka's mom, the former Mrs. Trump, makes it legal with '70s chief justice Warren & becomes...

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Travis Lauren Carl
$3,700 $10,000 $8,300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This man commanded the last organized military force to invade the lower 48 states

Final scores:

Travis Lauren Carl
$7,400 $3,000 $6,599
2-day champion: $11,799 3rd place: Samsung Digital Camera Package 2nd place: Trip to Paris courtesy of

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Travis Lauren Carl
$3,700 $9,100 $8,800
17 R,
1 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $21,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2001-02-13
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