Show #2944 - Thursday, May 22, 1997

1997 College Championship final game 1.


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Craig Barker, a freshman from the University of Michigan

Steven Bevier, a senior from Michigan State University

Mark Urciuolo, a sophomore from Marist College

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You're going to love that!)
    $100 1
Found near the Orange River in 1867, these gems started a rush to southern Africa
    $100 7
If you're in a coed school, you should know coed is short for this 13-letter word
    $100 3
Downhill is the most popular form of this sport, but many prefer cross-country
    $100 16
The safflower is widely cultivated for its dye, & for this product obtained from its seeds
    $100 21
Truthful, like Abe Lincoln
    $100 22
This animal "Jumps Over Moon; Scientists Amazed; Dog Laughs"
    $200 2
This American composer was known for his plantation melodies like "My Old Kentucky Home"
    $200 8
"Familial" term for the septet of schools also called the Seven Colleges Conference
    $200 10
Mike Piazza's new $15 million contract with this L.A. team makes him the highest-paid baseball catcher
    $200 17
Rather than by birds or bees, coniferous trees are dependent on this for pollination
    $200 27
This adjective turns a "shave" into a narrow escape
    $200 23
"School Invaded By Lamb"; this "Student Held Responsible"
    $300 4
In August 1807 this steamboat made the NYC to Albany round trip on the Hudson in 62 hours
    $300 9
Collective term for all the pupils enrolled at a college -- not just the one with the best pecs
    $300 11
In 1997 this Greek-American won his second Australian Open title
    $300 18
Instead of bones, a shark's skeleton is made up of this material
    $300 28
It's the adjective in the title of Letterman's TV show
    $300 24
"Fiddlers Three Now Appearing In" his "Court"
    DD: $500 5
Stirred by the French Revolution, the Belgians declared their independence from this country
    $400 14
The Key Reporter is a magazine published for members of this academic honor society
    $400 12
In 1997 this commentator & former Bears coach was named head coach of the New Orleans Saints
    $400 19
The heaviest rainfall comes from this type of cloud, also called a thunderhead
    $400 29
It describes a feature found on the back of an animal, like the fin on a dolphin
    $400 25
He "Breaks Crown In Tumble Down Hill"
    $500 6
He offered his Red Shirts no pay; just "Hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death"
    $500 15
From the Latin for "racecourse", it's the entire aggregate of courses offered by a college
    $500 13
This American cyclist who retired in 1994 was the first non-European to win the Tour de France
    $500 20
Whelks & periwinkles are marine varieties of this gastropod
    $500 30
Something Mauritanian comes from Mauritania & something Mauritian is from this island country
    $500 26
This girl "Missing After Arachnid Scare"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Mark Steven Craig
$800 $1,300 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Steven Craig
$2,900 $1,300 $2,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
The Tatar Strait separates Sakhalin Island & Siberia in this country
    $200 3
In 1977 Quebec passed a law forcing immigrants to educate their children in this language
    $200 26
Around 1914 the Gulf Oil Company became the first to give away these free guides to travelers
    $200 12
In the 1970s this oceanographer produced 40 one-hour TV shows while traveling the world aboard the Calypso
    $200 21
In this practice, heat or electricity may be applied to the skin in addition to needles
    $200 1
"I'm Not Really Here" really is the title of this "Home Improvement" star's new book
    $400 13
In Korean this South Korean capital's name means "capital"
    $400 7
In 1996 this country's new rulers, the Taliban, forced Kabul's women to cover up from head to toe
    $400 27
Construction & maintenance costs of this New York waterway were defrayed by tolls until 1882
    $400 17
This Spaniard who conquered Mexico previously had been mayor of Santiago, Cuba
    $400 22
In 1975 Herbert Benson described the "relaxation response" evoked by TM, which stands for this
    $400 2
It's the title of Ellen Fein & Sherrie Schneider's book on capturing Mr. Right
    $600 14
The base of this Sicilian volcano is about 100 miles in circumference
    $600 8
The Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959 extended this 1947 act's restrictions on unions
    $600 28
In the south Pacific an outrigger type of this craft has a framework for stability
    $600 18
In 1005 this Norseman's brother Thorvald was killed by Indians, perhaps in what is now Labrador
    $600 23
D.D. Palmer, the inventor of this therapy, performed his first adjustment in 1895
    $600 4
Born in 1920, this outspoken ABC newsman made the bestseller lists with "Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion"
    $800 15
This river is only navigable for about 80 miles, from Lisbon to Abrantes, Portugal
    $800 9
In 1996 Clinton & Dole argued about the 1993 act with these 2 types of "leave" in its name
    $800 29
In Japan this high-speed train shuttles passengers between cities at over 150 miles per hour
    $800 19
Some say it was Daytona Beach where, in April 1513, he first claimed land for Spain on the U.S. mainland
    DD: $1,500 24
Panax, the genus name of this Chinese root, is derived from the word "panacea"
    $800 5
Novelist Barbara Kingsolver's new book of essays is entitled "High Tide In" this second-largest Arizona city
    DD: $1,700 16
The Neman River, Lithuania's longest, begins in Belarus & empties into this sea
    $1000 10
A law requiring disclosure of sex offenders' whereabouts is called this, after a murdered girl
    $1000 30
This trade union includes chauffeurs, warehousemen & helpers
    $1000 20
In 1904 this Norwegian discovered that the magnetic poles were not fixed positions
    $1000 25
This holistic approach to stress reduction involves monitoring involuntary body functions
    $1000 6
This "Circle Of Friends" author had a Christmas 1996 bestseller with "This Year It Will Be Different"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Steven Craig
$5,000 $2,700 $8,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Like his grandmother, Mary, Queen of Scots, this king was beheaded

Final scores:

Mark Steven Craig
$2,500 $0 $5,500

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Mark Steven Craig
$6,400 $2,700 $7,300
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
1 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $16,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1997-02-26
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