The Confederates destroyed this ironclad May 11, 1862 in Norfolk Harbor so it wouldn't be captured |
the Merrimack
One of these doesn't make sense, it makes just a cent |
Shakespeare's Antonio, a merchant of this city, borrowed 3,000 ducats from Shylock |
In 1997 the Dakotas were declared disaster areas as the cold hit -80 degrees including this factor |
Wind chill factor
To cook this ballpark treat, put it in a bun, wrap it in a paper towel & microwave it for 30 seconds |
Hot dog
Subject of the first Schoolhouse Rock, it "is a magic number" |
(Eric: What is 1?)
Not everyone in the Confederacy did this April 9, 1865; Stand Watie & his Native American troops did it June 23 |
An old synonym for an overseas telegram, today it brings HBO & USA to your home |
Panama's currency is named for this explorer who discovered the Pacific Ocean there |
Hot Springs, South Dakota has one of North America's largest graveyards of these prehistoric elephants |
(Steven: What are mastodons?)
Betty Crocker sells this snack food under the name Pop Secret |
Microwave popcorn
Song explaining the function of "and, but, and or" |
"Conjunction Junction"
Sherman said of this general, he "stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk" |
Ulysses S. Grant
It's the crosshatched paper used in math class |
Name shared by the basic monetary unit of Madagascar, Mali & Monaco |
A "Little" river & a "Big Muddy" river with this name flow through both states |
Baking these russets in a regular oven can take 45-60 minutes, but the microwave can cook them in 5 |
Merv Griffin's trumpet player Jack Sheldon sang this classic on how a law is made in Washington, D.C. |
"I'm Just A Bill"
He once wrote his daughter, "Traveler is my only companion; I may say my only pleasure" |
(Alex: He was referring to his horse.)
Robert E. Lee
Alone, it's an aquarium fish; with coddle, it means to indulge excessively |
1996 Nobel Prizes carried monetary awards of 7.4 million in this country's currency, the krona |
Much of the Dakotas was once dominated by the Lakota & Nakota branches of this Indian tribe |
Dishes made of this type of material can damage a microwave & shouldn't be used |
(Steven: What is tinfoil?) (Alex: Tinfoil, [*]; yeah, we'll accept that.)
Subject of the song that includes the following:
"(Ow!) They're generally set apart from a sentence / By an exclamation point / Or by a comma when the feeling's not as strong (Mmmm...)" |
(Steven: What is punctuation?) (Alex: You had to be very specific on this one.)
Alexander Stephens called this boss "weak and vacillating, petulant, peevish, obstinate" |
(Alex: Alexander Stephens was the vice-president of the Confederacy.)
Jefferson Davis
A full-court move in basketball, or the Fourth Estate |
100 centimos make up one unit of this Spanish currency |
Now a North Dakota city, this junction of 2 rivers was called "Les Grandes Fourches" by French traders |
Grand Forks
This brand of microwaveable dinners makes Lean Cuisine |
"Burnin' fuel and usin' steam they generate..." this, this |
Electricity, electricity