Show #2938 - Wednesday, May 14, 1997

1997 College Championship quarterfinal game 3.


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Eric Slack, a freshman from Purdue University

Andrea Riquier, a junior from Boston University

Steven Bevier, a senior from Michigan State University

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
The Confederates destroyed this ironclad May 11, 1862 in Norfolk Harbor so it wouldn't be captured
    $100 6
One of these doesn't make sense, it makes just a cent
    $100 17
Shakespeare's Antonio, a merchant of this city, borrowed 3,000 ducats from Shylock
    $100 11
In 1997 the Dakotas were declared disaster areas as the cold hit -80 degrees including this factor
    $100 13
To cook this ballpark treat, put it in a bun, wrap it in a paper towel & microwave it for 30 seconds
    $100 24
Subject of the first Schoolhouse Rock, it "is a magic number"
    $200 2
Not everyone in the Confederacy did this April 9, 1865; Stand Watie & his Native American troops did it June 23
    $200 7
An old synonym for an overseas telegram, today it brings HBO & USA to your home
    $200 18
Panama's currency is named for this explorer who discovered the Pacific Ocean there
    $200 12
Hot Springs, South Dakota has one of North America's largest graveyards of these prehistoric elephants
    $200 22
Betty Crocker sells this snack food under the name Pop Secret
    $200 27
Song explaining the function of "and, but, and or"
    $300 3
Sherman said of this general, he "stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk"
    $300 8
It's the crosshatched paper used in math class
    $300 19
Name shared by the basic monetary unit of Madagascar, Mali & Monaco
    $300 14
A "Little" river & a "Big Muddy" river with this name flow through both states
    $300 23
Baking these russets in a regular oven can take 45-60 minutes, but the microwave can cook them in 5
    $300 28
Merv Griffin's trumpet player Jack Sheldon sang this classic on how a law is made in Washington, D.C.
    $400 4
He once wrote his daughter, "Traveler is my only companion; I may say my only pleasure"
    $400 9
Alone, it's an aquarium fish; with coddle, it means to indulge excessively
    $400 20
1996 Nobel Prizes carried monetary awards of 7.4 million in this country's currency, the krona
    $400 15
Much of the Dakotas was once dominated by the Lakota & Nakota branches of this Indian tribe
    $400 25
Dishes made of this type of material can damage a microwave & shouldn't be used
    DD: $600 29
Subject of the song that includes the following:

They're generally set apart from a sentence /
By an exclamation point /
Or by a comma when the feeling's not as strong (Mmmm...)"
    $500 5
Alexander Stephens called this boss "weak and vacillating, petulant, peevish, obstinate"
    $500 10
A full-court move in basketball, or the Fourth Estate
    $500 21
100 centimos make up one unit of this Spanish currency
    $500 16
Now a North Dakota city, this junction of 2 rivers was called "Les Grandes Fourches" by French traders
    $500 26
This brand of microwaveable dinners makes Lean Cuisine
    $500 30
"Burnin' fuel and usin' steam they generate..."
this, this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Steven Andrea Eric
$800 $1,200 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steven Andrea Eric
$1,500 $2,700 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
This VP headed a bureaucracy-trimming effort called the National Performance Review
    $200 6
St. Margaret's Chapel, the oldest surviving building in this Scottish city, may date back to the 11th century
    $200 1
In a 1996 animated film from Mike Judge, these crude buddies from MTV "Do America"
    $200 26
This pair of bean-shaped organs filter some 50 gallons of blood each day
    $200 21
The Washington Times was founded in 1982 as a conservative alternative to this newspaper
    $200 8
This author of "The Brothers Karamazov" never finished his novel "Netochka Nezvanova"
    $400 17
In August 1996 Clinton signed a bill reforming this system but vowed to correct some of its provisions
    $400 7
This legislative capital is nicknamed the "Mother City of South Africa"
    $400 2
"I Was A Teenage Teenager" was one of the working titles for this 1995 comedy starring Alicia Silverstone
    $400 27
They're any of the bones that form the spinal column
    $400 22
The name of Vatican City's newspaper L'Osservatore Romano means "The Roman" this
    $400 10
In 1941 she wrote "Little Town on the Prairie"
    $600 18
In September 1994 Clinton dispatched troops to this Caribbean nation
    $600 9
The Biblioteca Nacional in this capital of Chile is one of South America's largest libraries
    $600 3
Eddie Murphy played a "Beverly Hills Cop" & this SNL alumnus plays a "Beverly Hills Ninja"
    $600 28
Running down the back of the thigh, it's the body's longest & thickest nerve
    $600 23
This Midwestern city's Sunday Journal is produced by striking workers from its News & Free Press
    $600 11
This wonderful author of Oz sometimes wrote books for boys under the pen name Captain Hugh Fitzgerald
    DD: $1,500 19
Name given to the national youth service program created in 1993
    $800 14
The Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum in this city displays Franz Liszt's gold baton & St. Stephen's crown
    $800 4
John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis & Kevin Kline of "Fierce Creatures" also starred in this 1988 comedy
    $800 29
These disc-shaped blood cells are also called thrombocytes
    $800 24
This "Weekly" journal of TV, movies, & music was named 1995's best magazine with circulation over one million
    $800 12
This scandal that struck the Harding administration inspired Upton Sinclair's novel "Oil!"
    $1000 20
Congress ratified NAFTA in November 1993 & this "General Agreement" on world commerce a year later
    $1000 15
Ilya Chavchavadze Boulevard in this capital of Georgia is named for a Georgian poet
    $1000 5
Andrew McCarthy & Jonathan Silverman's dead boss gets around in this 1989 comedy & its sequel
    $1000 30
Because they excrete fluid outside the body, sweat glands are classified as this type of gland
    $1000 25
"Final Analysis" is a column found in the magazine of this field "Today"
    DD: $1,000 13
The first line of a Jane Austen novel tells us this heroine is "handsome, clever, and rich"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steven Andrea Eric
$8,200 $5,500 $5,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Think science!)
More than 95% of all known compounds contain this element

Final scores:

Steven Andrea Eric
$11,700 $7,000 $9,300
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated 2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Steven Andrea Eric
$8,100 $5,500 $5,800
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
1 W
16 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1997-02-25
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